It is nice to dream there are multiple universes but to base its existence on mathematical equations is just part of forming a Hypothesis (a dream) on steroids.
Theories are at least based on some science knowledge that are provable.
Here we have the dead sea scrolls, the bible and the teachings of Jesus that tell us there is a God. I believe there is quite a collection of data out there enough to make the God thing at least a theory? Don't you think????
Yet some of you (atheist) in this thread proclaim there is NO God but there are many universes???????????????????
Well I contest the point that a theory based on mathematics is purely a dream. All the established theories are based on mathematics. Take a theory like quantum mechanics. Originally that was a purely mathematical theory that made a number of shocking predictions (e.g. things exists in more than one place at once). It took a while, but eventually it was found to be correct, leading to the computer revolution.
These days our mathematical theories are actually rooted in evidence. The sorts of theories I've been mentioning all have to satisfy everything we know about the universe to even be considered. So we create models to explain what we see today, confirm they are accurate at making predictions, and then find the predictions and implications they have on a grand scale are again shocking.
These ideas have a strong basis to be believed, even without indisputable proof, because the mathematics they rely on has been never lied.
However, when it comes to historical religious evidence this cannot be said: it is data created by human intuition, a source that lies more frequently than not. The writer's opinion, the translators opinion and your opinion as you read it all feed in to create a final conclusion, and even then, there is no way to know the accuracy of the original writer.
All of this leads to shakey final conclusions that atheists dismiss because the weak foundation for the claims combines with a lack of experimental proof i.e. the contradictory implications of various religious theories are either impossible to verify (so the truth cannot be found), or simply conflict with scientific knowledge (other truths are denied).
So to conclude, ideas of Gods are more of a hypothesis. Any person can create such a hypothesis, and no particular knowledge base is required (Scientology is an example). However to create a reputable mathematical theory requires extreme knowledge, decades of dedication and rigorous testing, constantly finding ways to prove your ideas are real so conclusively that the most skeptical people struggle not to be convinced. A mathematical theory must have ZERO weaknesses, contradictions or situations in which it cannot be used to predict the future with extreme precision. A religious theory can have any number of these defects and still be regarded in high standing because the standard of proof is far lower.
Bit of a rant there, sorry

tldr: science theories use a lot more evidence than you probably realise.