Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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Please pray for my friend he is an agnostic, and he also has dyslexia. The poor guy goes to bed every night wondering if there really is a dog.

No doubt they also worry about Dog's arch enemy, "Santa".
Yes we do. It is an imaginary relationship because God is an imaginary entity.

Your faith (ie belief without reason) ensures you will see anything as evidence that your god exists. This prevents you from being able to tell the difference between reality and fantasy.

If you think God is an imaginary entity then this topic is all fiction to you, and shouldn't be worth your time to reply, cos it doesn't exist...
So people who don't believe can't discuss? That's one way to avoid having your faith challenged.

So people who don't believe can't discuss? That's one way to avoid having your faith challenged.


People have to ask themselves 'why' in the first place a topic like this interests them...what causes them to acknowledge a topic in the first place whether for or against? It must be something that exists and can be faith is not challenged at all...
And did you read what the thread topic is?

Obviously Galaxiom can contribute but according to you you cannot.

You really ought to get you logic sorted.

The religious among us will dismiss John's examples as a few rogue extremists and assure us that "true" religion is not like that. Then chastise us for stereotyping.

The fascist dogma embodied in Abraham's visionary insight of the single deity who must be adopted by all is driven by the most basic of all human instincts for self interests. The greed is no better expressed than in Leviticus where the author speaks in Orwellian style of the portions attributed to certain favoured people and their sons. Indeed Orwells's pigs were far more subtle.

Abrahamic religions are built steadfastly on a fascist foundations. Deviation from the arbitrarily decreed position is punishable by death in all these traditions whether that be instant retribution from a devout practitioner or their glorious vision of Armageddon where <substitute your One True God Here> destroys all those who do not comply with the doctrine.

Those who offer the explanation of their political and moral position in terms of "God said so" are pathetic abrogators of their responsibility as human beings. We need to think about why we have our beliefs, not be spoon fed the philosophy of some arrogant, misogynist goat herders from the distant past. Religion is for the philosophically lazy and careless.
People have to ask themselves 'why' in the first place a topic like this interests them...what causes them to acknowledge a topic in the first place whether for or against? It must be something that exists and can be faith is not challenged at all...

Well said Newbie!! My faith is not challenge in the least bit, nor am I offended. I am not sure why some on this thread are offended. Occasionally if I am approached with someone face to face that wants to attack my faith, I tell them, if I am wrong I will never know, but I am having a good time, so don’t bust my bubble. Now I am not offering this to offend anyone but it is my feelings, right or wrong as it may be. On the one side I feel like the religious side, whatever religion, gets offended and feels like they have to counter attack because they have doubts about their religion. The other side I can’t help but feel that they have to attack because they are in the same boat and that after all their strenuous proclamation of how dimwitted the religious side is that they still at times go to bed at night and think, what if the other side is right, I would be in deep do do.
I don't have a problem with people believing in a loving god. It is as good as many other ways of forming model for how to live.

However these believers run into trouble with a philosophy that has three major defects.

1. Everyone must adopt the premises of the religion or be damned.
2. There can be no criticism of the tenets of the philosophy.
3. They expect to have influence in public policy based on their faith even though it contradicts reasoned perspectives.
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Dick uses typical strategies. Religious apologists always attempt to turn the focus away from the fact that the holy books are no less fascist manifestos than Mein Kampf.

They pretend that attacking the philosophy of the believers is exposing some kind of cover up for an intrinsic weakness in our character. Anything but debate the real issue. Why? Because they know that once the holy books enter the discussion the arguments are doomed. They won't confront the issues square on because their positions simply don't stack up.

Make no mistake. Atheists are attacking because we see the opportunity to overturn a chronic stranglehold religion has held on this planet for thousands of years.

We will no longer tolerate the bigoted ignorance of the church. Every day we see the disgusting way of the church exposed. Issues like rampant pedophilia covered up by church bureaucracy and hypocracy will ultimately be its undoing. The putrid "morality" of Abraham's minions can no longer be allowed to be promulgated without comment.
Dick uses typical strategies. Religious apologists always attempt to turn the focus away from the fact that the holy books are no less fascist manifestos than Mein Kampf.

No old buddy you are exactly right, the Bible cannot be defended with logic I never said it could. The only way to accept the Bible is by faith, and if you don’t have faith that it is the word of God then anything that people would try and say would be meaningless. I never discuss the Bible with an unbeliever. I like discussing it with believers but even then many people can and do interrupt it all kind of different ways, so I shy away from that at times. MY comment was strictly my feeling. I stated that my feeling could be wrong. An example: I find a so called Christian who seems to be there whole focus in life is to rail against homosexual, I get the feeling that he is fighting homosexual tendencies. He may, and he may not be and I admit my feelings have been wrong, but they also have been right many times. If you want to discuss your evaluations of the so called fascist manifestos of the bible you have the wrong guy, but I whole hardly agree that you have the right to your opinion with anybody foolish enough to try and defend their book with logic. I like following this thread because I think it is funny. I also agree with you there are many so called Christian and Muslim that will profess that this one or that one is dammed. I don’t know a single person who is dammed. (There were a few @ times that I would like to have sent there <G>) I do have a problem if someone’s views or beliefs differ from mine and then they ask me to pay for them. I don’t tell anybody how to live their lives unless they ask me to pay for it. Case in point my brother in law and sister had to live in my home for a while rent free. He wasn’t allowed to smoke in my house.
I have done nothing of a sort...thats just how you're perceiving and reasoning my comment, through your own belief of what you think is true. You wouldn't have the slightest idea as to how my relationship is with God, and what He does to prove many things, to me! doesn't have to be to the moment, God obviously is letting you continue to believe what you want...
Lets just say that you appear to have done so. It must be the way you express yourself.

The shear number of different deities and religions speaks volumes for the hypothesis that they are all attempts by primitive man to explain the world around him and not evidence of their actual existance.
?........go to bed at night and think, what if the other side is right, I would be in deep do do.

I liked this because once when discussing religion with a devout catholic I said that if the loving and merciful God of the Bible exists He will forgive those who live good lives but cannot believe and she replied , and if He is not loving and
Merciful we are all in deep s&&t as we are all sinners.

I liked this because once when discussing religion with a devout catholic I said that if the loving and merciful God of the Bible exists He will forgive those who live good lives but cannot believe and she replied , and if He is not loving and
Merciful we are all in deep s&&t as we are all sinners.


You hurt my feelings. I thought you knew I was sinless, just ask my wife. Oh! On second though don’t ask her.
I don't think it wise to lay siege to other people's personal sanctuaries no matter how obscure they may seem to you.
So you keep saying but nothing you have presented holds water.

Let's agree to disagree.

There is your problem, your love of Islam blinds you to sensibilities. You are using your heart to decide on what is true. The brain is the organ more suited to the purpose and the tenets of your faith would not pass intelligent consideration.

The word heart was being used metaphorically. Of course it's the brain. As the Qur'an says

[This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded. 38:29

The numbers "reverting" to Islam are tiny compared to the growth in atheism. BTW. I have yet to see a baby born with any religious beliefs so clearly the natural state of human existence is atheism. The only reverts are to atheism.

The point I was making was that the number of reverts to Islam say 30 years ago was much lower than today and it's still increasing. Babies are all born in a state of Islam as I explained through the verse in a previous post. Again we agree to disagree.

Most conversions to Islam are doing it to marry a Muslim. It always has to be this way when such marriages happen because Islam does not permit a Muslim marrying someone from another faith and anyone converting away from Islam is to be killed.

That may have been the case many decades ago but things have changed. I have met many women who have reverted before they even considered marriage. And what about those people who revert after they are married and there marraige partners were non-Muslim. You need to keep up with the times.

Contentment through ignorance is an empty satisfaction.

You can expect continued mocking. The days of respect for religious beliefs are gone. Moreover it goes well beyond mocking. The beliefs of the religious are not only foolish but are damaging people. I won't stand quietly by and let another generation of children's minds be poisonend by this sick excuse for a philosphy.

Well I don't expect you to understand what real contentment thru Islam is. You don't need to show any respect to anyone. Many others do. Muslims who follow Islam are not damaged human beings but enlightened people who live with peace within themselves. You could never appreciate nor understand that. You only have to see what is happening in the west to see how non-Muslims have been poisoned. In the UK we have the highest number of teenage pregnancies, binge drinking, promiscuity, gambling addicts, etc. If that is what you call not being damaged I don't know what is.

It is under such an environment that some reject the western way of life and revert to Islam.

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