Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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I dunno enough to say either way about 'best trained', but the SAS are some seriously nasty bastards.
And that is why all the far-right lunatics are so laughably wrong when they scream that ISIS is going to somehow magically take over the US. There is entirely too much Islamophobia in the US for ISIS to ever get any kind of real power or support (as can be seen in a certain far-right individual posting in this forum), and no nation on earth can just do a straight-up invasion. I may think we spend WAAAAAY too much on 'defense', but I have no illusions about the straight-up combat power that spending gives us.

Hello Mr. Frothingslosh: ISIS will not take over America! surprised are ya? Their real power is in the ability to start a Caliphate State. When they do this, a lot of other bad Muslims will follow. (i.e. a truce between ISIS and the Al-Qaeda just happened not a week ago). Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good Muslims that are caught in the middle of this fight.

As far as the USA is considered, China at one time said that they would defeat us from within. This is the Strategy, I believe the extremist Muslims have adopted. Build many Mosque, change the laws especially in the schools, indoctrinate the children, become one of the town or county they are in. Populate to the extreme and when their population gets to about 25%, they will let loose their own "china town" laws including 'Sheria Law' which will when in place force all the good Muslims to abide to get by. I know you laugh at me for being some kind of a phobe or something but I am not going to have to put up with it You Are! Hopefully I will live long enough to see if it comes to pass in Europe during then next ten years.

Mr. Frothingslosh there is one thing you have not considered about me. You are an American and while we have our differences sometimes drastic differences, when the USA is attacked, we act as one and take care of our own, all of them. Politics and Religion are among the easiest to start a fight among good friends much less those who have never seen each other. (i.e. us)

I realize that I am one person in a sea of many on this thread. By bringing in religion, I have lit a fuse that does nothing but create a lot of hard feelings. I will refrain from referring to religion from this day forward including the Islam religion and the Muslims that practice it. Be kind and please don't ask me? Besides we have beat it to death many times over. You can take this as a surrender or a peace offering which ever way it floats your boat, I no longer care. I would just like to come here and talk about good things for awhile and quit having to write for 30 minutes at a time to get my point across.

Of course you realize this cuts way down on the topics. How about deer hunting, No, the four legged kind .
I dunno enough to say either way about 'best trained', but the SAS are some seriously nasty bastards.

They are indeed :D - Hearing from some of their mission statistics I wouldn't want to be on the opposite side!
From my family and myself:

To those of you on this forum, who do not believe that an all-seeing and an all-knowing entity created the Universe and everything in it, I want to wish a safe, happy and prosperous Holiday season to you and your family. an old friend on this forum whom I have never met said: there are "2 Sides to every page my friend."

With that in mind; To those on this forum, Who do believe (and I do not have to specify this), I want to wish you a Blessed and very Merry Christmas coupled with a safe and prosperous New Year.

Refusing to let this thread die!

I find it interesting :p

Do you religious folk follow every rule in your holy book ? or do you cherry pick the rules you do and don't agree with?
Any follower of an Abrahamic religion in the Western world who claims they don't cherry-pick is lying. All three religions' holy books contain entirely too many things considered barbaric and illegal in today's world for someone to follow every rule without more or less immediately going to prison for the rest of their lives.
I was reading some of the articles I posted on the "Je Suis Charlie" Thread, and some of the things that are considered a sin is hilarious - But the most relevant one I posted their was my favourite "Islam condemns Terrorists" - It clearly states that religion should not be forced unto anyone as it is a choice, yet they slaughter anyone who doesn't accept their religion.

Another Interesting things the Holy Books incite is that the worth of a woman is half of that of a man, (have a check) even the bible quotes this. I just think it shows how much things have changed since then. Womens rights, Equality between genders. This would be considered a sin in those times.

I guess it is a lot like the laws in our countries that were never abolished. (Give them a search, worth a giggle :D )
Oh yeah, those laws are always entertaining. I remember finding one that said it is illegal to carry ice cream in your pocket on a Sunday. I couldn't help but laugh at mental image that provoked.
I swear there was another one, that you can shoot a welshman in a certain city with a longbow after dawn or something - and that still exists !
I swear there was another one, that you can shoot a welshman in a certain city with a longbow after dawn or something - and that still exists !

I can believe it - you Brits took your grudges seriously! Even over here 'welshing' on a bet is still a thing.
Any follower of an Abrahamic religion in the Western world who claims they don't cherry-pick is lying. All three religions' holy books contain entirely too many things considered barbaric and illegal in today's world for someone to follow every rule without more or less immediately going to prison for the rest of their lives.

And I would bet that you are sooooooooooooo PURE that you wear a white robe everyday.

I was reading some of the articles I posted on the "Je Suis Charlie" Thread, and some of the things that are considered a sin is hilarious - But the most relevant one I posted their was my favourite "Islam condemns Terrorists" - It clearly states that religion should not be forced unto anyone as it is a choice, yet they slaughter anyone who doesn't accept their religion.

Another Interesting things the Holy Books incite is that the worth of a woman is half of that of a man, (have a check) even the bible quotes this. I just think it shows how much things have changed since then. Womens rights, Equality between genders. This would be considered a sin in those times.

I guess it is a lot like the laws in our countries that were never abolished. (Give them a search, worth a giggle :D )
Hi Connor: I would suggest that you read the Koran & the Hadif . Keep in mind that the radical Islamist uses both to his purpose. There also is another book that has apparently disappeared from the internet. I will find it. It needs to be read as well.

Keep in mind that all of us are at war with Radical Islam.
Here is a version of it and I hope it is not to far right to be of any use> lol

Hi Connor: I would suggest that you read the Koran & the Hadif . Keep in mind that the radical Islamist uses both to his purpose. There also is another book that has apparently disappeared from the internet. I will find it. It needs to be read as well.

Keep in mind that all of us are at war with Radical Islam.
Here is a version of it and I hope it is not to far right to be of any use> lol


What I have also read somewhere (that escapes me) - Is that a lot of the Koran is actually mis-interpreted, which could be where the cherry picking comes from.

I'm sure you yourself cherry pick out of the bible, and have probably committed more sins than you even know. (Search up the ridiculous sins in the bible - Don't trim that beard Blade!)

But yet again try not to condemn one faith when even your own faith did the same some 1000 - 800 years ago. You may say we have developed since then but due to what is happening in today's climate, It looks very doubtful.

What do you think would have happened if religion was never created?

I'm interested to hear your opinions on this matter.
What I have also read somewhere (that escapes me) - Is that a lot of the Koran is actually mis-interpreted, which could be where the cherry picking comes from.

All moderate students of any of the Abrahamic religions claim that the holy texts have been mistranslated or misinterpreted because they are appalling if read as they are actually written.

The fundamentalists are the only ones actually following the books to the letter. That is why they are called "fundamentalists". They follow the fundamental tenets of the books.

The moderates always accuse atheists of cherry picking because we point out the violence, bigotry and misogyny. They claim it needs to be "read as a whole" to gather the true meaning.

But they are ones saying it is the word of God yet ignoring great swathes of it as suits them.
An infamous cherry-picking summary is the Letter to Dr.Laura, :

Dear Dr. Laura,

Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and I try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind him that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate.

I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the specific laws and how to best follow them.

a) When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord (Lev 1:9). The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

b) I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

c) I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness (Lev 15:19-24). The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

d) Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?

e) I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?

f) A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an Abomination (Lev 11:10), it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?

g) Lev 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?

h) Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev 19:27. How should they die?

i) I know from Lev 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

j) My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? (Lev 24:10-16) Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)

I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help.

Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.

Your devoted disciple and adoring fan.
That made me laugh Spikepl!

And that is only a few of the sins, there are around 613 commandments I believe I read somewhere.

These commandments also consist of not wearing any mixed fabric, or trimming beards.

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