Are you an atheist? (5 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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In the Islam religion, the Arabic word for God is Allah! They recognize the same God, they just do not recognize Christianity. "In God we Trust", "Under God" does not say anything about the type of Religion.

You do not have to swear to God. Like the girl in the Pledge of Allegiance Law-suit, she does not have to say any thing. It causes her stress, mental anguish and just mainly feeeellll bad, if she hears it while others are saying it.,,,Oh, my.... I feel her pain......NOT

I apologize if this is considered hate speech to the masses on this forum

It does however state there is only one god, how about the religions with more than one? Norse religion for example.

Also people from different religions refer to their Gods such as Allah by the tongue in which they learnt it. If they moved to america they would not call Allah "God" they would still call it Allah.
Demanding Subway stop serving meat is idiotic. I could agree with them wanting to make sure that a special board and knife are available that never touched ham or bacon for use in making their sandwiches. (I would mention changing gloves, but the Subway employees are supposed to do that anyway.) And I'll even go so far as to say their bacon is insanely high in salt content and not very good for you. But straight-up demanding that they stop serving bacon company-wide, though, is wrong.

Still, vegans make the same demands, and you never see national headlines about THEM doing so.

Let me expand on that. In our schools, they have now begun to build or allot places where the Muslims can pray and and wash up,etc....... but at the same time they rule any Christian activities out because the schools they are consider a part of the government and the government cannot promote a religion. Is this not promoting Islam? You people (mostly liberals) who want to change America, want to do so with the idea being that anything, anyone that is opposed to you. is out which is why you get so mad at me. In others words, have it your way and rule out Christianity all together. I would have no problem with the schools allowing activities for all other religions if they did not exclude Christianity.
One thing far-right religious fanatics like to Blade try to do is claim the First Amendment only prevents the direct establishment of a state religion. Unfortunately for them, the Supreme Court has ruled consistantly that it means a full, 100% separation - no favoring one religion over another in any way whatsoever. (The first time this came up appears to have been Reynolds vs United States in 1879.)

As a result of the ruling, US, state, and local governments must either avoid religious expression at all, or else allow it for ALL religions. Generally that means no Ten Commandments monuments in state courtrooms, no teacher-led or officially sanctioned prayers in public schools, thinks like that. While some (generally asinine) New Atheists want all religious Christmas decorations removed entirely (just as some fanatics go berserk when you say Happy Holidays), as a rule you can have them up as long as you also allow displays for holidays like Kwanzaa, Chanukah, Festivus, and the Winter Solstice.

Typically, however, what you see in the US is fundamentalists and fanatics constantly pushing to have Christianity implemented as a de facto state religion, then throwing screaming fits about some non-existant 'War on Christianity' when they get slapped down. This ranges from 10 Commandments monuments in courthouses to The Family to the yearly attempts in Texas to have creationism included in science texts and evolution and the history of the universe removed.

Good luck on the credible source thing. Last time someone asked for one, Blade linked to a couple white supremacist/conspiracy sites.
Okay for starts, The coin - It does not make the coin null and void therefore it is still valuable ( just because it says "In god we trust" doesn't mean we do) instead we use this currency to buy valuables and food

Check out the latest polls, not newspaper or blogs but polls out there.

If it does not matter, then why do they want it taken off the coin? Does not make any sense except to get rid of any mention of Christianity in this country. They want to destroy Christianity.

Marriage under God is a personal preference and I have no problem with that. It all comes down to ONE decision and you have to make it.
I kind of think the Government should be completely separated from religion OR they should separate religious concerns from others. There is a place for religion and there is a place for education. No need to mix in my opinion. They can surely manage to create a place for religion for their people outside of schools.

(Subway topic) Businesses should accommodate for the different religious preferences. With that said, businesses will obviously make the decision that appeases the majority of their consumers / customers. Unless it can be forced down our throats (Net Neutrality Happenings... )

Also, people should accept the fact that their religion is theirs. It is not a kingdom, not a cult, etc. It is a personal connection to your God or way of being that you believe in.
Sure maybe you're a part of a religion that has many people following it. This does not mean that you're the one and only and all others shall fall or all others are wrong and idiotic.

People are just plain crazy.. geez.

Sorry blade for what you call one of my ridiculous rants, but my thoughts are just as valid as yours.
It does however state there is only one god, how about the religions with more than one? Norse religion for example.

Also people from different religions refer to their Gods such as Allah by the tongue in which they learnt it. If they moved to america they would not call Allah "God" they would still call it Allah.

So we change America for all those that came here with different beliefs. Do you need to change the UK so the Muslims community can feel more at home? Maybe . give them Sheria Law that supercedes your written laws? Or maybe just a few changes at a time makes everybody feel better but in the end it still results in the same scenario. Chaos.

Well, I guess what is happening is inevitable. the bible tells us that in the end of days, the Christians will be persecuted in lands. This I fear is just the beginning.
I kind of think the Government should be completely separated from religion OR they should separate religious concerns from others. There is a place for religion and there is a place for education. No need to mix in my opinion. They can surely manage to create a place for religion for their people outside of schools.

(Subway topic) Businesses should accommodate for the different religious preferences. With that said, businesses will obviously make the decision that appeases the majority of their consumers / customers. Unless it can be forced down our throats (Net Neutrality Happenings... )

Also, people should accept the fact that their religion is theirs. It is not a kingdom, not a cult, etc. It is a personal connection to your God or way of being that you believe in.
Sure maybe you're a part of a religion that has many people following it. This does not mean that you're the one and only and all others shall fall or all others are wrong and idiotic.

People are just plain crazy.. geez.

Sorry blade for what you call one of my ridiculous rants, but my thoughts are just as valid as yours.

Hello BlueIshDan; Unfortunately, it does not seem to work that way. They (liberals) want the whole piece of pie. We conservatives are far more tolerant of other religions but will not allow our religion to be exiled into non-existence.As stated about the school, it allow one, then you have to allow all.

As far as stores, we now have law-suits by liberals who want to force stores sell to me even if the store decides not to. In other words, the liberals again want, 'You do what I say and that is it. That is the problem I have with the liberals. Leave me alone and I will leave you alone. Go do what ever it is that you want but do not try to push you values on me.

Your opinions are a valuable source in this thread. However, the so-called rants that I hate people, etc are just that rants. Put into writing you true beliefs not the talking points that are so prevalent on both sides.

On the other hand if you tell me that you believe I hate your lifestyle because of something that I have said or something that I have done or by someway I believe, then we can debate that and if we cannot come to an agreement on you belief then we can agree to disagree.

Hope this helps, I mean no disrespect to anyone.
Paid about $4,000 a year for personal insurance. Then this was coming down the road and my insurance went up to $8,000. Dropped it.

Under Obamacare I was quoted approx $4200 a year for Platinum grade insurance for a family of three. $600 a year for Bronze grade.

Either you have one heck of an income/policy or your making things up.
I am sorry that I don't base my judgements on the different political groups and other things that affect what makes what possible.

I guess that is what is so great about my youth. I can think freely and assume that these peaceful solutions, that make perfect sense to me, can be accomplished.

I can only hope that others in my generation, and the ones to come, can think for peace and be able to act when needed to reserve regain and create fairness.

Isn't that what they say about youth? We dream of a better future and, ultimately, we are the future?
Under Obamacare I was quoted approx $4200 a year for Platinum grade insurance for a family of three. $600 a year for Bronze grade.

Either you have one heck of an income/policy or your making things up.

Again, WHY, because it does not fit your world view, do you and others allow that I am lying. My insurance policy was a good one with a low deductible of about $500. Look at your deductible. If you do not have a deductable, then you are one of the those that are being subsidized by some of my tax dollars. If you do, you will find the deductible is probably higher than the premium. About 7 million of those 30 million that did not have insurance now have Obamacare. Oh, I know the government figures are around 15 million but they also told you you could keep your old plan or your doctor, etc An then what about the people (middle class) that lost their insurance to find it so high because of their income, that they cannot afford it.

Now if you want to discuss the healthcare of the poor, I could fill you in or just go to a MEdicaid site because that is where 90% of those poor that had no insurance went. A sub-standard insurance plan. Is this what we really want for the poor. Evidently it is, it is what the liberals and /or democrats pushed down our throats. You decide here too!
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I am sorry that I don't base my judgements on the different political groups and other things that affect what makes what possible.

I guess that is what is so great about my youth. I can think freely and assume that these peaceful solutions, that make perfect sense to me, can be accomplished.

I can only hope that others in my generation, and the ones to come, can think for peace and be able to act when needed to reserve regain and create fairness.

Isn't that what they say about youth? We dream of a better future and, ultimately, we are the future?
Ah to be young again>>>>>>.lol,,, Yes, even in my youth, had problems with the so-called 'establishments'. Their rules did not apply to me. However, once it starts affecting your pocketbook, you start changing your mind. Now, if your rich, you can afford to be liberal forever. However, if you are raising kids, and your paycheck is affected by the decreasing jobs available (attributed a lot to Obamacare) these days, you will start looking at things from a different perspective. On, the other hand if you are single, you probably have not been hurt by the jobs problems because you can up and move to the jobs,,,,,etc.

The bottom line depending upon how laws affect you and your beliefs, will determine your thinking and the older you get, the more you acquire, the more you pay for these programs, the more your mindset changes.

It has nothing to do with you personally.

Have a good day
Again, WHY, because it does not fit your world view, do you and others allow that I am lying.

I'm suspicious because Tennessee Obamacare rates are actually below the national average. Link

Did that $8000 quote come from the Tennessee Health Exchange?

I'm self-employed, so-so middle class and Obamacare has made health coverage doable for me and my family. My wife is also no longer shut out due to the abolition of the pre-existing condition clause.

I'm genuinely interested on how your results are so wildly different.

EDIT: Here is the policy for the Platinum plan $500 deductible. Link
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I'm suspicious because Tennessee Obamacare rates are actually below the national average. Link

Did that $8000 quote come from the Tennessee Health Exchange?

I'm self-employed, so-so middle class and Obamacare has made health coverage doable for me and my family. My wife is also no longer shut out due to the abolition of the pre-existing condition clause.

I'm genuinely interested on how your results are so wildly different.

Pre-existing conditions if one thing I agree with should have been put into law a long time ago.

No, I have not even tried to get Obamacare. My insurance company increased my rates at the beginning when Obamacare first started.

I am glad it fits you. You are one of the lucky ones. Keep in mind that the new rates will be even higher for some.
p.s. dan-cat:

I found another way to get insurance for myself but am told now that in 2015, that will be cut out in order to force me to get ObamaCare. Go figure.
Ah to be young again>>>>>>.lol,,, Yes, even in my youth, had problems with the so-called 'establishments'. Their rules did not apply to me. However, once it starts affecting your pocketbook, you start changing your mind. Now, if your rich, you can afford to be liberal forever. However, if you are raising kids, and your paycheck is affected by the decreasing jobs available (attributed a lot to Obamacare) these days, you will start looking at things from a different perspective. On, the other hand if you are single, you probably have not been hurt by the jobs problems because you can up and move to the jobs,,,,,etc.

The bottom line depending upon how laws affect you and your beliefs, will determine your thinking and the older you get, the more you acquire, the more you pay for these programs, the more your mindset changes.

It has nothing to do with you personally.

Have a good day

I'm actually Canadian. We have "Free" healthcare to a certain extent.

If you're wondering. I grew up poor and am now Employed with a higher salary than I should have and find myself with $0 after rent, car and food. If I were to be hit with the need for medication or cancer treatments I would be living in my mothers basement and feeding off of her $10/h job.

With that said, I think I am affected by all of what you say, but I still think outside of the limitations and wish for what I explained in my previous post.

I didn't take anything personally. lol
I was just expressing my thought of the difference of how we thought.
No, I have not even tried to get Obamacare. My insurance company increased my rates at the beginning when Obamacare first started.

Blade, can you possibly fathom how frustrating this response is?!?

You bitch about Obamacare and haven't even bothered to research it. Go research it now, with the subsidy system you may well end up paying less than your previous $4000.

It was your insurance company that chose not to adapt to the times. Go find one that has. There are plenty, at least in KY anyway.
Originally Posted by BlueIshDan: I can only hope that others in my generation, and the ones to come, can think for peace and be able to act when needed to reserve regain and create fairness.

Isn't that what they say about youth? We dream of a better future and, ultimately, we are the future?
When I was young , I was in the middle of a war. One that many people just kept saying "Just Give Peace a Chance". Unfortunately the world does not work like that or so far it has not. In the 1980s, we tore down the cold-war wall. There was Peace in Europe not known since WWII. Then war rears its ugly head and begins again in Africa, Middle east, and other places. What do you do, sit by and watch the people being slaughtered (like we are doing these days)? You tell me. You can not have both.

Canada is a friend we have stuck with for many a year. I have some friends down here that tell me horror stories about the healthcare up there which makes me think of the growing problems is here in the USA. The increased liberal thinking people with a lot of help from those very rich (Sorros, Warren, Gates, etc.) who are trying to steer the US into those very tar pits that you have up there. Why would they do this, you ask? They don't do any thing unless it involves money and /or power. If they can convince a specific section of the masses that Utopia is attainable, they will rake in millions in the end and rule the a larger part of the world. What better subjects are there to use to convince these masses to act without regard to the consequences in the future. Consequences that show up years later when it is too late to chose a different road.: "Help the poor" "save the Children", "feed the masses", "Cheaper Energy", Better Water", " Don't worry the Government will support you" , etc...etc.......

In the end , after many a year on this earth, I have found these feel good ideas do not work and only serve to make it even harder on specific masses to make a living. Which is why I am against it. I keep trying but you know the old saying: "You can take a horse to water but you can not make him drink".

Have a great day.
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You're saying that you're shut down by the people who do evil and mask it with good... If that's all it takes to break your will then I pity you.

If they're good at doing bad things for trillions of dollars why can't you be just as great at doing good things for the welfare of billions of people. These people go into great depths of preparation in order to gain their position and power. I believe that with an equal amount of effort we can do the same but for a different purpose.

Maybe most of us simply fall into the place of which these people want us to fall into. Sit back and do what you can for #1(you). While we control every aspect of your life and give you JUST enough to get by and say "Hey, I'm barely getting by. I don't have time to worry about the others." Sounds like a great way to control risk(us) to me.

You can sit there and try to remind me or put your ways on me, but I wont simply accept what you've grown to accept. Sorry.

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