Continued theology discussion... Not sure what to call this really.... (2 Viewers)

We are ALL sinners, even I, and just as the Bible speaks against homosexuality, it speaks against hatred, liars, drunkards, gossipers, murderers, thieves, people who commit gluttony and anyone who does not serve Him and choose to serve other gods. He is the judge and ruler of this earth, so His is the moral standard which I follow (and I fail to follow it perfectly every day, which is why I need Christ), you are perfectly free to make your own choice, and will be given the .
Well now that's the bit many atheists fail to follow, I'm not a homosexual, I haven't murdered anybody, I don't hate anybody, I don't steal, I'm not gluttonous, though I don't serve God, (whatever that supposed to mean) and yet in yours and god's eyes I'm a sinner, please try explaing in your own words what makes me such an evil person:confused:
Well now that's the bit many atheists fail to follow, I'm not a homosexual, I haven't murdered anybody, I don't hate anybody, I don't steal, I'm not gluttonous, though I don't serve God, (whatever that supposed to mean) and yet in yours and god's eyes I'm a sinner, please try explaing in your own words what makes me such an evil person:confused:

You choose not to serve God, that makes you a sinner, and I have said that many times over, and explained it in more detail in previous posts to this thread.
I will obey these verses, I do dress modestly and am not a pastor at my church. What I meant was that these things do not affect my worth, my worth is defined by Christ, on my own I am worthy of death only, for my sinfulness, and the evil that was in my heart.

It doesn't say you shouldn't be a pastor it says "women should keep silent in the churches".

We are ALL sinners, even I, and just as the Bible speaks against homosexuality, it speaks against hatred, liars, drunkards, gossipers, murderers, thieves, people who commit gluttony and anyone who does not serve Him and choose to serve other gods.

So we should follow do what ever god says? What if he tells us to murder children? oh i forgot he does that himself from what I saw in that film about moses.

He is the judge and ruler of this earth, so His is the moral standard which I follow (and I fail to follow it perfectly every day, which is why I need Christ), you are perfectly free to make your own choice, and will be given the consequences of it. In the Bible, that means total separation from Him forever, and maybe you think that is a good thing

I don't think thats a good thing it's just something someone made up. I'll live a good life for the its own sake to be honest rather than because I think there is some reward at the end of it. If you're just being good to please some super fairy so you get a reward at the end you may want to take a good look at yourself.

And if you want passages that address this I will give you some after I get home from work tonight.

No thanks.
You choose not to serve God, that makes you a sinner, and I have said that many times over, and explained it in more detail in previous posts to this thread.
So god created me to be his or her slave?
So god created me to be his or her slave?

You can do what you want.

I have been freed from sin and death by choosing to be a slave to Christ, and by doing so have gained eternal life, the love of the Almighty God, joy and peace that surpasses all understaning, and much much more.
Maybe that is why I have never heard god in church! It's a woman and therefore not allowed to speak:eek:
Oh christ! a silent sulking woman as the boss, I've met enough of them already:eek:
You can do what you want.

I have been freed from sin and death by choosing to be a slave to Christ, and by doing so have gained eternal life, the love of the Almighty God, joy and peace that surpasses all understaning, and much much more.

So you're never going to die, I thought that was the stuff comics were made of
But I am called to give a defense for my faith, which maybe I am giving the wrong kind at this moment, but I am feeling a little attacked, and I have tried very hard to answer truthfully, and in a nonattacking manner.

I definitely understand why you feel like you're being attacked. There's one of you and many of us throwing questions at you, and you have been kind enough to answer.

I also understand the response of others (Rich & chergh specifically), as I have been in their shoes many a time. Part of it might be the desire to be right, the desire to 'win' the debate, or even simply to make the other side think. There's something in us that makes us think that if we show you something, your eyes will open or you'll have an "ah-ha!" moment. It makes so much sense to us that we can't comprehend why it does not make the same amount of sense to you. Of course, the opposite is also completely true.

I gave up trying to convert people long ago; its simply not worth the effort. And in truth, I think some people who are religious would be miserable as secularists. Like you I answer questions to those who ask them, maybe because I like to share what I have learned (I wanted to be a teacher until I saw how little money they made :p).

So, once again, thanks for sharing, and have a good day.
I definitely understand why you feel like you're being attacked. There's one of you and many of us throwing questions at you, and you have been kind enough to answer.

Thanks, I will. I didn't feel attacked until the whole Chergh/Rich part, as is always the case they are entitled to post and give their opionions as I am mine, and I can choose to answer or not. :)

No harm done, really.
Thanks, I will. I didn't feel attacked until the whole Chergh/Rich part, as is always the case they are entitled to post and give their opionions as I am mine, and I can choose to answer or not. :)

No harm done, really.
Do you not feel posters on an open forum have the right to challenge what to them appears to be nothing more than unsubstantiated and wild claims, have you never felt the desire to question in depth those who are teaching you?:confused:
"The birth of a daughter is a loss" Ecclesiasticus 22:3

"No wickedness comes anywhere near the wickedness of a woman" Ecclesiasticus 25:19

Sin began with a woman and thanks to her we all must die" Ecclesiasticus 25:24

BTW, Ecclesiates only has 12 chapters...

Oh, I see, this isn't in my Bible.

This quote from Wikipedia says that it isn't found in Jewish or Protestant Old Testaments.

The book was accepted into the canon of the Old Testament by Catholicism and Eastern Orthdoxy but not by Judaism or Protestantism.

I am not able to look at the site you give directly, work blocks it. I am curious though, and will look at it later.
Can someone tell me how we know for sure that Jesus is the Christ and not the anti-Christ when they keep on talking about how deceitful the devil is, wouldn't that just be the greatest deception of all time? Do all these great things, appear to be the best thing that even predates sliced bread and Bobs your Uncle, the world thinks your God...
Can someone tell me how we know for sure that Jesus is the Christ and not the anti-Christ when they keep on talking about how deceitful the devil is, wouldn't that just be the greatest deception of all time? Do all these great things, appear to be the best thing that even predates sliced bread and Bobs your Uncle, the world thinks your God...

Sounds like the synopsis of a Dan Brown Novel. :p
My immediate response is anger

While I dont agree with some of what has been said by Rich & Chergh, I think by your statement it has caused an interesting perspective..

In an earlier post between you and me we established that you perceived that the Muslim and Hindhu faith was wrong and that all that practiced those faiths were 'EVIL' and would not got to heaven..

It is interesting that when Rich and Chergh have quite agressively questioned your faith that you have responded with this comment..

Now perhaps you understand how a Muslim or a Hindhu feels when they are have constantly been persecuted through the ages in the name of Christianity..

That is why we are having conflicts on this planet..

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