I think that I understand why you misunderstand

what I said: because my English.
I said : Ben Laden is a
true believer. For me, the word
true means...
true ( = Not False). In my poorly English I wish to say that Ben Laden
IS a believer because he believe in something, not that his religion) is the true one. I wish to say that Ben Laden has no doubts when he believe that Allah is the god... etc.
While I think that is no god, nowhere, of course that I think that any religion is FALSE (= Not True) so, is not (and can't be) a
true religion.
Because this thread is about religion, I use the term "
believer" for anyone that believe in a god: any god: Dumnezeu, Jehovah (thank you for this)
, Allah, Brahma etc etc etc and the term "
non-believer" for persons like me (atheist) that think that is no god on the Earth (thank you, Brian).
Sorry for the confusion.
In Romanian language we have:
credincios =
necredincios = atheist (as you can see is the same "format" with
believer )
So, try to replace, in all my posts, the
non-believer with
atheist and the
believer with...
not atheist . Fortunately we are, more or less, programers, so I can use the boolean logic here
So, I reformulate one of my questions:
Show me an atheist that started a war against a not atheist.
Whatever I already said should be reformulate as well.
Now, hope is clear for you why I said what I said about Ben Laden. He is
not atheist. As well as you. Just the god's name is different.
Again, sorry for the confusion. I am happy to be here (with you, all) because I have the chance to learn a bit of "usual" English. Thank you for this.