Are you an atheist? (5 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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You're funny! Even though you take a lot of heat from other "conservative like" posters, I like you. I've even "famed" you, even though we're on opposite sides frequently.

Now, back to work. No time to argue when everybody's already made up their minds.

I asked my 3yr old Grandson the other day why he kept asking questions, to which he promptly replied, because I can. Ideal philosophy eh;)
Nobody is likening an integral part of anybody to any kind of pasta.

I'm afraid you are. That is the entire point of the analogy.

God, whether a real concept or not, is an integral part of some people. You are likening this concept to pasta for one reason and one reason only, to render it absurd.

You and you alone are championing this analogy. Like I keep saying, take the responsibility for doing so.
I'm afraid you are. That is the entire point of the analogy.

God, whether a real concept or not, is an integral part of some people. You are likening this concept to pasta for one reason and one reason only, to render it absurd.

You and you alone are championing this analogy. Like I keep saying, take the responsibility for doing so.

Actually it is not just me. Google spaghetti monster.
You and you alone are championing this analogy.

apparently not..........................
I cannot believe that is all you could come up with.

Do you seriously think that I thought you'd coined it?

Well, you did say "you and only you" . . . what was I supposed to do? Just let you give me all the credit?
Well, you did say "you and only you" . . . what was I supposed to do? Just let you give me all the credit?

I can see that you've given up actually trying to understand my posts so I'll let someone else take over.
I can see that you've given up actually trying to understand my posts so I'll let someone else take over.

Will you be campaigning against google and the US for allowing what you see as mockery of your faith?:confused:
I can see that you've given up actually trying to understand my posts so I'll let someone else take over.

I'm sorry that you feel that I haven't been trying to understand your posts, but I assure you I am doing my best. In any case, I am sure you will be back later . . .
Alisa, way back in #2016 you said:

"Is it disrespectful to tell someone who believes in ghosts, fairies, aliens, the tooth fairy, or santa that it is "just a fantasy".
“The point is that for some reason questioning someone’s belief in god is “off limits” and “disrespectful” in a way that questioning someone’s belief in literally anything else is not. Why is that?”

God to me is sacred. He is Holy. And when someone questions His existing or makes a joke about Him, I feel offended. I will make a joke about Buddha, but never in front of a Buddhist, simply because Buddha is holy to the Buddhist. Image saying to a mom: “Gee but your child must be the uuugliest kid I’ve ever seen!”. None of us will do that. We might think it, but we’ll never say it. It is easy for us to say diminishing things about someone else’s god – and I include myself here. I would just refrain from making a joke in front of the person. It can be said that I should actually not feel offended in this group if someone says something low about my God. And I suppose I should not. But it is extremely difficult for me as a Christian. And I think that is why many believers would rather leave. (Most people in this discussion do not believe, or am I wrong?)

Furthermore, Alisa (you again, nothing personal J)
“You say that you are a Christian because you choose to be one, but if your parents told you that atheists go to hell while Christians go to heaven when you were a child, I sincerely doubt there was much choice in the matter…”
My parents never spoke much about hell, simply because their faith start with God and Jesus. It can be a scary thought for a child, the idea of burning in hell for ever and ever, and it could do serious damage. My mom once told me about a guy who’s mother told him (after he was caught playing “show me yours and I’ll show you mine” with the neighbors daughter) that there are teeth in there. This poor guy had trouble for life. He could not get the thought of those teeth out of his mind. And I take the same approach with my kids. I repeat what I said earlier: I do not want my children to be Christians because they are scared of going to hell. I do want them to have an open mind, but I admit freely, while they are young, I will teach them of God and Jesus – because I truly believe it is my duty. When they were small, they were baptized. During the ceremony I promised God I will do everything I can to teach them about God and about Jesus. It is a promised I want to keep. I want them to experience the joy and peace I experience when I’m in the presence of my God. (Some would probably scoff at that, but it doesn’t matter.) Yes, I grew up a Christian, but there was a time when I “went on my own”. But I returned – because I wanted to.

To quote you further: “Would you allow your children to pick a different religion or no religion at all? My guess is no”.
Well, you guessed wrong. Firstly, the word “allow”. I believe there comes a time where you as a parent cannot “allow” or “disallow”. You can only accept or not accept.
Would I still love my son if he comes home with a boyfriend? Yes, I will. Would I accept it if my child comes home with someone from a different race than mine? Yes. (I’m from Namibia in Africa (I am white) and grew up in a segregated society. I was more scared of a black man than I was of hell! But things have changed dramatically over the last 25 years. We whities are now being told we don’t belong in Africa – ask Robert Mugabe!) Would I accept it if my child chose another religion or perhaps no religion at all? Yes, I would have to. I would probably cry my eyes out, and I will never stop praying for my child, but I will accept it, simply because I love my children. No one can force me to do anything, and I cannot force them !

I cannot talk from a scientific point about the existence of God. Firstly, because I do not have the knowledge, and secondly, I believe without requiring proof. I believe like a child. Don’t children believe that their parents will look after them without requiring proof? Don’t they believe you are the best / strongest / prettiest, etc? That is how I believe in my Heavenly Father. And: I am NOT comparing the parent to God, I am comparing the child’s belief in his parent with my belief in God.

I came upon an interesting site: This guy, Perry Marshall, claims he has proof. He also extents an open challenge to anyone to proof him wrong.

I do not think I will post again, but then, never say never. I will however pray to the living God who created this incredible world and everything out there that we know of, and all those things we do not yet know of or have proof for (have I now included the complete universe, aliens and all?) that He will bless you all. VIVA GOD, JESUS and THE HOLY GOST!

God to me is sacred. He is Holy.[/quote

Nice. Gotta go with you on this.

(Most people in this discussion do not believe, or am I wrong?)

Many are believers...look at the survey. Just many of us are tired of the "conversation."

I cannot talk from a scientific point about the existence of God.

I don't think that would change anyone's minds. Just read the link you posted. There is no argument to change a belief system. Your opinion is what the OP asked for.

I do not think I will post again, but then, never say never.

I keep thinking that myself...then I get sucked back in.
But the crux of the question is, if someone told you with a straight face that unicorns exist, would you feel that you were being inconsiderate if you said you didn't think unicorns exist? My guess is no. You might choose not to confront the person, but I bet you would have no compunction about snickering about how silly that person is, once they were out of sight. What I am getting at is that religious belief seems to have some special status that belief in other imaginary things does not have.

and your guess would be wrong. I would consider it inconsiderate of me to me to say so. My Dad said to me often "If a man told him he feels closer to God by driving his car, that he wouldn't tell him otherwise." I guess my Dad's influence was a little strong. I guess if I could ask a question back your way it would be, "why do you find it so important to tell them otherwise?" The only reasons I can think of that someone would want to do that are not good, so I need help understanding what good reasons there would be.

P.S. This may not have been necessary to answer since Brian and Dan stepped up and had something to say and you followed with an apology but I decided since it was directed to me that I would go ahead and answer.
So is it tha fact that atheists are poking holes in aspects of religion that bothers people? Or is it the possibility that certain things said ring true and make people feel less sure of their beliefs?

Those here who have gotten offended seem pretty resolute in their faith, so I genuinely don't see why they're offended by it?

Irritated by us atheists being unable/unwilling to 'see the truth'? Perhaps.
Perplexed by our inability to perceive what they see as obvious? Okay.
But offended?

Alc, I am one of those believers who has not been offended. I can see where some have made claims of being a believer and appear to have been offended. Maybe I just see things differently from them. I would hope it wouldn't be as you have quoted above that they are "irritated by us atheists being unable/unwilling to see the truth." Maybe it's just as simple as being too sensitive to what people are saying and not really listening to what is being said. Everyone's perception is their reality, so I read what people's perceptions are and tell myself that's their reality and I either agree with what they say or I don't but I really don't need to take offense to it. I will admit that there are times that some of the things said, here, have made me have to work at not being offended but I bounced back pretty quick and then just kept my opinions to myself.:)
We'll have to try and dig up some 2,000 yr old stone papers:D

I guess you can if you want to but I would think it would be easier to refer to the over 6000 manuscripts that have already been dug up.:D

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