Are you an atheist? (4 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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I give up---there is no getting you to understand. you are hard core.

My last statement on the subject-I hope lol. Lets put it like this; all the bad choices as well as the all the good choices are available to each of us as we stumble through life and God knows the outcome to each choice or set of choices. Yet we have a freedom and the ability to choose any of these choices. Then how can that it be that we, (WE) are preprogrammed? Is the user of you programs preprogrammed because they can make a choice in the program that you know the answer to?

Have a nice day :>)


So are you saying he doesn't already know what choice we will make? If he doesn't, then how can he be all-knowing?
You think you’re not sure what I said. I am the one that didn’t understand. I took your F@gs to mean “figs”, as post 3455 had just mention cursing the fig tree. I completely miss the westboro nut job. My convoluted logic then associated fig tree with, burger joint, and cursing with trashing. BTW nut job is to light a word for (small w) westboro. I email them once and admonished them for their poor testimony. They accused me of being a sodomite.

I did mean FIGS. I was teasing the idea of the "God Hates F@GS" by stating it was supposed to be FIGS, because Jesus cursed the Fig Tree. I was mocking Westboro is stating they got it all wrong.

We need more cowbell...
I think that I understand why you misunderstand :) what I said: because my English.
I said : Ben Laden is a true believer. For me, the word true means... true ( = Not False). In my poorly English I wish to say that Ben Laden IS a believer because he believe in something, not that his religion) is the true one. I wish to say that Ben Laden has no doubts when he believe that Allah is the god... etc.
While I think that is no god, nowhere, of course that I think that any religion is FALSE (= Not True) so, is not (and can't be) a true religion.

Because this thread is about religion, I use the term "believer" for anyone that believe in a god: any god: Dumnezeu, Jehovah (thank you for this), Allah, Brahma etc etc etc and the term "non-believer" for persons like me (atheist) that think that is no god on the Earth (thank you, Brian).

Sorry for the confusion.
In Romanian language we have:
credincios = believer
necredincios = atheist (as you can see is the same "format" with non-believer )

So, try to replace, in all my posts, the non-believer with atheist and the believer with... not atheist . Fortunately we are, more or less, programers, so I can use the boolean logic here :)

So, I reformulate one of my questions:
Show me an atheist that started a war against a not atheist.
Whatever I already said should be reformulate as well.

Now, hope is clear for you why I said what I said about Ben Laden. He is not atheist. As well as you. Just the god's name is different.

Again, sorry for the confusion. I am happy to be here (with you, all) because I have the chance to learn a bit of "usual" English. Thank you for this.

Simple enough: Would have to research that but I believe it would be NONE.
One gigantic program!

Hey D7A, hope you had a good Christmas and New Year's eve. You had a safe one, obvious by your new posting. lol

Have a nice day :>)


look how much code Robots have to have much less what a sentient robot would have to have.
So are you saying he doesn't already know what choice we will make? If he doesn't, then how can he be all-knowing?

"What we have hear is a failure to communicate" We are in a LOOP...heeeeeeeeelp! lol

What if he did know and did not exercise his right to change or pick our choices for us, would we still be pre-programmed or would he be not all-knowing ?

Have a nice day :>)

New questions raised in my stupid brain :)

Why any not atheist is in need to defend his god ?
Are they thinking that their god is so weakness and He can't defend Himself ?

Why any not atheist use the same sentence: My god is the true one ! (?)

Why I should believe that the true god is Jehovah ? Why I should believe that Allah is a false one ?

Ok. Lets remain with Jehovah.
Which Jehovah is the true god ? The Catholic's Jehovah ? The Orthodox's one ? Or the Adventist's one ? Or... ????

Which one from all this "religions" is the true one ?

With so many choices and only with my human brain... I started to think that I am fated to Hell :(
Homer has written about this gods 850 years before Jesus
So, in my human logic, should be vice versa (versa vice ?).

Yes I agree. The Greeks still believed in their Gods when Jesus walked the earth. So when Peter and Barnabus were there speading the word of Jesus Christ and Peter just happened to perform a miracle there, the population thought they where Zeus and Hermes from Mt. Olympus. That was why they named them. They also did not speak their language which added to the confusion. Only when John got there at a later date and spoke to the population in their own language was the truth revealed.

Have a nice Day:>)

New questions raised in my stupid brain :)

Why any not atheist is in need to defend his god ?
Are they thinking that their god is so weakness and He can't defend Himself ?

Why any not atheist use the same sentence: My god is the true one ! (?)

Why I should believe that the true god is Jehovah ? Why I should believe that Allah is a false one ?

Ok. Lets remain with Jehovah.
Which Jehovah is the true god ? The Catholic's Jehovah ? The Orthodox's one ? Or the Adventist's one ? Or... ????

Which one from all this "religions" is the true one ?

With so many choices and only with my human brain... I started to think that I am fated to Hell :(


Mihail, keep on thinking and asking questions, sooner or later you will get the answers you want to make a choice even though it is apparent you have already made it.

"Why any not atheist is in need to defend his god ?"
"Are they thinking that their god is so weakness and He can't defend Himself ?"

*Jesus told his disciples to go forth and tell the people of his gospel. that is all, I do not defend him, his words speak very well for him.

"Why any not atheist use the same sentence: My god is the true one ! "

* I guess to get people to believe?????? On the other hand, Jesus Christ, Son of God, born of Man, walked the earth and died for everybodys sins. Three days later, he arose from the tomb his was in (guarded by a roman century). Tell me of another God that sent his son here to die for those people he loved so dearly. Certainly not Allah. It is written in the Koran (Curan) that non-believers (in the islam religion) either convert and be confined to essentially slavery or DIE. Allah is really projecting that LOVE here? This is only the beginning of the differences.

I do not know about your Orthodox church enough to say.

"Ok. Lets remain with Jehovah.
Which Jehovah is the true god ? The Catholic's Jehovah ? The Orthodox's one ? Or the Adventist's one ? Or... ????"

*Again the Orthodox church, I do not know but you can look at this explanation and tell me..

The Catholic's and Adventist's are one and the same. Christianity encompasses many denominations. All people of Christianity have one main objective and that is to believe in Jesus Christ and live an ethernal life. The difference in the denominations is how they interprete the rest of the bible to use in their daily activities. A lot of times here in America, we will have different type churches just around the corner from one another. Yet the people from both get along just fine. Examples: The church of Nazarene does not believe in dancing. The Church of God does not believe in short sleeve shirts. Church of Christ does not believe in wedding rings. Catholics believe if you go out and sin (on a Saturaday night) then you need to confess your sins the next day and all will be forgiven. By the way, the other denominations do not practice this Catholic ritual. With-in Christianity, all differences are derived from the bible and are just interpreted differently. Accordingly people naturally go to places(churches) where there are people that think like themselves. In places like Romania and Russia, you probably do not have but one church (the Orthodox). This was meant to give you an overview of the area of Christianity you questioned.

There is only one choice you have to make before you die. To believe or Not to believe in Jesus Christ. Your Choice? I and the others in Christianity will not push you, pull you, chastize you or kill you for not believing in Jesus Christ or the Christian religion. The results of your choice will be only between you, Jesus Christ and His Father (Jehovah) . If as you say there is no God, then you are in good shape. I believe differently and would caution you to "Choose Well my friend".

Hope this helps!


Have a nice day:>)

Here you have a bit of info about Orthodox Church.–West_Schism

A Romanian expression say : This is the same Mary (=Maria in Romanian language) with other hat.
(Maria is a very common name for women in Romania - is not about Jesus mother).
On the other hand, Jesus Christ, Son of God, born of Man, walked the earth and died for everybodys sins. Three days later, he arose from the tomb his was in (guarded by a roman century). Tell me of another God that sent his son here to die for those people he loved so dearly
This is the main story of Christianity and the main story that make me an atheist :)

Eternal life for me ? What about my friends, what about my wife, my children, my parents ? How I can live in eternity if one or more or all of this very important persons for me will not be near me ?! The God's love - I am very sure - is NOT enough for me.
Yes. I make my choice: I prefer an eternal death.
As for the murderers, there were many people who killed in God's (Jesus not born during this time period) name (see previous posts) and most all (99%+) of them provoked.

Rubbish. The Hebrews left Egypt where they had been enslaved by the king there after their god inflicted terrible things upon the Egyptian people. Their god particularly enjoyed killing all the first born of all the the Egyptians rather than just killing the king which arguable would have been a better solution.

The Hebrews then escaped across a sea that god parted for them. Subsequently they walked across the desert taking forty years to cover a distance a snail could managed much faster.

Here they reached their "Promised Land" and their god told them to slaughter everyone because they were not good people. One group was tricked into running out of their city where they were ambushed by the Hebrews who commented on how few it took to put all those men, women and children "to the sword". Definitely no attack by the vanquished there.

But I shouldn't spoil the story. Read it for yourself.

My favourite bit is where they put all the gold, silver and jewels into the Arc of the Covenant and revere it as an object of God. One guy touched it to stop it falling and was instantly struck down. After the Arc spent a night in a house belonging to a king, he had to build a new house because no woman, even the Queen, or child could ever enter that building again.

Lovely stuff to guide our sense of morality. Little wonder the world is a mess of misogyny and self serving bigotry.
Another favourite is where Lot offers his virgin daughters to men who want to ra** his visitor. They decline and instead he offers his housekeeper and they accept. She is then raped to death.

Lot then hacks up her body and sends parts to other Hebrew tribes to demonstrate the horrible nature of the original people in the Promised Land.

Then Lot's daughters bear him sons.

Lot is later described as a good man.

Seriously, I am not making this up. Read the Bible.

Blade. How about you explain how this is good advice for life?
Another favourite is where Lot offers his virgin daughters to men who want to ra** his visitor. They decline and instead he offers his housekeeper and they accept. She is then raped to death.

Lot then hacks up her body and sends parts to other Hebrew tribes to demonstrate the horrible nature of the original people in the Promised Land.

Then Lot's daughters bear him sons.

Lot is later described as a good man.

Seriously, I am not making this up. Read the Bible.

Blade. How about you explain how this is good advice for life?

I dont know this story. What was this story made up/included in the bible for I wonder. What was it trying to tell the reader? I was never taught to read the bible or take it literally anyhow though. I think we cherrypick the good bits in todays outlook - seemingly you look mostly and literally at the bad?
Another favourite is where Lot offers his virgin daughters to men who want to ra** his visitor. They decline and instead he offers his housekeeper and they accept. She is then raped to death.

Lot then hacks up her body and sends parts to other Hebrew tribes to demonstrate the horrible nature of the original people in the Promised Land.

Then Lot's daughters bear him sons.

Lot is later described as a good man.

Seriously, I am not making this up. Read the Bible.

Blade. How about you explain how this is good advice for life?

The bold part is my favorite.
Not (or not only) because the special sexy/porno story ("1001 Nights" is a book for younger compared with the Bible). I love this part because:
1) Lot has drink until he wasn't able to remember that the single women around are his daughters;
2) Lot has drink enough to not recognise his daughters;
3) Lot's daughters was virgins.

In this condition, Lot was able to have sexual relation with his daughters :banghead: the emoticon is for me) even to have children (WOW, the true believers seems to be also "true males").
The notion that Hitler's Germany was an atheist cause is a popular myth among the religious.

In fact Hitler was a Catholic and remained so. Moreover the Church never excommunicated him. Given the amount of collusion between them it is hardly surprising.

Far from being a war caused by atheists, WW2 was a classic case of presuming superiority, vilifying those whose wealth is sought and setting about taking it by force if necessary. All the while there is a notion of righteousness by the perpetrator.

The WW2 parallels to the Hebrew genocides in the Bible are remarkable.

Hitler has the Master Race. The Hebrews has the Chosen Race. The Hebrews worked with their God to be rewarded with their Promised Land. Hitler had the Fatherland.

They both vilified those they intended to conquest and both slaughtered men women and children in two of the most brutal genocides ever chronicled in the history of mankind.

Some would say it is irony that the Nazis turned upon the Jews in exactly the same way the Hebrews massacred the people in the lands they invaded. But it isn't irony at all. They were all reading the wisdom of their master from the same hideous book.

The big difference for humanity of today is the way we treat these two monumental parts of our past. Nazism is acknowledged as an ugly fascist philosophy that no decent person would ever want to be involved with.

Bizarrely the Bible with all its objectively brutal fascist philosophy is upheld as evidence for the glory of a supposedly loving God.

The Bible, its prequels and sequels in the Abrahamic series are not things we should be inspired by but are all fundamentally at the core of what has been wrong with humanity for millennia.

And that is the propensity of the religious to be utterly unreasonable, holding back the intellectual, material and moral progress of our societies by insisting that the supposed wisdom of some ancient arrogant misogynists is the best we could ever become.

I'm intrigued by this collusion, what was it and what were they colluding to acheive?

You're not far off a Mel Gibson esque - Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world - kind of sentiment in your full quote - just targeted to a broader church?
Having read only 10 or 12 sentences from this thread, I have to constantly be amused at the level of religious non belief exhibited by atheist.

And for their total misunderstanding of the level of proof that is absent form the so called sciences. Science measures things. It has no explanation of the core cause, only the effect.

But you guys keep on believing, God does not need your belief to exist, and oh by the way, I am actually educated, as was Einstein, who like wise believed in a supreme being.
Having read only 10 or 12 sentences from this thread, I have to constantly be amused at the level of religious non belief exhibited by atheist.
I find it really amusing to be lectured on the contents of a thread with over 3480 posts by someone who by their own admission has only read 10 or 12 sentences. Talk about selectivity:D. Your views might be more relevant if you had followed more of this thread.
Science measures things.
It is what you think. What I know is a little bit different.
As well as the religions, the since explain the things.

Unlike the religions the since can't explain anything.
It is a "little" bit easier to explain that the water is provided by God than to explain the H2O formula.
It is a "little" bit easier to explain why the apple fall down (the God wish) than to explain the Universal Low of Attraction.

It is a "little" bit easier to explain anything using 3 words God/Creator/Wish than to explain everything in a logic way.

Science measures things. It has no explanation of the core cause, only the effect.
Unlike the science, any religion "explain" the core cause (God/Creator/Wish) but has no reasonable explanations for the effects :)
You're not far off a Mel Gibson esque - Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world - kind of sentiment in your full quote - just targeted to a broader church?

Rubbish. What I posted is an accurate description of what is in the Bible.

The Hebrews slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the name of their god in what was in reality a land grab. They also collected the precious metals and jewels and put them in a box which they revered. Everything else was burnt.

Why don't you actually read the Bible?
I dont know this story [of Lot]. What was this story made up/included in the bible for I wonder. What was it trying to tell the reader?

No religious person has ever attempted to explain it to me when I asked.

I was never taught to read the bible or take it literally anyhow though.

So you are religious and believe the Bible is the word of God, yet you have not even read it? That is fairly typical of the religious. Atheists generally know more about the Bible than the believers.

I think we cherrypick the good bits in todays outlook - seemingly you look mostly and literally at the bad?

The book is supposed to be the word of God. Either it is all the word of god or it isn't at all. Hence it is not reasonable for the faithful to cherry pick.

The atheist hypothesis the Bible is nothing more than writing of stories made up by ancient ignorant misogynists. To prove that hypothesis we need only point to examples that demonstrate that hypothesis.

Regardless of the "good" parts the bad stuff is there and cherry picking to prove it is perfectly acceptable.

The atheist hypothesis can be proven by a single example.

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