I was one that I agreed with Rabbie when he said "
non personal attack".
Do not understand that this was only for you. It was for Galaxiom too. And for any other.
Galaxiom is, indeed, one of the very skilled poster in DBs area. He helped me and many others to solve our issues in THIS area, and I appreciate this.
On the other hand, this is NOT a thread about DBs. So is no reason to think that Galaxiom have a special status.
On the other other hand

, as atheist, I agree with Galaxiom's ideas, even if, sometimes, I don't agree his "ferocity".
One more other hand (sorry, my English is limited):
I like AWF because the moderators don't use their "power". Rabbie don't act in your case as a moderator. But just as a poster. As moderator he can remove your post with no explanation, isn't it ? But that didn't happen.
So, keep posting. I like your posts. I like your "war" with Galaxiom because you, both of you, have something new to add every time

. And the winter's nights are so long....
He was a revolutionary and he may not have pulled the trigger on any gun, he set in motion the Russian Socialist Republic that I believe you will agree killed millions.
I answered to this question many times.
YES. The answer is YES. But, I'll repeat until you will seems to understand this, that millions was killed because the political reasons,
not because the religions reasons.
The Russian politic (as well as the communism's politic in all other geographic areas) was/is:
"Who is not with us, is against us". But, again and again, this words do NOT refer to the religious things. As Rabbie (see the answer for Libre) the communist staff have had the power to erase the religion at physical level, by destroying the churches, by closing the school for priests etc., but they didn't do this.
Why ? This is another question: a very interesting one.
Because they (the communist staff) also have used the religion as "opium for the people".
Every Sunday after the priest speak to the people in the church (what is the English word for this activity ?) at the end, he (the priest) never forget to add:
... and we ask the Lord to keep care about our leaders, to bless Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena Ceausescu."
Why he never forget to add this ?

Think yourself.
As I mentioned many times, the religion is nothing more than a tool. A very powerful tool in order to manipulate the peoples. And the communists wasn't so stupids to destroy a tool like this.