Are you an atheist? (8 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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Something to do with the discussion of your anologies becoming boring very soon after they have been shown to be wrong, methinks.
I still think the analogy has merit, but since nobody else does, I am happy to drop it. Weren't you getting bored too?

And I still don't see how that has anything to do with people who say they aren't going to post anymore and then do.
I agree with you Alisa, it would be advisable to listen to you for a bit, take on board your views and move on, a bit like with a bible basher on the street corner, and not return. Brief one off intercouse should be enough for anyone.

Boy do you make them pay.

I know its a flawed analogy - ie you aren't a bible basher , but I think the analogy of you standing on the steet corner may have merit!;)
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I cannot believe how long the debate concerning Alisa's supposed analogy between a flat earth and God lasted. Did anybody actually read her post?
I am sorry to bring it up again but it was directed at me. The actual post is below.

Originally Posted by Brianwarnock
I might not believe in what the holy books say, but I do not have the arrogance to dismiss them as fairy tales when for centuries people of far greater knowledge and intellect than I, can accept their broad teachings.


Alisa replied
When Copernicus discovered that the earth orbits around the sun, "for centuries people of far greater knowledge and intellect than him" had believed that the sun orbited the earth. But that didn't stop him from tossing out their "beliefs" about what was true and looking at the evidence to discover what the actual truth was.

So you see it was a post referring to challenging belief's held by the intelligensia, not abot comparing the belief in God with whether Sun went round the Earth or Vice Versa.

My response is that it also shows that just because we currently cannot show proof of an idea doesn't mean we should dismiss it, as many of the Atheists have done in their voting.

I cannot believe how long the debate concerning Alisa's supposed analogy between a flat earth and God lasted. Did anybody actually read her post?
I am sorry to bring it up again but it was directed at me. The actual post is below.

Originally Posted by Brianwarnock
I might not believe in what the holy books say, but I do not have the arrogance to dismiss them as fairy tales when for centuries people of far greater knowledge and intellect than I, can accept their broad teachings.


Alisa replied
When Copernicus discovered that the earth orbits around the sun, "for centuries people of far greater knowledge and intellect than him" had believed that the sun orbited the earth. But that didn't stop him from tossing out their "beliefs" about what was true and looking at the evidence to discover what the actual truth was.

So you see it was a post referring to challenging belief's held by the intelligensia, not abot comparing the belief in God with whether Sun went round the Earth or Vice Versa.

My response is that it also shows that just because we currently cannot show proof of an idea doesn't mean we should dismiss it, as many of the Atheists have done in their voting.


I honestly can't believe how long it lasted either, and you and Ouma seem to be the only people that grasped my point (was it that badly written?).
No, but I've long since discovered that people seem to have trouble following the thread of arguments, or else tend to ignore them for their own agenda.

Well said! Although I do feel remorse at taking any life, I don't see the difference between the life of an ant and the life of a human, both are equally relevant to the inhabitants of that body.
Do you really mean that you would kill a human as easily as you would kill an ant. :confused:
No, but I've long since discovered that people seem to have trouble following the thread of arguments, or else tend to ignore them for their own agenda.

There are so many fallacious arguments used on both sides of this thread that is impossible to reply to them all. Much as I would enjoy it I have other calls on my time can only spend a limitedamount on these forums:mad:

Probably good news for other people tho:D
There are so many fallacious arguments used on both sides of this thread that is impossible to reply to them all. Much as I would enjoy it I have other calls on my time can only spend a limitedamount on these forums:mad:

Which is why the thread had so many pages before I came on to clarify the sun / earth issue.

I think she means that she would have as much difficulty killing an ant as a human.

I am willing to bet that she has killed many more ants (and other insects) than she has killed humans. At least I hope so.
There are so many fallacious arguments used on both sides of this thread that is impossible to reply to them all. Much as I would enjoy it I have other calls on my time can only spend a limitedamount on these forums:mad:

Probably good news for other people tho:D
It's bad news for those of us who agree with you . . .
I am willing to bet that she has killed many more ants (and other insects) than she has killed humans. At least I hope so.

Yes maybe, but she is not happy about it, presumably it was done by accident.

I'm thinking it worse to be killing time in this thread than to be killing ants - :p
So you see it was a post referring to challenging belief's held by the intelligensia, not abot comparing the belief in God with whether Sun went round the Earth or Vice Versa.

That's not what Alisa said in her explanation of the analogy...

Alisa said:
The comparison is not between myself and copernicus. The comparison is between people who believe that god exists and the people who used to believe that the sun orbited around the earth.

She is directly comparing theists to people who believed in a falsehood once it was proven.

Copernicus rising above the contemporary accepted viewpoint has nothing at all to do with her original explanation of her analogy.

The several pages you speak of was the length of time it took for her to accept that this analogy was flawed.
There are so many fallacious arguments used on both sides of this thread that is impossible to reply to them all. Much as I would enjoy it I have other calls on my time can only spend a limitedamount on these forums:mad:

Probably good news for other people tho:D


I learned something quickly when playing American football in High School (all those years ago): As good as you are, have practiced, worked out, learned your plays, etc., there are still 11 really big, mean guys across the line from you who have done the same thing.

I've seen really good and really bad arguments from both sides. I appreciate those arguments from both sides, when they stay impersonal.

It's a good thing there are limited hours to talk at the watercooler.
oh dear... I think I have some of this in the shed :o

One pet hate I have is the commentating on the values of a thread without actually contributing to it.

"This thread is so long because it's full of people talking crap and the sum total of my contribution to it is to just point that out. I don't have enough time to explain why people are wrong, but I do have enough time to say that they are"

To me that's just lazy and of no value.

Alisa might be wrong. I might be wrong. Anybody could be wrong. But at least the pages have been filled by those willing to contribute and not empty commentary on how crap those contributions actually are.

I sound a little irked and I think I am. Think I'm going to go have a lie down.
One pet hate I have is the commentating on the values of a thread without actually contributing to it.

"This thread is so long because it's full of people talking crap and the sum total of my contribution to it is to just point that out. I don't have enough time to explain why people are wrong, but I do have enough time to say that they are"

To me that's just lazy and of no value.

Alisa might be wrong. I might be wrong. Anybody could be wrong. But at least the pages have been filled by those willing to contribute and not empty commentary on how crap those contributions actually are.

I sound a little irked and I think I am. Think I'm going to go have a lie down.

Just be careful not to lie on any ants.

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