Are you an atheist? (5 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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Can't you let it go Col, Bob did a lot for this forum and apologised and paid the price for his action. Your continued bitterness does you no credit.


"Did"???? Past tense?

Has Larson left the forums?:)

Can't you let it go Col, Bob did a lot for this forum and apologised and paid the price for his action. Your continued bitterness does you no credit.


I have always remembered a grudge. I still recall people who crossed me from schooldays some 50 years ago.

It is particularly good to destroy people especially if you are in a managerial position. I recall a senior person accused me of something once, and years later we met up workwise and I devised a plan which left him no option but to resign.

I told my brother in law a confidence about 20 years ago, he is a Christian and a church elder, he promised to keep it secret, I thought he was the only one I could trust as he gave me his word. A year later, he told my sister (who has a big mouth) and she told everyone. I am still waiting for a good opportunity to sort out my brother in law. I am patient, he will suffer.
His excuse was that it was too big a burden to keep to himself.

Always follow Christian teachings, never forgive, that's my motto.

I am not sure I understand your question. Are you asking, "If Jesus is pleading for us" how can we be sure his plea will be answered. Do I understand correctly?
Dick S.
When I get to the Pearly Gates, If I get turned away, I will do what most convicted Thieves do, take my sentance to the Court of Human Rights and have it overturned... :rolleyes: :D

best just to not worry about the Human Rights bit, that is a human frailty. Do it right the second time around.

Merry Christmas :>)

best just to not worry about the Human Rights bit, that is a human frailty. Do it right the second time around.

Merry Christmas :>)

I wish I could get right the second time around, It takes me a lot of times.
I've been known to mull over this apparent contradiction on occasion.

How does: "Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots." fit into this stand-point?

Is Jesus trying to persuade God not to take this standpoint that you've described?

What --- not to take revenge on the Roman empire and the church members that sentenced him to death.or take revenge on the earth as a whole? God is God. He knew in advance about his sons death. In fact, he told Jesus of his impending death (a painful one at that)in advance of the last super. What a leap of faith Jesus must have had to accept the fact that he was going to die at the hands of mortal man and yet he had enough love for them to ask his father to forgive those who had done this to him. "For they know not what they do". This is where the premise that you and my sins are paid for as D7A so elegantly put it , All you got to do is ask for forgiveness and believe in JC and his love for you.

hope this answers your question?>

Merry Christmas :>)

Bladerunner and Dick whilst I thank you for your replies they did not address my questions but were in the main the usual statements that we have had before that lead to such questions as

What sins?
What about those that have never heard of Jesus?

I'm just a normal guy , I have never committed adultery, knowingly hurt anybody, or stolen, hang on I did use the copier and phone in the office for personal use occasionally. Do you think I deserve the same fate as a serial rapist or murderer? Assuming your belief is correct of course.


"What sins?" All
"What about those that have never heard of Jesus?" Children or adults.
Children are innocent and are without sin.
Adults-- Years ago there where adults (tribes of adults) that did not know about JC but not today with the evangelical groups covering the globe as requested by JC himself through his disciples. They know enough to make that decision for themselves. For those that believe in other religions, I cannot say for that is in the realm of God himself to decide.

"I'm just a normal guy , I have never committed adultery, knowingly hurt anybody, or stolen, hang on I did use the copier and phone in the office for personal use occasionally. Do you think I deserve the same fate as a serial rapist or murderer? Assuming your belief is correct of course.'

Your asking ME this when you should be asking Him. From what I understand all of us have sins some more than others and all will be judged when the days are ended.
Remember that leap of Faith! Now would be a good time to use it.

One other thing. No matter how good you are to people, giving, loving, etc. the only thing that will get you into heaven is to believe and accept JC as your savior.

you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You do not have to proclaim it far and wide but as God said and I paraphrase: 'the only way into heaven is through my son Jesus Christ'

May I say something else. Even tribes that have never heard of Jesus Christ have rules that in most cases mimic at least some of the ten commandments (a built-in morality in the soul of man.). And yes,some tribes are barbaric and will no doubt treated as such at the "End of Days'

Merry Christmas Brian :>)

What --- not to take revenge on the Roman empire and the church members that sentenced him to death.or take revenge on the earth as a whole? God is God. He knew in advance about his sons death. In fact, he told Jesus of his impending death (a painful one at that)in advance of the last super. What a leap of faith Jesus must have had to accept the fact that he was going to die at the hands of mortal man and yet he had enough love for them to ask his father to forgive those who had done this to him. "For they know not what they do". This is where the premise that you and my sins are paid for as D7A so elegantly put it , All you got to do is ask for forgiveness and believe in JC and his love for you.

hope this answers your question?>

Merry Christmas :>)

Take any sin you want. Even most atheist believe that somethings are absolutely wrong. Suppose I don't think it's wrong. Does that make it any less wrong? Of course not. Forgive them father they may or not think they are doing a good thing, but in a a short while I will die as you have commanded me and their sins will be paid for. If they choose to accept that payment is their free will choice.
This is called Pascal's Wager, and it breaks down the instant you realize that somebody ELSE's God might be right.

This is the reason I will not judge you by your beliefs or social status. I can bring you the word, enlighten you as to the teachings of JC. In the end it is your decision. Right or wrong you have to make a decision. Remember a non-decision is a decision!

Merry Christmas! :>)

I about spit on my monitor when I read this. Do you honestly believe Christianity is the most peaceful religion to teach love of your fellow man? Wow... you must not have touched up on history. Crusades? Latin/Roman domination of Europe? It's the very thing that led to Catholic domination and actually wiped out people of many other faiths, after integrating their customs and beliefs into Christianity of course.

Ever read anything about buddhism? Have you ever read any other religious text at all other than what you hear/see/read from one point of view?

Greed is by far the largest problem we have in this world. Greed is what has led to every war, whether it's greed for power, greed for land, greed for gold/oil, or whatever else people wanted. People wanted something so they took it. That's what every war has always been about. It's quite sad really.

I about spit on my monitor when I read this. Do you honestly believe Christianity is the most peaceful religion to teach love of your fellow man? Wow... you must not have touched up on history. Crusades? Latin/Roman domination of Europe? It's the very thing that led to Catholic domination and actually wiped out people of many other faiths, after integrating their customs and beliefs into Christianity of course."

Did Jesus teach this? NO! Man;s Greed (as you stated), Hatred and Envy are the three most powerful evils of the world. Christianity does not teach: 'If your neighbor has something you want,,,go kill him and take it as your own'. That is man's own doing. As I said Christianity teaches love and forgiveness.. The Romans were not run by a religion. they where run by a human God---Caesar. The crusade like most wars were again as you stated started by man who wanted something the other fellow had (Envy) or wanted the territory a people inhabited because he hated them or because he wanted the resources another country (sovereign land) had (Greed).
Yes Religion was used as a reason but only because people are more likely to follow in you convince them God would be on their side. While the masses truly believed that it was God's task they were doing, there was always a 1% at the top that pulled the strings and knew better. The sadist part of these war is, the number of people on both sides that lost their lives for nothing.

"Ever read anything about buddhism? Have you ever read any other religious text at all other than what you hear/see/read from one point of view?"

I do know that Buddhism has a world view of transcendentalism and seeks spirituality of oneself. Hinduism is close to the same thing. Islam is not only a religion but a governing body and social justice all rolled into one. Yes, I have read some of them.

"Greed is by far the largest problem we have in this world. Greed is what has led to every war, whether it's greed for power, greed for land, greed for gold/oil, or whatever else people wanted. People wanted something so they took it. That's what every war has always been about. It's quite sad really.

I agree with you on this but Christianity teaches against greed, in fact, Jesus of Nazareth 'laid-waste' to the roman church because of Greed. Remember it is Ok to have money but not to worship money. You actually answered your own questions here.Way to go Brian

Happy Holidays Brian :>)

Take any sin you want. Even most atheist believe that somethings are absolutely wrong. Suppose I don't think it's wrong. Does that make it any less wrong? Of course not. Forgive them father they may or not think they are doing a good thing, but in a a short while I will die as you have commanded me and their sins will be paid for. If they choose to accept that payment is their free will choice.

thanks and well said
If you believe in an all powerful God it stands to reason He knows exactly what you are going to do in life so any free choice you think you have is entirely illusory since your whole life is mapped out from beginning to end

Not So! He knows but as most people complain, why does he let bad things happen. He has given us the ability to have free choice. The only thing you cannot control is your birth and your death. We are born to die and as the bible states: "every hair on your head is counted and your days are numbered". In other words when it is you time to die, regardless where you are at and what you are doing you will die.whether you have time to ask for forgiveness and accept JC is unknown. you are simply rolling the dice with the odds being against you.

Merry Christmas :>)


I agree with you on this but Christianity teaches against greed, in fact, Jesus of Nazareth 'laid-waste' to the roman church because of Greed. Remember it is Ok to have money but not to worship money. You actually answered your own questions here.Way to go Brian

Happy Holidays Brian :>)


First I'm blamed for Col's posts now I'm credited with Vassago's, dementia is a terrible illness. Maybe Mohammed wrote the Bible.



Happy holiday to all my readers
The only thing you cannot control is your birth and your death.

If you use the word "thing", it is singular - you listed two, so it is plural and therefore you should use an "s" as in "things".

You can control your death by the way, by committing suicide.

Oh, and by the way, you rabbit on about non believers, you would think they are all scum and crooks. Is that the gloating attitude they teach Christians?

There are plenty of non believers who have done more good than hundreds of Christians put together, according to the bible they will go to hell and damnation whereas a child molester or murderer who has seen the light and asked forgiveness goes to heaven.

Any logic in that? Is that the way god works?

If you use the word "thing", it is singular - you listed two, so it is plural and therefore you should use an "s" as in "things".

You can control your death by the way, by committing suicide.

Oh, and by the way, you rabbit on about non believers, you would think they are all scum and crooks. Is that the gloating attitude they teach Christians?

There are plenty of non believers who have done more good than hundreds of Christians put together, according to the bible they will go to hell and damnation whereas a child molester or murderer who has seen the light and asked forgiveness goes to heaven.

Any logic in that? Is that the way god works?

I am so glad someone straighten you out. I was up half the night so concerned that you did not know the difference between singular and plural.
I am so glad someone straighten you out. I was up half the night so concerned that you did not know the difference between singular and plural.

Past tense Dick, so it's "glad someone has straightened you out".

Always attack the person. :)

Past tense Dick, so it's "glad someone has straightened you out".

Always attack the person. :)

GCF: Politically Correct Holiday Greetings

To all my Liberal Friends:

Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit my best wishes
for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress,
non-addictive, gender neutral celebration of the winter solstice
holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the
religious persuasion or secular practices of your choice, with
respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of
others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular
traditions at all;


A fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically
uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted
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caught up in the holiday spirit.)

To all my Conservative Friends:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


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