Associated Press

I guess we can move on since Gaetz elected to remove himself from contention. I'm sorry but most likely he decided that he would end up as a lightening rod if Trump managed to appoint him and the attacks would never and and that would keep him from accomplishing his mission. Sorry Matt but thanks.

PS to @Thales750 You might want to review what went down on the View yesterday. The host that accused Gaetz of criminal acts was required to walk back her statements and to actually tell the audience the truth of the accusations which is of course that there was no truth to them and the original case was dismissed with no charges YEARS ago. That means that the host of the View (and other talking heads suffering from TDS) were knowingly LYING to you.

The first question you should ask yourself is - WHY do they lie to you? And the second is - WHY do you blindly accept as gospel truth any negative accusation against Trump or one of his supporters? Please, look inside yourself. Why are you drinking every drop of cool aid that they poor down your willing throat? Human nature being what it is, I understand that it is always easier to believe negative accusations against people we disagree with or don't like than accusations against people we like. Why can't you stand up like a man and admit you've been duped and then direct your anger at the people doing the duping? You know, the people spreading the actual propaganda;)
That's what happens when you put the Fox in Charge of the Hen House. We are just seeing the beginnings of Fascista Americana.
That's what happens when you put the Fox in Charge of the Hen House. We are just seeing the beginnings of Fascista Americana.
Explain how you believe "We are just seeing the beginnings of Fascista Americana." Trump did not use lawfare to target his political appointments. The Democrats openly generated lies and used some agencies of the federal government (FBI for one) to cripple the Trump administration.

The Biden/Harris administration for the past four years has implemented a Stalinist style government to take Trump out of the political process. The Biden/Harris administration has circumvented or ignored the law. They have imported millions of illegal immigrants. Expect the Democrats to hypocritically claim that deporting the illegal immigrants (that they unlawfully helped to enter this country) is unlawful. Democrats have threatened the public by proposing the implementation of an Orwellian style Ministry of Truth to censor free speech under assertions of "hate speech" and/or "disinformation". Evidence continues to emerge and accumulate that the 2020 election was "rigged" by the Democrats.
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We are just seeing the beginnings of Fascista Americana.
I guess that makes sense. You've had your head where the sun doesn't shine for the past 8 years so how would you see what an actual fascist government looks like. Trump never used lawfare against his enemies. He never went after Hillary even though Hillary eventually got charged during Biden's administration for her crimes associated with the Steele dossier. Too bad you are incapable of distinguishing between an actual crime and a made up crime. Lying under oath is an actual crime. Providing an estimate of a property value that someone else thinks is too high is not a crime. It is simply an opinion. Actually it is two opinions that diverge. Last I heard, we didn't charge people with violating someone else's "opinion" although, that could easily be a crime in the version of 1984 we are living through.

I love the fact that you can't even admit that the hosts of the View were forced to publicly admit to their lies. At least they weren't required to apologize. Only tell the truth instead of the lie they've been spreading.
That's what happens when you put the Fox in Charge of the Hen House. We are just seeing the beginnings of Fascista Americana.

I like how successful people who have employed the concept of personal responsibility in their own lives are considered now "fascist".
With libs it is all about terminology ... they HAVE to invent a new word or redefine a word every few weeks to keep up with their creative theories.

I.E. racist means something other than what it used to, fascist, democracy, equity, equality, ___-justice, "transgender" and its host of terms, etc
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Man I hope they keep this up for another four years it's such a winning message. 😁(y)

Much like how we got Woke to be a negative connotation, if they keep preaching that we are fascist (because we believe in personal responsibility and results) the time 2028 comes along, people will be using it in a positive connotation. like as in "hey, if this is fascism, it's pretty great!"
That's what happens when you put the Fox in Charge of the Hen House. We are just seeing the beginnings of Fascista Americana.

I bet you love Rage Against the Machine :)

I do too actually, though I disagree with their politics
Much like how we got Woke to be a negative connotation, if they keep preaching that we are fascist (because we believe in personal responsibility and results) the time 2028 comes along, people will be using it in a positive connotation. like as in "hey, if this is fascism, it's pretty great!"
On November 5th the American public spoke, they firmly rejected the Nazis, Fascist rethoric spewing from the left. Sadly @Thales750 hasn't received the message, it's like when V'Ger severed the link in Star Trek
Much like how we got Woke to be a negative connotation, if they keep preaching that we are fascist (because we believe in personal responsibility and results) the time 2028 comes along, people will be using it in a positive connotation. like as in "hey, if this is fascism, it's pretty great!"
That's exactly how worked in 1936.
That's exactly how worked in 1936.
Except in this case, you can't explain why it's fascism or even what "fascism" means. Slight difference
All you know is it's the Left's latest wordsmithing that you're supposed to throw around early and often.
On November 5th the American public spoke, they firmly rejected the Nazis, Fascist rethoric spewing from the left. Sadly @Thales750 hasn't received the message, it's like when V'Ger severed the link in Star Trek
They firmly embraced the fascist lie that the inflation was caused by Biden. As Trumpland proves to be the big lie, he'll back be down to only hisworshiping core once again.
I already have many times. You just can't listen.

Similarly, fascism as an ideology is also hard to define. Originally, it referred to a totalitarian political movement linked with corporatism which existed in Italy from 1922 to 1943 under the leadership of Benito Mussolini. Many scholars use the word "fascism" without capitalization in a more general sense to refer to an ideology (or group of ideologies) that has been influential in many countries at various times. For this purpose, they have sought to identify what Roger Griffin calls a "fascist minimum" — that is, the minimum conditions a movement must meet in order to be considered fascist.<a href=""><span>[</span>4<span>]</span></a>

The apocalyptic and millenarian aspects of fascism have often been subjected to study

....sounds like exactly what I'm saying. Use it early and often in a pejorative context, hoping it will mean something to someone while having no idea what you yourself mean by it!
....sounds like exactly what I'm saying. Use it early and often in a pejorative context, hoping it will mean something to someone while having no idea what you yourself mean by it!
I've read that before.

Trump putting people from political news organization into key government positions is an example of fascism, at it's finest. Straight out of the Goebbels hand book.

The main part of fascism is the propaganda and brainwashing. You're caught up in the philosophy of it, when the methods are more important.

Conservative Messaging is obviously more effective than Liberal. Why is that? We know people can be persuaded to Believe anything, in fact many people view the term "Belief" as a state of being. With great pride I might add.

Conservative certainly fall und that category. Conservative are more susceptible to Nazi like propaganda than non conservative.

Fascism is not about Ideology, its about controlling the message. And Conservatives are an order of magnitude better at it.
They firmly embraced the fascist lie that the inflation was caused by Biden.
Duh!! Because it was. How can you blame inflation that started THREE YEARS after Trump left office on Trump. Why don't we blame the Great Depression on Trump or WWII? How about the crash of 2008? Was Trump responsible for that?

You can't even define what a woman is because you keep changing the meaning of words. You call Trump a Nazi, not because he is about to kill millions of people and start a world war but because Trump is a showman and knows how to work a crowd.
Trump putting people from political news organization into key government positions is an example of fascism, at it's finest. Straight out of the Goebbels hand book.
So, Trump should hire people who are going to undermine his policies at every opportunity? If Trump's policies didn't make sense, he would have lost to the "joyous one" who couldn't answer a question to save herself.
The main part of fascism is the propaganda and brainwashing.
Anything you disagree with is brainwashing. That is why you can't even acknowledge that The View, twice (at least) last week had to make a public service announcement that THEY HAVE BEEN LYING TO YOU about Trump and his supporters. Why are the "ladies" of The View lying to you? Why do the talking heads of all the other networks repeat the same lies?
Fascism is not about Ideology, its about controlling the message. And Conservatives are an order of magnitude better at it.
There are TWO conservative cable outlets. NewsMax and OAN. Fox is not conservative and they are as anti-Trump as CNN if you listen to any talking head except Hannity. MSNBC is circling the drain as we speak. It would be a hoot if Musk were to buy it and turn it into an honest platform. It only makes sense if he can fire the existing hosts or make them justify their contribution by paying them based on viewership.

I guess people who communicate for a living and agree with Trump's basic plan are not qualified but sickos who steal women's luggage from airport carousels and model the clothes on Tic Tok are qualified? If you didn't have a double standard, you would have no standards at all.
I've read that before.

Trump putting people from political news organization into key government positions is an example of fascism, at it's finest. Straight out of the Goebbels hand book.

The main part of fascism is the propaganda and brainwashing. You're caught up in the philosophy of it, when the methods are more important.

Conservative Messaging is obviously more effective than Liberal. Why is that? We know people can be persuaded to Believe anything, in fact many people view the term "Belief" as a state of being. With great pride I might add.

Conservative certainly fall und that category. Conservative are more susceptible to Nazi like propaganda than non conservative.

Fascism is not about Ideology, its about controlling the message. And Conservatives are an order of magnitude better at it.
Okay I guess you've got me. Fascism sounds like a good thing and I will now proudly carry the title. Let's all be fascist and enjoy ourselves and have a great country and make America great again.
Okay I guess you've got me. Fascism sounds like a good thing and I will now proudly carry the title. Let's all be fascist and enjoy ourselves and have a great country and make America great again.
Ah to the beginning again. That's what the Germans in 1936 thought. Only it was make Germany great again.
Ah to the beginning again. That's what the Germans in 1936 thought. Only it was make Germany great again.
Always with the Germans and Hitler!
Switch off MSNBC every so often
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Always with the Germans and Hitler!
Switch off MSNBC every so often
The similarities in the PROPANDA for nazis and conservatives is there. I littery never watch msnbc on CNN. What did for the last 30 years is read about propaganda.
Have you never questioned why you reject all liberal spin and embrace conservative truth?

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