The crime rate in New York


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Yesterday, 21:02
Mar 30, 2012
Trump claims the the Crime Rate in New York is so high that no one has seen it this high, Which is an absolute lie. The crime rate in New York is down by 80% from 20 years ago. Thats from Donald "tell it like I want it to be" Trump, He is drifting further and further from reality.
Cherry picking dates! One can also state that prior to 1608 there was probably no crime in New Amsterdam (prior to it being settled as an unincorporated settlement). So how about this, Bragg characterizes some felonies as misdemeanors and even refuses to prosecute some misdemeanors, but when it came to Trump he went the other way. That is hypocrisy.
Perhaps the crime rate is down 80% because the prosecutors change the rules so that most people get their crimes reduced to misdemeanours. That is unless you are Trump and it is the other way around, where your misdemeanour gets elevated to a federal crime.

Look what happened in California where they said they would not prosecute if the shop theft was below $800 in value. There ya go, keeps the crime figures down! But it does not keep the crime down, it does the opposite. Crime goes up, figures go down!
Here are official number from the Stae of New York. Note the term "Historic Low."

Here are official number from the Stae of New York. Note the term "Historic Low."
Once again, you are cherry picking start and end dates in a pompous attempt to denigrate Trump. Seems like one can call that the falsification of data based on the Bragg's bogus claim that Trump falsified data. Moreover, your data neglects the time period between 2020 and 2024 where Biden's/Bragg's soft on crime and redefinition of crime may show an explosion in crime should the data be normalized.

You do not specify the time period that Trump is referencing. You are manipulating Trump's remark in a detrimental manner to make him look bad. Trump was probably referring to 2024 data. You neglect to mention the 2024 crime rate as the comparison. (that has been normalized to compare it to the chart you provided). Seems that you are infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and have to inappropriately twist the data to falsely make Trump look bad.
Trump claims the the Crime Rate in New York is so high that no one has seen it this high,
Once again, you are cherry picking start and end dates in a pompous attempt to denigrate Trump. Seems like one can call that the falsification of data based on the Bragg's bogus claim that Trump falsified data. Moreover, your data neglects the time period between 2020 and 2024 where Biden's/Bragg's soft on crime and redefinition of crime may show an explosion in crime should the data be normalized.

You do not specify the time period that Trump is referencing. You are manipulating Trump's remark in a detrimental manner to make him look bad. Trump was probably referring to 2024 data. You neglect to mention the 2024 crime rate as the comparison. (that has been normalized to compare it to the chart you provided). Seems that you are infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and have to inappropriately twist the data to f
Here are the stats for 2024.


alsely make Trump look bad.
Trump claims the the Crime Rate in New York is so high that no one has seen it this high, Which is an absolute lie. The crime rate in New York is down by 80% from 20 years ago. Thats from Donald "tell it like I want it to be" Trump, He is drifting further and further from reality.

September 21, 2019

Reporter: “Have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings?”

Joe Biden: “I’ve never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”
Biden denies speaking to his son about his overseas business dealings, yet he was with his son flying to China where he is doing millions in business deals, on speakerphone calls at board meetings with Hunter in Ukraine, and having multiple meals with various Hunter business associates. Do you believe his denial?

Biden keeps saying no one is above the law. But what about his own classified documents case? It appears he is above the law on that one, while Trump gets nailed.
Maybe Trump used liberal math, like the math used to determine if a biological man can get pregnant. Or the kind of math used when you put covid patients in with old patients who don't have covid. Or it just opinion designed to make liberals heads explode, is it working jpl458?
Biden denies speaking to his son about his overseas business dealings, yet he was with his son flying to China where he is doing millions in business deals, on speakerphone calls at board meetings with Hunter in Ukraine, and having multiple meals with various Hunter business associates. Do you believe his denial?

Biden keeps saying no one is above the law. But what about his own classified documents case? It appears he is above the law on that one, while Trump gets nailed.
I am sure you realize the Biden, as President can pardon his son, who is charged with a federal crime. Why hasen't he done it yet? I am guessing that he will use all his contacts in the deep state to pressure the jury, and the judge, and the prosecuter to let Hunter off. Is that how it's goin to work? Trump just claimed in an interview that he could have had Hillary locked up because he was President. How would he do that, with no evidence, no indictment, no grand jury, no trial. "I could have locked her up but I didn't because Blah blah."
Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up. Live by the sword...
Here's the contrast. Trump never used the power of the state to persecute/lock-up Hillary yet Democrats use the power of the state to do that to Trump. Democrats zealously use the power of the state to take-out their opponents. The ends justify the means. Democrats are the threat to democracy.
Here's the contrast. Trump never used the power of the state to persecute/lock-up Hillary yet Democrats use the power of the state to do that to Trump. Democrats zealously use the power of the state to take-out their opponents. The ends justify the means. Democrats are the threat to democracy.
That is a false equivalency. What law did Hillary break? She was cleard of the email thing. How exactly would/could Trump use the power of the state? Did you not learn about the separation of powers in the government. In case you missed that part, the president is not a King. Joe could step in and pardon Hunter, but he hasen't.
I am sure you realize the Biden, as President can pardon his son, who is charged with a federal crime. Why hasen't he done it yet? I am guessing that he will use all his contacts in the deep state to pressure the jury, and the judge, and the prosecuter to let Hunter off. Is that how it's goin to work? Trump just claimed in an interview that he could have had Hillary locked up because he was President. How would he do that, with no evidence, no indictment, no grand jury, no trial. "I could have locked her up but I didn't because Blah blah."
He won't pardon his son yet because of the optics. When he bangs on about no one is above the law, it wouldn't look good if he then pardons a Biden. However, if his son gets convicted and Biden has won a second term, I would put money on him pardoning his son ASAP. "I am a father first, a president second. I love my son. I pardon him." Off mic: "Did he get the cash from China yet?"

When you say no evidence regarding Hillary, is that because she deleted it all?
That is a false equivalency. What law did Hillary break? She was cleard of the email thing. How exactly would/could Trump use the power of the state? Did you not learn about the separation of powers in the government. In case you missed that part, the president is not a King. Joe could step in and pardon Hunter, but he hasen't.
Hillary broke numerous laws, like mishandling of classified documents. But the Trump hating Comey decided not to charge her. I wonder why. The clue is in the sentence. 🤔

She also lied to congress about it, which is a federal crime. Don't believe me? Here is Comey under questioning saying she lied:

P.S. Come over to the dark side. :D
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Here are the stats for 2024.
So, you think that the government doesn't lie to you? Technically, I guess it isn't a lie if they simply don't track crimes that they are not going to prosecute. Then there's the "why waste my time" effect that keeps people from reporting crimes that they know the police are not going to investigate. In Seattle, instead of prosecuting the people who deface your building with graffiti (even when you have video), they prosecute the building owner if he doesn't clean up the mess in a timely manner.

If you want to see how the government lies to you, find some of the FDA and CDC directives from early 2020 where they instructed hospitals and doctors to assign COVID as a cause of death if the person could have been infected. So, you have people dying of a car accident or a fall being recorded as a COVID death. Hospitals and doctors went along with the directive because a COVID "death" came with more money. Why do you think the death count was as high as it was? It had to be to confirm the narrative and allow the government to ruin businesses and lives. The states are slowly fixing that now because they realize that the directive was political and corrupted the actual statistics which are truly important for recording public health over time. Turns out that COVID was no worse than a bad flu. It did impact specific groups of people (the elderly and infirm) who we could have protected better. Instead, they shut down schools and harmed an entire generation of children.

If you live close enough to visit Manhattan or San Francisco, how do you feel about walking the streets and taking the subway?

Why do you think the President is responsible for crime? Does he control police funding? Does he control the prosecutors? We can certainly blame Biden though -- he's the one who insists on an open border - thereby breaking actual laws HIMSELF - where he actively, knowingly allows criminals free entry into the US. Trump did his best to stop the influx of illegal aliens. Only a President who acts against the public interest as Biden has done should be blamed for the results of his overt actions.
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This topic has been discussed becore on the forums. There has been a divergence between official FBI figures of crime, and in-person interviews of recorded crime. The FBI figures remained broadly the same, but the in-person interviews went up considerably. Theories around the reasons include the whole defunding the police movement, where people have less trust in the police. Consequently, they report less of the crimes.
Trump claims the the Crime Rate in New York is so high that no one has seen it this high, Which is an absolute lie. The crime rate in New York is down by 80% from 20 years ago. Thats from Donald "tell it like I want it to be" Trump, He is drifting further and further from reality.
As I've said before what matters isn't just the crime rate it's what types of crimes are happening where. If the crime in a city is all confined to a certain part known to be bad people don't tend to care that much when it starts to bleed into all the other parts and affect tourism in the main city square that's a whole nother thing. People are feeling what they are feeling about crimes because the nature of it is changing. Whether you want to admit it or not is another story
Donald "tell it like I want it to be" Trump
I like that one. It's almost as good as Donny Von Shitzenpants, as memorialized in the trial transcript of the first president to be convicted of a felony. One for the history books.

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