Are you an atheist? (9 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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You're saying that you're shut down by the people who do evil and mask it with good... If that's all it takes to break your will then I pity you.

If they're good at doing bad things for trillions of dollars why can't you be just as great at doing good things for the welfare of billions of people. These people go into great depths of preparation in order to gain their position and power. I believe that with an equal amount of effort we can do the same but for a different purpose.

Maybe most of us simply fall into the place of which these people want us to fall into. Sit back and do what you can for #1(you). While we control every aspect of your life and give you JUST enough to get by and say "Hey, I'm barely getting by. I don't have time to worry about the others." Sounds like a great way to control risk(us) to me.

You can sit there and try to remind me or put your ways on me, but I wont simply accept what you've grown to accept. Sorry.

OK, I respect your opinion, sorry, I could not convince you of what I believe to be true. I will not be around thirty years from now to hear your take on the subject then. Personally, I and about 57% of the American population believe this nation is going in the wrong direction. However, the bottom line is: irregardless of whether you are right or I am right, we (conservatives and liberals in the USA) are going down this path together. One side is going to be right and one side is going to be wrong. Europe is going to get there before we do. I just hope it does not tear either country in-half getting there.
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Blade, can you possibly fathom how frustrating this response is?!?

You bitch about Obamacare and haven't even bothered to research it. Go research it now, with the subsidy system you may well end up paying less than your previous $4000.

It was your insurance company that chose not to adapt to the times. Go find one that has. There are plenty, at least in KY anyway.

like I said, Dan-cat, I h=found another way for insurance but even that will be taken away from me by Obamacare in order to force me to get on ObamaCare. That is all I am saying. Obamacare was set up as a one payer system, The gov. which is paid for by my increased taxes. Also the penalties, for employers who do not furnish Obamacare to their empoyees, cost these people (some of them ) their jobs. Thes people get on welfare, food stamps, etc....... ;(There was one lady that after all was said and done was making around $80,000 for doing nothing). Why would they want to go back to work? now this lowers the workforce and the collected taxes. This facilitates raising those taxes. Pretty soon, if if I am middle class, I can make more on welfare than by working.The businesses get hit by higher taxes and finally they close down. Now those 10-20 employees have no job and are forced to go on welfare. And the Cry went out to all in the nation: Why should I work??????
Then where will the taxes that pays the bills come from. then my friend you have complete ANARCHY?

WE have see this happen in many cases throughout history. As MR. Gruber stated, the American people are just too stupid to realize Obamacare would have never passed if they had know it was full of these taxes.

The above scenario is just the tip of the ice burg. If you are on Obamacare and are happy with it, I am glad for you but you are but one of few of the 350 million Americans that stand to lose everything because of this liberal ideology.

The saying is "When Obamacare runs out of my money, what is it going to do?" It is all down the road and luckily I will probably but for the Grace of Jesus, not be there/

Have a good day!
I kind of think the Government should be completely separated from religion OR they should separate religious concerns from others. There is a place for religion and there is a place for education. No need to mix in my opinion. They can surely manage to create a place for religion for their people outside of schools.

Exactly My View Dan, Religion shouldn't be forced on younger impressionable people as they will always follow what is taught - Not learnt. If you were older and found religion on your own then I fully accept this, but having it pushed upon you as a child as was tried with me just is not acceptable in my opinion. (Before Bladerunner or anyone says that the people who find religion later more likely than not turn into fanatics, That is a very small minority and were most probably nut jobs before hand :) )

(Subway topic) Businesses should accommodate for the different religious preferences. With that said, businesses will obviously make the decision that appeases the majority of their consumers / customers. Unless it can be forced down our throats (Net Neutrality Happenings... )

Also, people should accept the fact that their religion is theirs. It is not a kingdom, not a cult, etc. It is a personal connection to your God or way of being that you believe in.
Sure maybe you're a part of a religion that has many people following it. This does not mean that you're the one and only and all others shall fall or all others are wrong and idiotic.

People are just plain crazy.. geez.

Sorry blade for what you call one of my ridiculous rants, but my thoughts are just as valid as yours.

I do agree with you BlueIshDan, Religion should be a personal connection. I Indeed am not religious in any way shape or form, But if I was religious I would personally not care what anyone else believes in because it would not matter to me :p

I am of course assuming you are slightly religious, but you are one the kind of religious people I do not mind conversing with in religious debates :D

I also do not mind talking to the people who quote religion in every sentence, but they do make it hard to debate with when they throw down bible passages like they can prove its fact :p
Check out the latest polls, not newspaper or blogs but polls out there.

If it does not matter, then why do they want it taken off the coin? Does not make any sense except to get rid of any mention of Christianity in this country. They want to destroy Christianity.

Marriage under God is a personal preference and I have no problem with that. It all comes down to ONE decision and you have to make it.

I think you are taking what's going on way to personally Bladerunner, Just because we want it removed doesn't mean we are going to put another god onto the coin? It would only Neutralise the statement. Sort of like when a parent says "If you cant agree none of you can have it".

About the marriage part, That my friend would be because you are a Christian. Marriage under god really isn't necessary, Hopefully one day when I do marry my other half I would like to think its the statement marriage creates. That you will be seen as husband and wife and will be seen as a pair from hence forth. (Plus women like the big ceremonies and so forth, as much as it hurts our pockets I would do anything for her :p )
So we change America for all those that came here with different beliefs. Do you need to change the UK so the Muslims community can feel more at home? Maybe . give them Sheria Law that supercedes your written laws? Or maybe just a few changes at a time makes everybody feel better but in the end it still results in the same scenario. Chaos.

Well, I guess what is happening is inevitable. the bible tells us that in the end of days, the Christians will be persecuted in lands. This I fear is just the beginning.

We live in an ever changing world my friend, if it never changed we would still be living in caves, hunting for food etc.....

I do think you have some grudges to sort out with liberals and Islamic religion, because they seem to be the only problems you quote of.

Most people I have met from an Islamic background are actually very nice and caring people. Liberals just have different views to yourself (everyone is entitled to an opinion) :)

Although I can tell your motives are noble, (from what I have read) You seem hell bent on saving Christianity when BlueIshDan has already proclaimed that it is your own personal connection that matters not anyone else's.

I think we need to sit you down with some liberals and Islamic people that have not been in the news for bad experiences or crimes , you know the nice ones! :p

I'm sure your opinion would change.

The end of days is certainly not upon us... ;)
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I do get a big laugh out of how nearly 70% of the US identifies as Christian, and yet they constantly scream that they're being fed to the lions because some people don't want to say 'under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance or because they can't begin every school day with a mandatory prayer.
Hey FrothingSlosh - Hows the other side of the Atlantic? Still cold and snowy?

I think we are due some snow, it seems to have gone terribly cold (we always seem to get the backlash of weather from there :p)

On current matters, yes it is quite amusing.

But what I find even funnier is the fact people feel the need to make a big deal about things, (relating to your comment) They can start the day with a prayer at home, They can still say the "Under God" part to the pledge of allegiance if they do so wish. People are just fighting for the right to be able to miss that part out :p
I live in Michigan. Asking if it's still cold and snowy is like asking if water is wet. :p
Never been to america :p so I wouldn't have a clue :D

Did you get hit hard by that 6 foot of snow then?
Nah, that's Buffalo. I've got about 6 inches of snow laying on my lawn.

If you look at a map of the US, Michigan is the state shaped like a mitten surrounded by the Great Lakes. Buffalo is in New York, which is a few hundred km east of me. They're the ones who got hammered - they're looking at having possibly 100+ inches (2.54m) of snow by the end of the weekend, according to a report I read last night.

Edit: We always joke about Snowmageddon or the Snowpocalypse after heavy snows, but Buffalo has actually had one now. I think they'd best be on the lookout for four weird guys on funky-colored horses. ;)
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Poor people, Digging for the weekend!

You got lucky then, but by the sound of it your area is battle hardened in the terms of snow! :D
6 inches ! Wow that would bring this country to a standstill.

Well not quite so true these days as climate change has resulted in us getting more extreme weather. Anyway glad to hear that you are not suffering too much but yes the lunch time news was predicting another couple of feet of snow for the US North east followed by warming and then rain at the weekend, quick get that pipeline to Californian built to shift the flood water.

quick get that pipeline to Californian built to shift the flood water.

Yeah, that would seriously help them, wouldn't it?

Here in Michigan, six inches spread over three days is barely even noticable. There were a couple accidents before the roads got cleared, drives were longer, but that was about it. Now if this same amount of snow came down in, say, Washington DC, the entire area would be shut down for the next week.

It really just depends on what you're used to and equipped to deal with.

Edit: HERE is an article from Wed. with several photos from Buffalo.
Nice pictures, we are getting good shots on our TV. Plus a full explanation of the Lake effect, weather is an important topic of discussion for us Brits .

It is indeed Brian.

They've got to watch out for Polar Bears now!

Maybe even Arctic Wolves! ;) :D
ConnorGiles said:
I do think you have some grudges to sort out with liberals and Islamic religion, because they seem to be the only problems you quote of. Most people I have met from an Islamic background are actually very nice and caring people. Liberals just have different views to yourself (everyone is entitled to an opinion) :)

The only problem I have with Liberals and Muslims is the indoctrination of our children and the changing of the laws by Judicial Decree which bypasses the normal rule of law. They are not satisfied to live their life and let live but rather have a goal to make everyone live by their values. It is that simple and in the next ten years I am afraid you and I will find that out. Someone said that 70% of the population stated they were Christian yet they complain that they are under attack. My question is: Why do the liberals not go about changing the laws of the land through normal channels? That is why we are complaining.

ConnorGiles said:
Although I can tell your motives are noble, (from what I have read) You seem hell bent on saving Christianity when BlueIshDan has already proclaimed that it is your own personal connection that matters not anyone else's.
I have no idea what BlueIsDan mindset is toward anything and was just trying to answer his questions. If what I am saying is preaching to you, I am sorry. I have always said only one thing from the beginning is that each person has a decision to make before they die. This I believe and care not to tell you or anyone. However, by the same token, you have the right to believe the opposite or any part of it as you see fit. I will listen to your ideas and ultimately compare them to mine. I have often quoted Dick7Access statement and I paraphrase; If you are right and our life-source goes 'poooofffff' then we will never know. But If I am right?

Now, There was no mention of God, Jesus,Christianity or anything religious in this statement. Your mind just automatically picked up what you think I meant and it did it for a reason whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Was it because you know I am a Christian and would be referring to God or was it because somewhere deep down, you know I am right. You decide!

As for my thinking that all Muslims are bad well. I believe I have presented a picture different than what I intended to. I do not have a problem with most Muslims. However, when the extremist come (and they will) and take over, these good people will not help to correct the problem. I do have a problem with Islam because it is totally opposite of Christianity. They believe in God and Heaven but to get there, you have to kill others instead getting there through peace and love.

You said: we are not at the end of days and if you are right my friend, I will probably never know. At my age, 'Poooooffffff' could happen at any time.
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The only problem I have with Liberals and Muslims is the indoctrination of our children and the changing of the laws by Judicial Decree which bypasses the normal rule of law. They are not satisfied to live their life and let live but rather have a goal to make everyone live by their values. It is that simple and in the next ten years I am afraid you and I will find that out. Someone said that 70% of the population stated they were Christian yet they complain that they are under attack. My question is: Why do the liberals not go about changing the laws of the land through normal channels? That is why we are complaining.

And yet you still group them like they are all the same? Do you not see everyone is an individual? Wherever you have retrieved your discriminative views, I intend not to go there.

You seem to be believing your religion is being targeted, How? if everyone in your religion thought like you then we would have a Christian uproar on our hands! But they all don't think like you do they. I think we have a case of paranoia here (seeming like everyone is out to get you).

I have no idea what BlueIsDan mindset is toward anything and was just trying to answer his questions. If what I am saying is preaching to you, I am sorry. I have always said only one thing from the beginning is that each person has a decision to make before they die. This I believe and care not to tell you or anyone. However, by the same token, you have the right to believe the opposite or any part of it as you see fit. I will listen to your ideas and ultimately compare them to mine. I have often quoted Dick7Access statement and I paraphrase; If you are right and our life-source goes 'poooofffff' then we will never know. But If I am right?

You have your beliefs and we have ours my friend, If we are right then yes we may never know (that doesn't mean we were any less right) but if you were right then I do believe everyone has unintentionally sinned in their lifetimes and even if you confess your sins, how about the amount of times you have forgotten about what you did and not confessed? We are all sinners. So I shall see you down there in that case :D

Now, There was no mention of God, Jesus,Christianity or anything religious in this statement. Your mind just automatically picked up what you think I meant and it did it for a reason whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Was it because you know I am a Christian and would be referring to God or was it because somewhere deep down, you know I am right. You decide!

I think this is another prime example of paranoia, My "Mind" or maybe common sense picked it up since all you seem to do is talk about 3 things. Christianity, Muslims and Liberals. I cherry picked the one that seemed to be the correct choice.

As said before, you have an opinion and so do I.

In my eyes you shall never be right in believing in God
And in yours I will never be right for not believing.

2 Sides to every page my friend.

Most of the Muslim people I do not have a problem with. However, when the extremist come (and they will) and take over, these good people will not help to correct the problem. I do have a problem with Islam because it is totally opposite of Christianity. They believe in God and Heaven but to get there, you have to kill others instead getting there through peace and love.

Here we go again; What makes you believe they will ever get powerful enough to get there?

Your country is one of the most powerful in the world, and if you really think they would let a foreign force enter the country in huge numbers and slaughter millions. Then you sir are the one without faith.

If you are right my friend, I will probably never know. At my age, 'Poooooffffff' could happen at any time.

And I hope we don't see who is right any time soon, But when your "Judgement Day" is here I do sincerely hope for your sake, you haven't trusted a book for nothing.
Let's face it. With the fall of the USSR, the USA has gone from superpower to what some sociologists are calling a 'hyperpower'. At the current time, the nation has more effect on the world and more ability to project force than any other nation in history.

Our navy alone has as many carriers as the rest of the world combined, and all of them are supercarriers, compared to one Russian and one Chinese supercarrier. (The US also has 2 new ones under construction and 8 more in the works, while the UK has 2 under construction.)

Add in our satellite coverage, air force, and sub fleet, and the fact of the matter is that it is quite literally impossible to invade the USA directly. I suppose you could do so via Canada or Mexico in some sort of Red Dawn/Fortress America setup, but only if we didn't spot what was going on.

And that is why all the far-right lunatics are so laughably wrong when they scream that ISIS is going to somehow magically take over the US. There is entirely too much Islamophobia in the US for ISIS to ever get any kind of real power or support (as can be seen in a certain far-right individual posting in this forum), and no nation on earth can just do a straight-up invasion. I may think we spend WAAAAAY too much on 'defense', but I have no illusions about the straight-up combat power that spending gives us.
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Not to mention the help of the Brits (Which I have read on many occasions are the best trained in the world :D )

Although Skill can be trumped by sheer numbers it does make a considerable difference.

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