Continued theology discussion... Not sure what to call this really.... (1 Viewer)


How does your religion view alien life, as in life on other planets, is this Godly?
Yipes! I can't see how we're ever going to get to heaven if He keeps moving the goal posts! In the cosmic scheme of things, one minute it's right and just to comit insest, the next minute it's a mortal sin!

Oh, and, we have to wonder, is this the same "constant" God that was referred to in the abortion thread? (Sorry Krystal, nothing personal honey, I love you really).

Oops, I forgot to ask. The New Testament says that if you ask God for forgiveness in Jesus's name all your sins will be forgiven. So, what's stopping people from doing what they like and just doing that on their death beds? Presuming they really want to be "saved" that is.

Ouma, God is unchanging, let me look more into what the Bible says about incest, as I don't really know, only that it is certainly frowned upon now.

Good question on your second point. Your statement is true, the sins I commit now, as a saved Christian, are still forgiven. A person does not get to Heaven or become Saved by works, good or bad but only through Christ. The difference is, is that when a person becomse saved they are given a new heart, and are given new life, so they are changed and want to do good things. Does this mean perfection? Know, absolutely not, I still sin a lot, consciously and unconsciously. I can point you to several places in the Bible that point to this, but it will take time, I still haven't answered all of Adam's question's from the beginning, and want to do so, I really want to give you complete answers so that you know that I am not pulling this stuff out of my rear end...:p
Correct. That is what I believe, that there is only one God and always has only been one God. You may worship God how you see fit and what makes sense to you.

So do you believe that all religions are just different takes on that 1 God, or are all religions wrong except the one correct religion?
I do not intend to offend you Kryst, and I apologize if I have.

It is just that I find your biased review of other religions and faiths to be wrong in so many ways that can hurt so many people..

Again apologies if I have offended..

No offense taken... I don't get "offended" that easily, and this is how discussion occur.

It can hurt people, but someone is right and someone is wrong, I can't convince you to change your mind, but I can present the Truth in the hopes that you will at least consider it. It is my hope in Eternity that I do so, not only my Eternity but concern for yours and others as well. So I too am sorry for any offense, but I am not sorry for any of my views.
I really want to give you complete answers so that you know that I am not pulling this stuff out of my rear end...:p

Honey, I would never dream that you were pulling it out of your rear end. I too have a faith of sorts, and part of that faith is that I will never ask you questions that your God doesn't want you to investigate :)

How does your religion view alien life, as in life on other planets, is this Godly?

This is complete opinion here, as there is nothing in the Bible (as I have read) that talks about life on other planets. But given the view that the universe as we know it was created for humanity, the stars in the sky and everything, to provide light for the world, (again Genesis, everything hangs on Genesis being true in Christianity, with out it the purpose of Jesus Christ becomes null and void), I think that there is not. All things were created to sustain life here on Earth. This too is something I would like to talk to my pastor about, so many things. I feel like I could spend a couple of months talking and learning more about these questions.

But... I do believe in Angels and Demons and that they are present all around us....:) That is clearly documented in the Bible.
Correct. That is what I believe, that there is only one God and always has only been one God. You may worship God how you see fit and what makes sense to you.

Out of curiosity, did you ever study much history, either in your younger years or college and later? As a secular person, I've always found the study of cultures and the gods that they venerate to be very interesting. When you study them closely, you can see how certain deities came about, from a logical point. The deities represented aspects of the people of those cultures, to exaggerated degrees (often).

If you did study history, do you notice these connections as well? And if so, what about for the Christian God?
Honey, I would never dream that you were pulling it out of your rear end. I too have a faith of sorts, and part of that faith is that I will never ask you questions that your God doesn't want you to investigate :)

Ouma, you make me smile, God would like me to investigate everything, and not believe in Him blindly, I am sure it will take my whole life, so feel free to ask anything you want.
Out of curiosity, did you ever study much history, either in your younger years or college and later? As a secular person, I've always found the study of cultures and the gods that they venerate to be very interesting. When you study them closely, you can see how certain deities came about, from a logical point. The deities represented aspects of the people of those cultures, to exaggerated degrees (often).

If you did study history, do you notice these connections as well? And if so, what about for the Christian God?

Well, the Bible is very historically accurate (even amongst scientists), I must admit, though I have studied some history and other religions, not a ton. I absolutely LOVE mythology, (and though I hope no one is offended by this) I have a great love for all things imaginative and fiction (Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magicky) I even took a course in college in classical mythology. Life becomes so full that it is hard to study everything, I mainly read nonfiction to relax, and tons of books about what I do believe, and the Bible of course. Plus I have some books on Islam, as I want to learn more about it. I am also curiously drawn to Einstein and have some books about his life. I always "thought" he was a Christian, but he wasn't, he wasn't even a devout Jew. I haven't finished reading about any of these topics though...

I find it all very interesting, how other religions came about, the Bible even talks about how Muslims came about and why we will always war against each other.
This is complete opinion here, as there is nothing in the Bible (as I have read) that talks about life on other planets. But given the view that the universe as we know it was created for humanity, the stars in the sky and everything, to provide light for the world, (again Genesis, everything hangs on Genesis being true in Christianity, with out it the purpose of Jesus Christ becomes null and void), I think that there is not. All things were created to sustain life here on Earth. This too is something I would like to talk to my pastor about, so many things. I feel like I could spend a couple of months talking and learning more about these questions.

But... I do believe in Angels and Demons and that they are present all around us....:) That is clearly documented in the Bible.

So if alien life was identified in another form on another planet either within or outside of our Solar system, would this change your view of religion as if I am reading your correctly you believe that this does not exist?
But... I do believe in Angels and Demons and that they are present all around us....:) That is clearly documented in the Bible.

My wife does too...

She's watched all the episodes of Supernatural with the Winchester brothers fighting demons, although I think she watches it because she thinks their cute... :rolleyes:
So if alien life was identified in another form on another planet either within or outside of our Solar system, would this change your view of religion as if I am reading your correctly you believe that this does not exist?

No, the Bible only gives our history, and our story. Actually, C.S. Lewis (a well renowned Christian author) wrote a trilogy of books about life on other planets, fiction books. There quite good. I still don't think there is life on other planets, but if there is/was, then they too would be created by God, and subject to him.
My wife does too...

She's watched all the episodes of Supernatural with the Winchester brothers fighting demons, although I think she watches it because she thinks their cute... :rolleyes:

LOL, a Christian fiction writer named Frank Peretti has written several books, though they are blatantly Christian biased your wife might like them.
I find it all very interesting, how other religions came about, the Bible even talks about how Muslims came about and why we will always war against each other.

Does this mean that we will never find peace in the Middle East and it will all end in a very bloody war to end the world, perhaps the bible has already foretold this..? Has it?
This too is something I would like to talk to my pastor about, so many things.

I know that the relationship between a pastor and believer can be a very strong one. Often a pastor/priest/clergy member is a trusted person whom a believer can go to for help. I would hope, however, that you do not limit yourself to only your pastor for education/guidance. If I am not mistake, in your religion a pastor isn't granted any divine gifts or more clarity to be able to understand the bible better, this is just something that comes from age/experience.

Not all questions can be answered by the bible, I think even you would agree to that.
I know that the relationship between a pastor and believer can be a very strong one. Often a pastor/priest/clergy member is a trusted person whom a believer can go to for help. I would hope, however, that you do not limit yourself to only your pastor for education/guidance. If I am not mistake, in your religion a pastor isn't granted any divine gifts or more clarity to be able to understand the bible better, this is just something that comes from age/experience.

Not all questions can be answered by the bible, I think even you would agree to that.

Of course I don't trust my pastor implicitly, the only reason I want to talk to him is to confirm my own opinion. He has studied the Bible and been taught from the Bible at a University level, and therefore has had to think bout these things much more than I have. I am very happy to be part of a religion that encourages me to study the Bible on my own, and since I have the Holy Spirit in me as much as my pastor does, I am very capable of arriving at a sound and truthful conclusion.

All questions may not be explicitly answered by the Bible. But all questions and answers are subject to scrutiny by what the Bible says. I judge all answers and conclusions I come to through the lens of the Word of God (The Bible).
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Does this mean that we will never find peace in the Middle East and it will all end in a very bloody war to end the world, perhaps the bible has already foretold this..? Has it?

The only time that we are promised peace, is when Christ returns and casts Satan and his demons into the lake of fire. I think that this is in the book of Revelations, but I haven't spent much time there as it is very hard to understand and its interpretation requires a knowledge of everything else in the Bible, and I am still working on that. So my answer here is very basic, and could have more stipulations and detail then what I give.
Correct. That is what I believe, that there is only one God and always has only been one God. You may worship God how you see fit and what makes sense to you.

That would mean that God changes all the time and is wishy washy. Why would anyone want to serve a God like that? Out of curiosity of course.
I said that there is only one God and always has only been one God. I never said that God changes all the time, I said earlier that there has only been one god since the beginning.
If people want to be wishy washy and worship God in different ways and keep changing things up that is their decision how they see fit and what makes sense to them. That is a relationship between them and God.
I know you are deeply religious and follow your faith, can you say that you worship in the exact same fashion as your ancestors did seven generations ago?

That would mean that God changes all the time and is wishy washy. Why would anyone want to serve a God like that? Out of curiosity of course.
I said that there is only one God and always has only been one God. I never said that God changes all the time, I said earlier that there has only been one god since the beginning.
If people want to be wishy washy and worship God in different ways and keep changing things up that is their decision how they see fit and what makes sense to them. That is a relationship between them and God.
I know you are deeply religious and follow your faith, can you say that you worship in the exact same fashion as your ancestors did seven generations ago?

I would say that what God requires of me is the same now as it was for the first believers in Jesus Christ.... Does it look the same way? Do I use the same music? No, it doesn't. I just thought you meant that the Muslim view of God and the way they worship is just as true as the Christian view of God and the way we worship. The purpose behind each is different and the God the worship is being performed for is also different. If I misunderstood your statement then I am sorry.

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