What Glaxom tells you about Lot is not as it is written? Why don't you read Genesis yourself.
I do. Somewhere at 17 years old. But I remember pretty well, because, after I read once, I have tried to keep a track (using a pencil and paper - no computers at that time in Romania) between records (something like this:
Genesis 19:23 say:.... but
Genesis 20:54 say.....
first record = not the second one ????). Hope you understand what I mean. Of course I fail because the enormous amount of situations like I described.
So, I do: I have read the Genesis myself.
And because is
YOU who don't tell us the all story, let me fill (with my poorly English) the gaps in this (funny) story:
So, the Lord was informed (this sound like an ancient FBI ????) that in two towns (Sodom and Gomorrah) the people are very bad (the homosexuality being the main problem). But the Lord need to verify the information so He send 2 more undercover agents (2 angels) in Sodom. And He said:
If you will find at least one believer I'll not punished this towns.
The two angels arrived in Sodom and they go to the Lot house (the faith).
Now, the club of homosexuals, somehow, was informed and they ask Lot to give they the two (very young and very beautiful) angels in order to have sexual relation with they.
Lot said "No". Is better to take my young, virgin, daughters for this task, but leave alone this 2 guys.
Of course, with no result.
The angels inform the Lord that the information was verified. But, because they know very well the Lord, they know that they can't believe in His word (see the bold text).
So they say to Lot:
Take your wife and your daughters and run to the mountains. But
do not look backward !!!!
In time they run, Lot's wife (named Sara if I remember well) has looked backward (she was a woman, isn't it ?

) and, instantly, she become a stick of salt.
Sodom and Gomorrah was erased by Lord from the Earth.
Lot arrived in the mountains with his daughters and camp here.
After a wile one of the girl say to the other one:
We are here for a while and the single man around is our father.
So, it is a huge risk to never have kids. What can we do ?
And a smart idea raised:
The girls give drinks (a lot of drinks) to their father, until he was no more able to understand the real word and the first girl has sexual relation with him (after that she born a child).
Next day, the other girl do the same, and she born a child too.
Of course that in my native language I say this story much better

So, Bladerunner, I have read myself the Genesis, maybe before Galaxiom because I suspect that I am older than he is.
More, I have read also some books written by
Erich von Däniken.
Note that he never sustain that his "theories" are "the truth". He just show us another possibility. (and make good money by selling the books)
In one of his books, von Däniken has write about this story and he said that the Lord has used an atomic bomb. He argue that Lot was send to the mountains because the natural protection that the walls from rock ensure.
But this is another story, my friend
All the best !