The Thrill is Gone

ColinEssex said:
It may be that they prefer to spend their money on the people, public services, roads, more streetlights, policing, hospitals that treat patients and not ask how you'll pay first.

I doubt it, the constitution and pursuit of the American dream teaches them otherwise.
Kraj said:
as set in his ways as a 70 year-old,.
Well that simply can't be true can it? He wouldn't have embraced the digital era with such voracity had he been old:cool: :p
ColinEssex said:
Are the United States still United? we've heard about each state doing its own thing (like death penalty, gun laws etc) - they all have different laws it seems:confused:
You have to first understand the separation of State Government vs. Federal Government. The Federal Government lets certain topics up to the individual states to decide, others, they determine to be too important to be left to the States and they override them. For example...we used to have a Federally mandated highway speed limit of 55 which was repealed and the states can determine their own speed limit. Flat stretches in Nevada are limitless whereas the congested molasses in Pennsylvania have a 65 limit...all depends upon local possibilities. You also get different points of view when it comes to hotter topics, like gun laws, which depend upon the make up of the local government. People are all for gun bans when they live in the inner city and only see guns used for violence against one's fellow man...but place them in the countryside and opinions change.

ColinEssex said:
So is the United States 50 little countries linked by one language? (a derivation of the Queens English);) :D
not quite...think of it as separate municipalities. The whole is entirely too large to be completely controlled by a central point. The Washington, DC governement is subdivided into State, further subdivided into County, further subdivided into Townships, Cities, Towns, and Boroughs. Each level maintains control of it's respective territory but answers to the next highest level in the chain. So, yes, we get the differing points of view but somewhat diluted by the presentation of the whole.

ColinEssex said:
What's the point of the senate and the White House (whoever is in it) if every state does its own thing? why bother with it?
What's the point in having a Monarch and a Prime Minister?:rolleyes:
One of the primary upsides to maintaining the titular set up being the tourist income that is generated. Kind of like our Disney/Mickey Mouse thing?
Bodisathva said:
What's the point in having a Monarch and a Prime Minister?:rolleyes:
Yes I thought that was coming:rolleyes: how very predictable:rolleyes:

The Queen does not make laws per se, thats what the government is for. The Queen does have quite a bit of power, but these days she tends not to use it. The Prime Minister meets with the Queen every tuesday to discuss the affairs of state. The British government makes the laws of the UK as a whole. Local county councils can make little by-laws - like you can park here, not here, planning permissions etc etc.

ColinEssex said:
The Queen does not make laws per se, thats what the government is for. The Queen does have quite a bit of power, but these days she tends not to use it. The Prime Minister meets with the Queen every tuesday to discuss the affairs of state. l

exactly...the texas bumpkin may have veto power and influence but cannot really do anything without the consent of the Congress....

...except of course order wiretaps on US citizens:rolleyes:...oops...probably shouldn't have opened that can of worms:eek:
They’re sucking you in this is an old argument and they just want to beat a dead horse.

You boys have a lot of nerve, using my funeral thread as a place to argue.
jsanders said:
They’re sucking you in this is an old argument and they just want to beat a dead horse.
Old, yes...but I'm bored and have nothing better to do:cool:

jsanders said:
You boys have a lot of nerve, using my funeral thread as a place to argue.
My humblest apologies...I had not intended to hijack or intrude.:o
jsanders said:

You boys have a lot of nerve, using my funeral thread as a place to argue.

Yes, but is all in honor of you j. Think of it as a wake. Doing what was done best while you were around. :D

If you were a drinker and we were in a pub, we would all be drinking in your honor, so why not bicker in your honor. :o :cool:
Bodisathva said:
exactly...the texas bumpkin may have veto power and influence
Mr Bush was born in New Haven, Connecticut, I presume thats not in Texas? so he's a Connecticutian not Texan.

I live in Essex but am from Bristol, therefore I'm Bristolian not an Essexolian. If I lived in Scotland, I would be English not Scottish.

I get the impression that Americans change their birthright depending on where one lives. If (for example) you were born in New York and live in California are you a New Yorker or Californian?

Its back to the Bob Hope and Charlie Chaplin thing - they were English not American:rolleyes:

selenau837 said:
Yes, but is all in honor of you j. Think of it as a wake. Doing what was done best while you were around. :D

If you were a drinker and we were in a pub, we would all be drinking in your honor, so why not bicker in your honor. :o :cool:
too much drink making you repeat yourself Selena?:rolleyes:

ColinEssex said:
too much drink making you repeat yourself Selena?:rolleyes:


Yup, didn't you see the hiccupp!!

and don't roll your eyes at me. *thwack*:eek:
jsanders said:
You boys have a lot of nerve, using my funeral thread as a place to argue.

Since you died months ago your funeral isn't half dragging on, you must be stinking by now, unless you've been preserved with Christmas spirit
ColinEssex said:
I get the impression that Americans change their birthright depending on where one lives. If (for example) you were born in New York and live in California are you a New Yorker or Californian?
You are a Californian if you have lived there long enough for the locals to accept you as one of them...the idea of you are where you were born went with the superfluous 'u's and 'e's so prolific in the 'Queen's English':rolleyes:

I was born in south central Pennsylvania (unfortunately), but lived in upstate New Hampshire long enough to be considered a local. That section of the country holds a special place in my heart and as far as I am concerned, I am from New Hampshire...

ColinEssex said:
Its back to the Bob Hope and Charlie Chaplin thing - they were English not American:rolleyes:
and Hitler was actually Austrian...Who cares?:eek:

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