Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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Now we getting a little philosophical here aren't we. OK, use the computer. we as programmers design choices for the user. The number of choices range from tens to thousands of choices.

The problem with human beings is that we are not computers. We make a million decisions in one hour (unless we are sleeping). Each thought takes us in the direction of our final destiny. Yes, I would call that being who could pre-program our every thought for a lifetime times billions upon billions of beings throughout the universe "GOD".

Have a nice day :>)


So you believe that we are preprogrammed , kind of removes the guilt from Stalin, Hitler, serial killers, rapists, etc, etc, so why should they be punished when they die?

As programmer I'll never implement any user "option" if I can calculate the result without his intervention.
Or, at least, I inform the user: Play all your life with my program, but be sure that this will not affect the final result :)
The rest of your statement I have a hard time following.

Have a nice day:>)


Not that difficult when put in context.

Keep posting Mihail.

" could have saved" was the past tense you were looking for and dynamite is the spelling you wanted. We say Earth not Terra but that was perfectly clear.

Thank you very VERY much Brian.

An "ASK" to anyone and to everyone:
Correct me whenever you have the necessary time.
Once, twice, more times.
This will be for me a greater help than if you teach me Access.

Thank you.
Ben Laden was a murderer just like Mohammed as any in history. If you want to call Allah a god, so be it, but he believes in killing or enslaving non-believers. Don't think they are the same gods. Beside, was Mohammed Allah's son?
Oh please. You're both desert death cults.

The Bible/Torah is chock FULL of murderers who kill in YHWH's name, including YHWH Himself. Jesus you can argue is different, but even he cursed the fig tree for no reason.
Oh please. You're both desert death cults.

The Bible/Torah is chock FULL of murderers who kill in YHWH's name, including YHWH Himself. Jesus you can argue is different, but even he cursed the fig tree for no reason.

That's why all those signs are ridiculous. They should say... "God hates FIGS." Those Westboro nutjobs have it wrong.
That's why all those signs are ridiculous. They should say... "God hates FIGS." Those Westboro nutjobs have it wrong.

Somebody trashed a burger joint because their order wasn't right. Does that make them like Jesus?
Somebody trashed a burger joint because their order wasn't right. Does that make them like Jesus?

...huh? :confused:

I was mocking the "God hates F@GS" signs that those nutjobs hold during protests. What's that have to do with what you just said. I'm not even sure I understand what you just said. lol
So you believe that we are preprogrammed , kind of removes the guilt from Stalin, Hitler, serial killers, rapists, etc, etc, so why should they be punished when they die?

I give up---there is no getting you to understand. you are hard core.

My last statement on the subject-I hope lol. Lets put it like this; all the bad choices as well as the all the good choices are available to each of us as we stumble through life and God knows the outcome to each choice or set of choices. Yet we have a freedom and the ability to choose any of these choices. Then how can that it be that we, (WE) are preprogrammed? Is the user of you programs preprogrammed because they can make a choice in the program that you know the answer to?

Have a nice day :>)

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...huh? :confused:

I was mocking the "God hates F@GS" signs that those nutjobs hold during protests. What's that have to do with what you just said. I'm not even sure I understand what you just said. lol

You think you’re not sure what I said. I am the one that didn’t understand. I took your F@gs to mean “figs”, as post 3455 had just mention cursing the fig tree. I completely miss the westboro nut job. My convoluted logic then associated fig tree with, burger joint, and cursing with trashing. BTW nut job is to light a word for (small w) westboro. I email them once and admonished them for their poor testimony. They accused me of being a sodomite.
You think you’re not sure what I said. I am the one that didn’t understand. I took your F@gs to mean “figs”, as post 3455 had just mention cursing the fig tree. I completely miss the westboro nut job. My convoluted logic then associated fig tree with, burger joint, and cursing with trashing. BTW nut job is to light a word for (small w) westboro. I email them once and admonished them for their poor testimony. They accused me of being a sodomite.
too light a word

Hi again

You said:"Agree, but not this is the subject here. The subject is the sens of believer / non-believers words.
So, Ben Laden IS a murderer and he is also a very true believer as I already said."

*I agree but your first question was something like this: 'show me a non-believer that started a war against a beliver'

*I take this is a trick question since you have not been able to tell me who the non-believers are.

*You say, Ben Lauden and others are belivers. Yes, they believe in a false religion and I speak in terms of Christianity (true believers)


You said: "I "am" orthodox as well as I am Romanian. "They" say me that but no one asked me if I like this, if I agree this etc.
So, in my language the god is named Dumnezeu. I don't know very well in English. I see that you use God, so I assume that this is the name of your god.
But you (the English) use also "gods" for the dead gods of ancient Greek. So, I am confused: why Allah isn't a god, but Zeus, Apollo, Poseidon, Ares, Afrodita, Dyonissos (he's my favorite ) are ?

*The Chrisitian God's name is 'Jehovah'. Greek Mythology... all of their Gods and Monsters----you are kidding right?.... As someone alluded to in another post, you cannot pick your parents nor can you pick the location of your birth. Since you cannot pick your parents you could also be "brainwashed" as far as religion goes. I guess you have always heard that little children have a free pass to heaven since they cannot decide for their futures at a young age. What age are you at risk of not being innocent anymore. I do not know but after that you have to make a choice IF.

*IF: lets say you are a Greek and still believe in Zeus. If you have been isolated and have not been told about Jesus Christ, then in my mind you would be innocent, if you have been told and have not made the decision to accept him as your savior and follow his teachings before you die, well........

*p.s. Barnabas (Zeus) and Paul (Hermes) Jesus's deciples were given names as Gods by the Greek people. Finally the Greek people saw the light after John spoke to them in their own language. For further reading : (


You Said: "I think that is no god, nowhere, but I don't care that you think that there are 2 gods. As well as I don't care that others think that it is a god for anything (water, air, light, dark and so on)."

*Your free choice.


you said: Again, I can't answer to this. While no evidence (I refer to DNA ) I can't answer to this.
I don't know if they have their "Mary", I don't know Allah's preferences (now I speak about women), I don't know if a Moslem women, with a husband, can have a relation with some one else (even with her God) and to not be killed with rocks after that, I don't know a lot of things about the Islam religion."

*Islam speaks of Jesus as a false Prophet. Not the (human) Son of God. For your reading:(

Hope Romania is warmer than it is here: Nine degrees in middle of day.

Have a Nice Day:>)


As programmer I'll never implement any user "option" if I can calculate the result without his intervention.
Or, at least, I inform the user: Play all your life with my program, but be sure that this will not affect the final result :)

do what???? By your same cognitive reasoning in a previous post: ' What about the user telling the program via check boxes,etc that they are either a Female or a Male.'

That is a choice in your program and you know the outcome to each but don't know what the user will push.Same difference! You are looking only at the big choices where all the little choices actually make you what you are.

Have a nice day :>)

I think that I understand why you misunderstand :) what I said: because my English.
I said : Ben Laden is a true believer. For me, the word true means... true ( = Not False). In my poorly English I wish to say that Ben Laden IS a believer because he believe in something, not that his religion) is the true one. I wish to say that Ben Laden has no doubts when he believe that Allah is the god... etc.
While I think that is no god, nowhere, of course that I think that any religion is FALSE (= Not True) so, is not (and can't be) a true religion.

Because this thread is about religion, I use the term "believer" for anyone that believe in a god: any god: Dumnezeu, Jehovah (thank you for this), Allah, Brahma etc etc etc and the term "non-believer" for persons like me (atheist) that think that is no god on the Earth (thank you, Brian).

Sorry for the confusion.
In Romanian language we have:
credincios = believer
necredincios = atheist (as you can see is the same "format" with non-believer )

So, try to replace, in all my posts, the non-believer with atheist and the believer with... not atheist . Fortunately we are, more or less, programers, so I can use the boolean logic here :)

So, I reformulate one of my questions:
Show me an atheist that started a war against a not atheist.
Whatever I already said should be reformulate as well.

Now, hope is clear for you why I said what I said about Ben Laden. He is not atheist. As well as you. Just the god's name is different.

Again, sorry for the confusion. I am happy to be here (with you, all) because I have the chance to learn a bit of "usual" English. Thank you for this.
Oh please. You're both desert death cults.

The Bible/Torah is chock FULL of murderers who kill in YHWH's name, including YHWH Himself. Jesus you can argue is different, but even he cursed the fig tree for no reason.

The Jewish Torah relates to the 'first five books of Moses'
The bibles first five books are the same.
As for the murderers, there were many people who killed in God's (Jesus not born during this time period) name (see previous posts) and most all (99%+) of them provoked. But then I suppose you will not fight back if someone is threatening your family. Seeing you are from Kansas and you are more than likely a liberal, then my guess is that you believe the local police can save you and your family if anything happens even though they probably at least 10 minutes away (if they are not busy). If I am wrong I will retract this part with delight in advance!

What is 'YHWH',, I was not in the signal corp when I served?

Jesus did not curse the fig tree.
'The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” And his disciples heard him say it.'

for more> Mark 11:12-14 and 11:20-25 and Matthew 21:18-22
Have a nice day :>)

What would life be like if we able to program it in Access?:(

One gigantic program!

Hey D7A, hope you had a good Christmas and New Year's eve. You had a safe one, obvious by your new posting. lol

Have a nice day :>)


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