Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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I was going to stay out of this but it is too compelling. I am Christian.

In the finial end. if the atheist are right I will not know as I will turn to dirt. HOWEVER!!!!, ATHEIST WILL Know!!!! I was right. , boy will thy know

I've never understood how a loving merciful God , that preaches forgiveness and love thine enemy, could take such revenge on those that just don't believe.


Oh! And how a Christian can take such delight in that thought, I seem to remember Bob Larson being similarly smug.
Dick or others perhaps you can answer a question that eludes others, what form does a soul take, what will the after life consist of, will we meet and recognise people we have known? Just curious to know what you will spend eternity doing.

I've never understood how a loving merciful God , that preaches forgiveness and love thine enemy, could take such revenge on those that just don't believe.


Oh! And how a Christian can take such delight in that thought, I seem to remember Bob Larson being similarly smug.

I am sorry if you think I am taking delight. It is just the opposite. My heart breaks at the thought, it is the reason I do what I do.
I am sorry if you think I am taking delight. It is just the opposite. My heart breaks at the thought, it is the reason I do what I do.

A big reason why I haven't adopted Christianity. Believing that millions are heading for damnation would be make me utterly miserable.
If you believe in an all powerful God it stands to reason He knows exactly what you are going to do in life so any free choice you think you have is entirely illusory since your whole life is mapped out from beginning to end
I was
Born into French Canadian Catholic family in the United Sates.
At 12 year of I started drinking. How many little girls did I ruin their day, month year or life. I knew two years later committed suicide

Sounds like a typical Roman Catholic, a although in the UK, the catholic priests prefer little boys than girls.

Hardly a month goes by without an exposé of such goings on by Catholics.

Is it something you are taught?

I've never understood how a loving merciful God , that preaches forgiveness and love thine enemy, could take such revenge on those that just don't believe.


Oh! And how a Christian can take such delight in that thought, I seem to remember Bob Larson being similarly smug.

Brian: Hopefully I got it right this time... LOL what can I say D7 may better answer you on that but I will try. You have to accept Jesus Christ as your savior and ask forgiveness for your sins prior to your death. If you died instantly, that does not leave any time to do that,,,NO....Is what I have always said, those who do not believe will reach out in the last seconds, just in case they are wrong. If you do not believe then you do not follow his commandments. If you do not follow his commandments then how can you expect him to accept you into his kingdom of heaven. That is like a thief stealing something and then wondering why the penalty is so great when caught. You have to trust in him (JC) to get there and by trusting in him, you follow his lead. Love and forgiveness.

Hope this helps!

Have a nice day :>)

Brian: Hopefully I got it right this time... LOL what can I say D7 may better answer you on that but I will try. You have to accept Jesus Christ as your savior and ask forgiveness for your sins prior to your death. If you died instantly, that does not leave any time to do that,,,NO....Is what I have always said, those who do not believe will reach out in the last seconds, just in case they are wrong. If you do not believe then you do not follow his commandments. If you do not follow his commandments then how can you expect him to accept you into his kingdom of heaven. That is like a thief stealing something and then wondering why the penalty is so great when caught. You have to trust in him (JC) to get there and by trusting in him, you follow his lead. Love and forgiveness.

Hope this helps!

Have a nice day :>)

Good Job Blade,
Hope this makes it a little clearer. Man/God (Jesus Christ) came to earth to died to pay for the sins of for all man kind. ( Yes any deviate you want to name) he died to wash it away. Once he died the sins of the whole world were already paid for. Those that choose to accept that payment/Check can cash in upon there death. Any thing after that is frosting on the cake. Those that choose to not cash it have made there choice. Now it doesn't seem logical that I get the same check with my wicked life as the sweet little teenage that only stole a cookie and told 1little white lie, nut I didn't write it, I just read it and believed it Do you agree Blade
Dick S
Talking bushes that are on fire aren't enough for you? :rolleyes:

I'm Agnostic for all the same reasons. I don't believe in a "god" so much as I do that there is something after death. Energy doesn't die, it just changes shape. What that shape is, we'll have to wait and see.

Energy maybe but they are individual and they remember all. This I can attest to:

About 5 and 4 years ago, two of three men I worked with died. Sometime later the third friend was laid up and could no longer work but was alive. he died about one year after my fathers death. Three and one-half years ago, my father health had began to fail. During this time, one night in what I thought was a dream, these three men I saw. Only the images of the two that had died were clear. The third was visible but in a cloud as if he were not there, but rather a placement (with his face) that awaited him. All were easily recognizable and there was no doubt as to their identification. My father worked closely with these three men who made it their life's work to heal the sick. The one who had originally recruited my father spoke in a tone that was no different than that tone I remembered he spoke in life. He told me to tell my father "that it was wonderful on the other side, not to be afraid". He then gave me a golden watch from his wrist. I awoke in a sweat. There would be no sleep that night for every time I tried I saw this dream as if it were burned onto my brain. To this date I can still see in every detail, that dream, vision or what ever you want to call it, as vivid as if it had just happened. No, it does not bother my sleep now but it is constantly in my thoughts while I am awake.

Even though my father's health was failing, he was able to get around to some degree. During this time, I constantly wondered when I should tell him and actually ask in prayer for guidance as to when I needed to tell him this message. As with most prayers no direct answer came so I lived with it every day without knowing when I must tell him or for that matter should I tell him at all. Time went by and my father had been fighting death for several hours. I suspected he was trying to hang on to life for fear of the unknown. It was at this time that I somehow decided that it was time to give him his friend's message. I gently whispered in his ear the message the man (by name) told me to tell him. I then told him I loved him for the last time as he passed away from us within the next three minutes. I had just told my father something I had only blind faith to believe in and he had in blind faith believed those words from the man, his friend for so many years who was already there.

During my father's funeral, I still had this urging to tell the man's son. After I told him (the son), he told me that his father had given him a golden watch just before his death. Why did his father give me a golden watch in a dream or vision. WHY? Guess I will never know the answer to that question, at least in this lifetime!

Since my father's funeral I have told no one about the dream/vison even though it haunts me regularly. What must I do to get rid of it I do not know. I do truly believe there is life on the other side and that those souls that go there remember everything, else how would the man in the dream/vision have known me, my father and had the ability to send a message to his son about the golden watch thru me.

With a heavy heart, I tell you this story in hopes that it will give you and others that have testified on this thread enough pause and doubt to revisit the reasons you used to turn away from Christianity in the first place.

I believe without doubt there is an after life and it is a I do know before I die (hopefully several years down the road ) I will tell my children and their children's children about the wonderful place on the other side of life that was told to me so long long ago..

Merry Christmas to All and to all a good night :>)

Good Job Blade,
Hope this makes it a little clearer. Man/God (Jesus Christ) came to earth to died to pay for the sins of for all man kind. ( Yes any deviate you want to name) he died to wash it away. Once he died the sins of the whole world were already paid for. Those that choose to accept that payment/Check can cash in upon there death. Any thing after that is frosting on the cake. Those that choose to not cash it have made there choice. Now it doesn't seem logical that I get the same check with my wicked life as the sweet little teenage that only stole a cookie and told 1little white lie, nut I didn't write it, I just read it and believed it Do you agree Blade
Dick S

Sounds about right to me D7A
That is like a thief stealing something and then wondering why the penalty is so great when caught.

When I get to the Pearly Gates, If I get turned away, I will do what most convicted Thieves do, take my sentance to the Court of Human Rights and have it overturned... :rolleyes: :D
If you do not believe then you do not follow his commandments. If you do not follow his commandments then how can you expect him to accept you into his kingdom of heaven.

I've been known to mull over this apparent contradiction on occasion.

How does: "Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots." fit into this stand-point?

Is Jesus trying to persuade God not to take this standpoint that you've described?
Bladerunner and Dick whilst I thank you for your replies they did not address my questions but were in the main the usual statements that we have had before that lead to such questions as

What sins?
What about those that have never heard of Jesus?

I'm just a normal guy , I have never committed adultery, knowingly hurt anybody, or stolen, hang on I did use the copier and phone in the office for personal use occasionally. Do you think I deserve the same fate as a serial rapist or murderer? Assuming your belief is correct of course.

I've been known to mull over this apparent contradiction on occasion.

How does: "Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots." fit into this stand-point?

Is Jesus trying to persuade God not to take this standpoint that you've described?
Yes, that is exactly what Jesus does. He is our advocate.
Yes, that is exactly what Jesus does. He is our advocate.

If Jesus makes such a plea in scripture. How can

If you do not believe then you do not follow his commandments. If you do not follow his commandments then how can you expect him to accept you into his kingdom of heaven.

be said with such confidence?
...with the exception of Christianity that promotes love of your fellow man. Why do you think so many religions including Atheism want to get rid of Christianity?

Have a nice evening Brian :>)


I about spit on my monitor when I read this. Do you honestly believe Christianity is the most peaceful religion to teach love of your fellow man? Wow... you must not have touched up on history. Crusades? Latin/Roman domination of Europe? It's the very thing that led to Catholic domination and actually wiped out people of many other faiths, after integrating their customs and beliefs into Christianity of course.

Ever read anything about buddhism? Have you ever read any other religious text at all other than what you hear/see/read from one point of view?

Greed is by far the largest problem we have in this world. Greed is what has led to every war, whether it's greed for power, greed for land, greed for gold/oil, or whatever else people wanted. People wanted something so they took it. That's what every war has always been about. It's quite sad really.

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