Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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Babies are all born in a state of Islam as I explained through the verse in a previous post.

No, you didn't explain it at all but simply claimed without evidence beyond your silly book. You use circular thinking based on presumption that the book is the work of a god which clearly it isn't.

I explained my position by pointing out that it is obvious that babies do not hold a religious faith and hence your claim that they are born as Muslims is not only ridiculous but incredibly arrogant and profoundly ignorant.
Originally Posted by aziz rasul
Babies are all born in a state of Islam as I explained through the verse in a previous post.
Silliness at its worst! Besides if they want to go by the book, 2 book of Linus says we are all conceived by the Great Pumpkin and born in the pumpkin patch. It’s right there in the book.

Originally Posted by aziz rasul
Babies are all born in a state of Islam as I explained through the verse in a previous post.
Silliness at its worst! Besides if they want to go by the book, 2 book of Linus says we are all conceived by the Great Pumpkin and born in the pumpkin patch. It’s right there in the book.


The Gospel of the FSM clearly states;

Between drunken nights and clumsy afternoons, the Flying Spaghetti Monster produced seas and land (for a second time, accidentally, because he forgot that he created it the day before) along with Heaven and a midget, which he named Man. Man and an equally short woman lived happily in the Olive Garden of Eden for some time until the Flying Spaghetti Monster caused a global flood in a cooking accident.
OMG JBB! I feel as though I have been wandering aimlessly in the desert for decades and have suddenly been saved! I decided to have a look into this Church of the FSM of yours and what to my wondering eyes should appear right there on the holy web page? Why the following (commandment?, suggestion?, off hand comment?);

>>We are fond of beer

Holy meatballs! I was born a pastafarian and didn't even know it! Call me a revert!
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hala lu la brother, you have been;

Of course we are all born Pastafarian, yet are led astray by false idols and heathen gods, welcome back :D
Perhaps that should have been

Arghhh Arghhh Arghh, ye have been touched by his noodly appendage :D
Aye! I always wondered why a Lubber like me liked pirate movies so much. Now I know it was His way of leading me back to salvation (praise be to Him...and meatballs...and of course beer).:D
Aha! We can conclude several things based on that picture alone.

1) Those guys liked beer. Pastafarians like beer. Hence, those guys were Pastafarians.

2) That picture is really really old. Probably taken approximately forever ago.

3) Therefore the inescapable conclusion is that He must exist and has existed forever!

Surely all who read this will be astounded by this infallible logic!:D
Assuming that Beer actually exist; is Beer the only Dog?

Do we not also need an heir of the Dog? :confused:
There is no need to assume anything about beer. I sleep soundly every night, comforted by the knowledge that a beer volcano and a stripper factory await me in the afterlife.
While i am admittedly new to the Church of FSM, I would say that Beer is not the Dog, merely a term for the Prophets. More specifically, there is the Prophet Ale, the Prophet Lager, the Prophet Stout, and a few others.

As far as the heir of the Dog, would that not simply lead us back to more Beer?:)
The difference between believer and non-believer is stark. For a typical non-believer, faith does not enter the equation. When someone is sick, we hope they get better. For a typical believer, they pray that the person gets better.

Now, if their is a divine plan laid out by the One True God™, and that plan is inerrant, like many religious people believe, then it is a fact that prayers actually cannot accomplish anything. If the plan says its Bob's time to die, then regardless if 1 person or a billion people pray, Bob is going to die.

If the One True God™ changes his plan based on prayers that he receives, that that would make the original plan not perfect, which means that the One True God™ is not perfect, which nearly every modern religion claims is the case.

So, prayer is reduced to a thing someone does because it makes them feel better, and may be culturally expected by them as a sign of respect. If you can explain, using logic, how I am wrong, please do so.

If you are a religious person, ask yourself this question: What could happen that would convince you that your religion is incorrect, fake, etc?

If the answer is "nothing", then doesn't that scare you? I know that blind obedience is a desired trait for the religious, but throughout history blind obedience has resulted in massacres, coverups, etc. What good comes out of blind obedience?

Now, if your answer is something other than "nothing", I'd be curious to hear it if you're willing to share.

Lastly, all hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster!

FYI - You may want to remove or replace your image in post number 2799. It made all of page 187 very burdensome to read because of horizontal scrolling.

I know what truth is for me.

I know you're probably feeling defensive based on the way the conversation has gone, but this quote seems quite scary to me. It implies that truth is a subjective thing.

Do you think that the truth is different based on who you are? The actual truth now, not perception, or feel-good emotions, etc.

If so, I'd love to hear your explanation.
I sleep soundly every night, comforted by the knowledge that a beer volcano and a stripper factory await me in the afterlife.

You had me at beer. Now you're saying there are strippers as well?

Damn, this is the best Church ever. Praise be to Him.
Of course we are all born Pastafarian, yet are led astray by false idols and heathen gods, welcome back :D

I don't think that we are all born pastafarians, I didn't convert until about 40 but there is no doubt that my 2 year old grandson was as he clears another plate of offerings from the FSM.

He is not into beer and strippers yet.

No, you didn't explain it at all but simply claimed without evidence beyond your silly book. You use circular thinking based on presumption that the book is the work of a god which clearly it isn't.

I explained my position by pointing out that it is obvious that babies do not hold a religious faith and hence your claim that they are born as Muslims is not only ridiculous but incredibly arrogant and profoundly ignorant.

Well the evidence would come from God thru the Qur'an. Those who believe accept this, those who don't will mock it as we clearly have seen. Even the messengers of God of old were mocked.

And verily messengers (of Allah) were mocked before thee, but long I bore with those who disbelieved. At length I seized them, and how (awful) was My punishment!

Oh, and talking about arrogance

Those who wrangle concerning the revelations of Allah without any warrant that hath come unto them, it is greatly hateful in the sight of Allah and in the sight of those who believe. Thus doth Allah print on every arrogant, disdainful heart. Qur'an 40:35

BTW you didn't respond to my challenge as to whether there is a single Qur'anic verse you would accept?

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