Alabama boy kills 1051 pound monster pig

But I haven't finished fighting yet:mad: :p

I know finding an opponent of my caliber will be difficult for you, perhaps in the mean time you'd like to make do with one of my fellow compatriots ;)
I know finding an opponent of my caliber will be difficult for you, perhaps in the mean time you'd like to make do with one of my fellow compatriots ;)

Nah, Americans are a bit like buses, there'll be another one along in a minute:p
Yes we're correct about most things, it's just that Americans refuse to listen....
Sorry I disappeared abruptly yesterday, the trouble with retirement is that you can't sit on the forum all day pretending to work. :rolleyes:

A mate called wanting some GPS software looked at , he has a Mac and can't load it. Needless to say with 70+ years of IT between us we got nowhere, when did they do away with punched cards? :eek:

It's a bit late to come back on things now but I will say that I too enjoy that wine Dan.

Sorry I disappeared abruptly yesterday, the trouble with retirement is that you can't sit on the forum all day pretending to work. :rolleyes:

I gather there's sitting in the garden drinking Martini and lemonade to fit in, as well as strolling to the shop to get the paper. Oh and the 'to-do' list of course;)

Where shall I start?

First, the religion whose name got butchered is Sikh. Not SEEK.

Second, down here in Cajun-land, we get alligators. Not too many crocs. But the tail of the alligator is a good meat that can be fried in small chunks about the size of a Tater Tot, made into sausage, or shredded into small chunks for a dish called "Alligator Sauce Piquant" (with Cajun French accent, please). By itself without spices, alligator tastes like chicken. (For those who have seen the movie, think of the lunchroom scene in "The Matrix.")

Third, as I understand it, the kid who shot the pig was allowed to hunt him because the owner of the land was running a "pay to hunt my land" business. He had a bunch of things there and it was pot luck as to what you could shoot. The reason the kid had to chase the pig so long is because even with a .50 cal pistol at close range, those bullets won't penetrate THAT far, so he had to wait for the pig to bleed out enough to no longer be able to flee.

I have no problem with the concept of hunting for food. But that's a litle bit over the top as a way to "bring home the bacon." Most responsible hunters take the approach - for more than one reason - that you should make a clean, quick kill. The animal suffers less, has less chance of running and hurting itself thus suffering needlessly, and it also minimizes blood polarization with lots of potassium dumping into the blood stream, which gives the meat a "gamey" taste.

Now let's get to a couple of the ideas about cops drawing guns. I've never had a cop draw a gun on me for a traffic stop - because I've never tried to flee. I see some of the shows you are bemoaning. Every one of the cases where a gun was drawn involved a felony flight from arrest, which makes the cops wonder WHY someone was driving at 90+ miles per hour when the lousy stop was over a busted taillight that probably would have at most garnered a warning. The shows DON'T show the complete reality of police behavior because they are sensationalist shows that need to feed the international need for bread and circuses. A traffic stop where the perp pulls over, takes the ticket quietly, and goes on his way just isn't worth the tape it was recorded on, as far as cop reality shows are concerned.

As to the Clinton presidency, it is what you DON'T know about Bill and Hil that make them anathema. Not less that 45 deaths are associated with Bill at a time before he was President, when he was with the Arkansas Economic Development Authority (or some such name). It was never proven because all the witnesses died mysteriously - or recanted and disappeared forever - but a very big part of the AEDA money was drug laundering. The Whitewater stuff was covered over, too. Hil and Bill stay together because each knows where the other's bodies are buried. Hil's friend that committed suicide did so in a way for which suicide is impossible, including finding the gun and powder burns in the wrong hand (he was a lefty) and never finding the bullet even though there was no exit wound for the head shot.

Not to mention that Bill wasted so many cigars! Who needs that kind of waste in the White House? And then he SMOKED the used cigars - which means he destroyed evidence of his wrong-doing. Clearly obstruction of justice.
Not to mention that Bill wasted so many cigars! Who needs that kind of waste in the White House? And then he SMOKED the used cigars - which means he destroyed evidence of his wrong-doing. Clearly obstruction of justice.

Compared to the actions of the current idiot Bill's a saint.....:p
Both sinners - different topics. Destroying lives by promulgating drug use or destroying lives by promulgating war is still destroying lives. If you ask me, the only reason Bill didn't destroy more lives is that we were not at war when BC was in the oval office.
No, good weekend actually. My niece got married.

I was trying to see (in my mind) what the attraction was for killing, and does killing animals get boring, if so, is the next progression killing humans?

So therefore, whats the attraction in killing humans? the sense of power? hearing them plead for their life?

Several US posters here (including christians) have said they would shoot an intruder, even if they (the intruder) was unarmed with no question. Anyone here killed or shot a human?

Imagine a teenager in your kitchen, you have a gun, you look into his / her eyes - do you shoot? if not, why not? you do? why? they are unarmed

It all defies logic to me, and the question I raised last week is still unanswered - why do US cops pull a gun on a motorist just for a routine traffic violation?

How do you think that last roast you ate got to your table? Someone had to kill it first. What does it matter if it is domesticated or wild. In the US we have too many wild animals for the wild to support. If you don't kill them they will die a slow death from starvation or disease.
What do you have to say of the barbaric fox hunting for which your country is so famous? Tend to your own problems before you start meddling in someone elses (I'm speaking of you personally.)

To answer your stupid, general question, cops don't routinely pull a gun on a motorist for a routine traffic violation. You are watching entirely too much Dirty Harry movies.
I might ask the question as to why Brits are all sots 'cause every moviue I see from Britain has everyone in a pub!
How do you think that last roast you ate got to your table? Someone had to kill it first

How do you know that col is not a vegetarian?

What do you have to say of the barbaric fox hunting for which your country is so famous? Tend to your own problems before you start meddling in someone elses (I'm speaking of you personally.)

If you are refering to hunting with hounds then please keep up to date Bliar has banned it, unfortunately as it is the best way to control foxes whilst maintaining a healthy population, it's just that townies don't know that.

I might ask the question as to why Brits are all sots 'cause every moviue I see from Britain has everyone in a pub!
I wonder what movies you watch? However does having a pint in a pub make you a sot?


I wonder what movies you watch? However does having a pint in a pub make you a sot?

Thanks for making my point! Colin hasn't seen EVERY routine traffic stop so how can he make a such a general statement (in the form of a rhetorical question.) I don't think someone is a sot just because the left a pint.

BTW, I know Colin isn't a vegetarian, vegan, or whatever 'cause he stated that he isn't in this very thread. Go back to sleep.
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Thanks for making my point!
Go back to sleep.

Ah! Another newcomer who likes to be rude, do you really expect us to go over every post in this old thread just because some Jonney come lately decides to reopen it?

I fail to see how I made any points for you.


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