Has the recession effected you yet?

Its a shame your poor financial situation means you have to live in a place you feel uncomfortable.

Well if he has money to live on, he can move to Oregon.
He only has to buy a covered wagon then he can steal Indian land.

He only has to buy a covered wagon then he can steal Indian land.


I dont think Col could afford the passage or the wagon.

He'll have to continue Chav dodging in penury till the upturn hits, but at his age I feel it may all be down hill from here on in though. Unless B&Q has vacancies.
Its a shame your poor financial situation means you have to live in a place you feel uncomfortable.

I am very happy in Essex thanks.
I also doubt the USA would like me living there, don't you need a "green card" to stay permanently? Anyway, I would feel guilty driving a 5 litre V8 gas guzzler and carrying a gun.

I am very happy in Essex thanks.
I also doubt the USA would like me living there, don't you need a "green card" to stay permanently? Anyway, I would feel guilty driving a 5 litre V8 gas guzzler and carrying a gun.


Oh we allow wealthy folks to live here indefinitely. Most American cars have V6s, or like mine, an inline 6. And don't worry about the gun part; we're used to protecting our little British cousins.

Plus you could get 2 or 3 “South of the border" folks to keep your house clean and cook for you, for the price of one British one.

And the have great steaks in Oregon.
And don't worry about the gun part; we're used to protecting our little British cousins.

Shall we post a list of British tourists that visited the US and came back in a box:rolleyes:
Thales750 said:
And don't worry about the gun part; we're used to protecting our little British cousins.

Like you protected John Lennon?

I have been unemployed for 2 months now, and I am enlisting in the Army. I am getting an $8000 signing bonus, salary for 3 years, technical training in the IT field, can finish my accounting degree for free. I hope this goes well! I am excited, but nervous at the same time.

Don't forget that if you break a fingernail or get a paper cut you can claim for one of those badges that all US military seem to get. . . . . is it the Purple Heart? For injuries received during US military service.

What do you get if you get killed? Or is that the same as being injured, but a bit more serious.

Don't forget that if you break a fingernail or get a paper cut you can claim for one of those badges that all US military seem to get. . . . . is it the Purple Heart? For injuries received during US military service.

What do you get if you get killed? Or is that the same as being injured, but a bit more serious.


Why are you still around Colin? Why don't you simply disappear? My goodness...
Don't forget that if you break a fingernail or get a paper cut you can claim for one of those badges that all US military seem to get. . . . . is it the Purple Heart? For injuries received during US military service.

What do you get if you get killed? Or is that the same as being injured, but a bit more serious.


I have a marine friend with a double purple heart. I don't remember it being a paper cut though. No I'm quite sure both of them were from Russian mortars.

Lucky for you bastards we didn’t let them override Europe during the cold war. I wonder if you would have been calling it backlash then. As a matter of fact I don’t believe I ever heard the Nazis referred to as a backlash either.

In Afghanistan they will take food, money, training, and anything else, we give them and the next night plant an IED for the Taliban.

Stop talking about things you don’t know anything about.

It makes you look stupid.

I guess you had to change your tune when you found out that American Oil Companies didn’t even bid on producing the Iraqi oil. The two of you (Col, and Rich, mostly Col, Rich is actually sometime funny, ) are a pitiful remnant of a once great nation.
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Sounds like an easy option. Still, if you haven't had much education in the normal way, then I suppose it is a way of getting further education. You'll get a nice tan too.

I am four classes away from an accounting degree. I would finish, but there is no work and I am out of money. I can finish after I join.

Also, the job I picked changed. I will be doing satellite communications for 6 years. They are giving me a hefty bonus to sign up too. I will be able to pay off all of my debt, and I am thinking of trading my car in for a truck once I get that bonus.
It makes you look stupid.

With Col's posts you have to pick and choose which comments to reply to. Unless of course you feel like arguing. There were a few things said that I politely declined to comment on.

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