Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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????????? You are stretching things these days,,,Have you seen you shrink today...

This post is going to take me a while... sit tight... - Have no idea what you mean, Just pointing out your contradictions towards yourself :)

This brings to mind the new history books as written by liberals where Pearl Harbor did not happen and we attack Japan for no reason with a nuclear bomb.
Somewhere there will be a record of the true history (old but true) as was written in the days thereof. This is the same thing you speak of yet you will not recognize it because it was God's words or the Holy BIBLE

I think you will find there is physical evidence that did happen and that evidence will be preserved for time to come. By the way, The bible shows no proof other than the tree it came from. Show me any form of physical evidence to the existence of your deity and maybe the tide of this discussion will change.

Then we do not really know what happened thus we do not really know that Creation by a creator did not happen and we do not really know whether the Bible is real or not. So by your rules of Hypothesis, we as man of this ole earth know little to nothing about anything. Hell, we cannot even be sure what is happening outside today. MSNBC reports something one way and Fox reports it another. sort of , "I Said, She Said" kind of thing! We are back to square one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dah

Yes, No-one really knows what happened - all we can do is create hypothesis or theories in which sound more credible than the next and back them up through modern day tests to try and recreate (on a very minuscule level) what happened at the start. But that requires tests and a lot of patience.

But hey thats just the scientific way to approach things. Why not blindly love and worship something that could be made up for most of your life in hopes it is real. Whatever helps you sleep at night Blade.

This goes back to the exceptions I made, Mostly caused by the different reagions of the world they began in. Also, As today if two people are A Pos does not mean that they cannot have a child that is A NEG. (See Genetics).. Incest was not incest until (Leviticus 18:6-18). The chicken was a joke??????
Racial differences are just the color of the skin and the region of the world they are in. Skin in the hot deserts and other climates became darker over time so as to cut down on the amount of ultraviolet the skin absorbed. Religion, we have already discussed but to be expedient most all major religions today evolved from the Tora and/or the New Testament. Keep in mind that these books were put together for the first time in about 300 AD. There were some religions, Egyptian Sun God RA, etc. that came about. Why I do not know? Maybe because the Hebrews had a God. The sort of "got to keep up with the Jones" syndrome. I have not studied the Egyptian religion of old.

I read that mutations caused the different blood types and then it went from there.

Yes the chicken was a joke.

As Brian has said, So did we go back to white when we visited the cooler climes?

It was not always Saudi Arabia....(i.e Iran was Persia, etc.)

Those would be called Persians/Iranians.

However, you have to accept Jesus in your heart before the "sin thing" takes effect. OH, yeah.... The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost (The Trinity) are all the same. "

Sounds a bit like incest to me.

Son is your uncle. Mother is your sister. that sort of thing ;) :rolleyes:
1. I am not sure about you idea of Evolution but if you want to call it that I am ok with it. Now Going from a dinosaur to a Bird or from a Lemar to a Human is a little too much. I had rather call it modification of the body itself but if you insist ,,,OK

I would call it evolution also, Your body evolving to adjust to the climate of the given country over a period of time. Isn't that what evolution is? A certain species that evolves to make itself better suited. (Survival of the fittest). Pretty sure Futurama (TV series) did an episode that shows how this happens.

More than off-topic, I keep getting told off for doing this - so keep on topic you two!

And the last part I won't comment on. Its very off topic!
As Brian has said, So did we go back to white when we visited the cooler climes?


Its not just visiting, its living over years or millennia, basically survival of the fittest.

This is from an NHS website on Rickets

Who's at risk?

Any child who does not get enough vitamin D or calcium can develop rickets, but there are certain groups of children who are more at risk.

For example, rickets is more common in children of Asian, African-Caribbean and Middle Eastern origin because their skin is darker and needs more sunlight to get enough vitamin D.

I extrapolate this to suggest that skin colour is due to the environment we inhabit, of course it doesn't happen overnight.

Having said that some years ago I was talking to a black lady born and raised in Britain, we were in Gran Canaria at the time, and she told me that she had no problems with the sun back home ie England, but she did darken and could eventually burn in Gran Canaria.

Connor the thread is going round in circles so a bit of off topic relief is welcome

Well Brian...did you get that beer drank in between reading all those post.????? :D

Yes thank you, I find beer refreshes the parts plain water doesn't :D, but as I speed read the posts I may have missed some nuances.

1. I am not sure about you idea of Evolution but if you want to call it that I am ok with it. Now Going from a dinosaur to a Bird or from a Lemar to a Human is a little too much. I had rather call it modification of the body itself but if you insist ,,,OK

OK maybe just a small evolutionary aspect.

This just confirms what I stated, white slave traders in co-operation with black slave traders. Slavery existed before and after "The Slave Trade"

3.I will take you at your word about the racist part. You and the rest over there, have got to realize that we here in the US have entered a dangerous period of time where the left & far Left (associated with the democratic party) actually attack (99.5% verbally at this time) individuals, companies, etc (anyone) who disagrees with their agenda of a more liberalized nation., a nanny state where the the government would supersede any of the state authority given to them by our constitution. The tactics for these attack is to destroy the person (s), companies in question by calling them racist, skin heads, white supremacist , KKK, etc. Most of the time it works, because no one wants to be called a racist so they shut up. The lack of speak-up gives them extra power. However, once people understand what they are doing they start to speak up anyways. I fear the attacks may become more heated as they did in the 60's. We already see them trying to incite race riots in hopes of accomplishing..... what I do not know. I do know that George Sorros, the one who did your country in, has turned his sights on the US and is with other billionaires funding groups like Acorn and other companies in an effort to install a ONE controlling party here in the US. Even today, Our Pres. stated that it would be a good idea to force everyone to vote.. Of course the vote would be in the favor of his party (democrats) mainly because those that do not vote are poor, homeless and those who really don't give a damn one way or the other. Given them subsidies from the government in power only strengthens the vote for them.Once a one-party system is setup, America will become a socialist nation just a small step from communism. China is setting over there and cheering them on for sure. A far worse scenario than what your nation has. While we begin to fight amongst ourselves, ISIS and Putin keep getting bigger and bolder.

Sounds like us during the Blair and Brown years.
Any body who wanted to discuss immigration was labelled a racist and hounded. Benefits were handed out to the feckless to buy votes.

If I went overboard at your mention of it, I become tired of the tactics and will fight back vehemently. My Apologies to you.

No problem I can see how you thought it was personal.

BTW I notice that I am "a glorious beacon of light" so how dare you plebs argue with me? :D:D:confused:

BTW I notice that I am "a glorious beacon of light" so how dare you plebs argue with me? :D:D:confused:


Too funny!

Anyway, I just want to clear a few things up from that quote I saw.

What Blade means by "a nanny state where the the government would supersede any of the state authority given to them by our constitution." is this:

  1. Right now, there's a huge fight going on over gay marriage/marriage equality. A ton of states have outlawed gay marriage, and the vast majority of those laws have been overturned by the federal court system as being blatant violations of the 14th amendment, specifically Section 1:
    All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

    This has gone to SCOTUS because ONE district court upheld the gay marriage bans in his district, resulting in conflicting rulings and precedents. Early indications based on the Court's behavior and handling of the topic (they refused to take appeals of the cases where the bans were overturned) suggest that they are likely leaning toward declaring all such bans unconstitutional. Needless to say, the Right is hopping mad, which also explains Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore's seditious behavior.
  2. There is a big push to have 'gender identity and sexual orientation' added to the protected classes list, meaning that discrimination based on those characteristics is illegal. Right now, that includes race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, pregnancy, citizenship, having kids, disability, veteran status (the "NO BABY KILLERS" idiots), and genetic information. (Odd, that last one.) That means that while refusing service to someone for being black, Irish, or female is a crime, in most states, you can absolutely refuse any and all services to someone whose sexual orientation you dislike. In fact, several states have passed laws outright allowing that (covering by calling it 'religious freedom'). Virtually every American of progressive leanings finds that repugnant, archaic, and a relic of a racist state we are trying to undo. The Religious Reich, of course, considers anti-gay discrimination a cornerstone of a healthy society.

    Anyway, if gender identity and sexual orientation are added to the federal protected classes list (which is handled via laws and was created largely because Southern states straight-up REFUSED to stop official discrimination until forced to by the federal government), then the states' laws allowing the practice will be automatically voided.
BluishDan and I have repeatedly called Blade a racist simply because a) his arguments come STRAIGHT from Stormfront, and B) he has actually linked, in this forum, to white supremacist sites to try to support his positions. The recent arguments of his I've seen you quote here have done nothing to dispel that impression.

The Koch brothers have publicly stated they'll be funnelling over a billion dollars to right-wing candidates in the next election cycle. George Soros has done nothing of the sort. As their support mostly goes to Tea Party candidates, we can expect any Primary candidate they support to be part of the extreme right. (Once the primaries are over, they will simply back whoever the GOP candidate is, because the Dem candidate will likely want them to pay taxes.)

If you want to see who is trying to convert the US to a single-party state, you need look no further than the GOP. Between disenfranchisement campaigns aimed at the poor and minorities, numerous cases of election 'results' being skewed far, far to the right of exit polls (which is, in any other nation, treated as a serious indication of election fraud), and the repeated attempts to convert blue states (specifically, states that vote blue nationally but red locally, usually due to gerrymandering) to an 'apportionment' electoral vote distribution while retaining the winner-take-all system in red states, the GOP is doing everything it possibly can to lock itself into position as the only party in power forevermore.

The "Obama wants mandatory voting" is a sound byte the Right is taking completely out of context and waving around. He was discussing ways to limit the effectiveness of money on voting (because right now in the US, you can have all the Democracy you can buy thanks to Citizens United), and said that mandatory voting would certainly have an impact on it, and he's right. If everyone in the US voted (last election it was around 30% turnout), the effect of money on the elections would be vastly diminished. Right now, a lot of the campaigning is actually simply trying to convince the Left - who are terrible at turning out to vote - to stay home by making it appear to be a lost cause. (Let's also not forget all the robo-calls that hit poor and minority areas every election giving them the wrong date and location!)

If I remember correctly, there are something like 20 or 25 Western nations with mandatory voting, and in most cases, carries a very minor penalty. I think it was Belgium where the fine came to around $20 American, unless you were dumb enough to ignore the notification and force the courts to take action. Personally I'm rather on the wall on the topic - I definitely understand both sides of the issue, and don't really know what way I'd eventually lean on this one.

So yeah, keep in mind that with Blade, you're dealing with someone who is on the far right, even by American standards. (I know he'll paint me as part of the Soros/FEMA Conspiracy to Destroy America, Kill All Christians, And Give The Smoldering Remains To ISIL, but honestly, by our standards, I'm mainstream liberal. If you want far left, talk to an anarchist or communist!

Edit: Oh, nearly forgot. There's a wonderful new bill in Oklahoma that was passed by their House and is in front of their Senate that not only bars same-sex marriage, but would require that all marriages be performed by a 'religious leader', and that marriage certificates could only be made out by said 'religious leader'. In effect, it would also bar any non-theists from marriage as well, unless they sucked it up and had a religious wedding.
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[QUOTE: Bladerunner]
This brings to mind the new history books as written by liberals where Pearl Harbor did not happen and we attack Japan for no reason with a nuclear bomb.
Somewhere there will be a record of the true history (old but true) as was written in the days thereof. This is the same thing you speak of yet you will not recognize it because it was God's words or the Holy BIBLE

I think you will find there is physical evidence that did happen and that evidence will be preserved for time to come. By the way, The bible shows no proof other than the tree it came from. Show me any form of physical evidence to the existence of your deity and maybe the tide of this discussion will change.

All right Mr. Connor. I am going to answer your post in several post. Got a little time here, it is raining again.

Lets say we are 1000+ years out (3015) from Pearl Harbor and as it is happening now by those who want to change and remove history, then all they have to do is remove the Arizona and other articles of the attack with the exception of a book or two they cannot find. Now all we have is the written book. OK, so far...... You and I are there looking back......(no we do not have today's knowledge either) I say it did happen but you say it did not happen because the there is no physical or other evidence. I say we have the word of the people before us (a book that tells the history of Pearl Harbor and the Atomic Bomb with the actual events there within) but you say, that is no evidence, it has been changed many times. (to keep this on the same page, they have had to re-scribe the book because paper only last so long). Now, you say, we have idiots who put their ideas in the book so it is tainted and not reliable. 'OK---still with me.....'. Now suppose we transcribed it to the computer years earlier. OH, that is even worse,,,, Like Wikapdia .....(I believe you told me it could not be trusted even now),. all comes down to belief.. You being the liberal you are. (I say not not in a bad way
but I have never seen a conservative atheist), you believe that in the 'absence of evidence' it simply is FALSE thus never did happen. I on the other hand being the conservative I am, believe with all my heart in the people who wrote it, thus it did happen.

Now I will say that I expect you and others to dispute this scenario that it could not happen but it is a fact the more technology we incorporated into our daily lives, the faster and easier it can happen. (i.e. Emails From Sec. of State)

Now you can come back to 2015.

One other point. We see to day what happens to history artifacts. ISIS and the Taliban destroy them as fast as they can find them. WHY??.... To delete all history except their own. Then people like you in the future will only believe what they tell you. (oh, in the absence of evidence.)

How many armies have walked over Judea, Persia, and the surrounding areas in the last 2000 years. Things get destroyed, blown-up(present day) but destroyed never the less. (I.e the Arizona 3015)

I thing your hypothesis is a little far fetched, to remove all traces of Pearl Harbour from world history would require a Global effort and presumably a Global Government, not sure Pearl Harbour or much else would matter by then.

Thank you for your post Froth, perhaps I should duck out from American discussions, life over there seems very complicated. I have thought that both Dick and Blade are from the far right but do not know them well enough to call either of them racist I just thought Blade was stating a point without thinking it through.

I thing your hypothesis is a little far fetched, to remove all traces of Pearl Harbour from world history would require a Global effort and presumably a Global Government, not sure Pearl Harbour or much else would matter by then.


To my understanding, the only people trying to erase the memory of Pearl Harbor are (perhaps) some ultra-conservative Japanese. It's not a topic I've ever seen brought up by anyone other than Blade, but it would be in-character for them.

It's certainly not brought up in my super-duper-secret-anti-American-New-World-Order-And-Gay-Weddings-For-Everyone-meetings.
To my understanding, the only people trying to erase the memory of Pearl Harbor are some ultra-conservative Japanese. It's not a topic I've ever seen brought up by anyone other than Blade.

It's certainly not brought up in my super-duper-secret-anti-American-New-World-Order-For-Everyone-meetings.

I think that it was only an example, he probably is thinking of any historical event, I think that any major event is too well known world wide these days.

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Yes, No-one really knows what happened - all we can do is create hypothesis or theories in which sound more credible than the next and back them up through modern day tests to try and recreate (on a very minuscule level) what happened at the start. But that requires tests and a lot of patience.

But hey thats just the scientific way to approach things. Why not blindly love and worship something that could be made up for most of your life in hopes it is real. Whatever helps you sleep at night Blade.

You keep telling me that we do know what happened in the Universe. But yet, some do and some don't Who do I believe the non-believers of the Big Bang or the believers of the Big Bang. Got to get it together Boys. At least the Bible has only one theme through its contents of 66 sorted books written by mostly different people spanning 1500 to 3000 years. A little bit better than we can do today that is with today's EVIDENCE of discord among the scientist.

I read that mutations caused the different blood types and then it went from there.

(what ever floats your Boat,,,it is the same)

I don't know but when I get was a kid we would work out in the fields all day long without a shirt. A deep tan yes, but in the winter it changed back. However, over the years, the cells did not change back to the 'pearly whites' that is normally seen in men's legs that have not been out in the sun. Thus even now, in the winter, I am darker than what I started out at birth. Have I evolved... You could say that, My skins cells at least remember the summer time is coming and why start over, just hold on to the darker cells. EH?

I have never disputed 'mutation, modification, evolution ' for any species. However, I do not believe the evolution you speak of is the same as that of mine. (i.e. all things came from the sea).........NO! All things came from GOD! and Adam named them!

Sounds a bit like incest to me.Son is your uncle. Mother is your sister. that sort of thing

Connor, How do you get that out of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost? If has been my experience that when someone cracks satanic jokes, it is because they have been placed in a very uncomfortable position.

Yes there was incest in the beginning.and after a while God commanded it be stopped. We use incest to breed animals to become a better animal at least in our eyes. Why could he not do it with us. Hypocrisy at the highest level.

Thank you for your post Froth, perhaps I should duck out from American discussions, life over there seems very complicated. I have thought that both Dick and Blade are from the far right but do not know them well enough to call either of them racist I just thought Blade was stating a point without thinking it through.


Our politics are mostly merely...'intense'.

At least, 'merely intense' other than when our Senate is trying to torpedo our President's diplomatic work because they want another war.
I think that it was only an example, he probably is thinking of any historical event, I think that any major event is too well known world wide these days.


Well, I do know that Japanese schoolbooks tend to downplay if not ignore entirely the ra** of Nanking. I could certainly see a similar movement regarding Pearl Harbor.
Well, I do know that Japanese schoolbooks tend to downplay if not ignore entirely the ra** of Nanking. I could certainly see a similar movement regarding Pearl Harbor.

I don't recall the exhibits at the Hiroshima museum mentioning the behaviour of the Japanese army towards POWs and occupied peoples, there was no attempt to give any explanation for the bombing, though in fairness it was crowded and difficult to study all of the exhibits.

But even if one country whitewashes its history I still say it would need a concerted global effort to remove all of the truth in the modern era.

Despite Hollywood's best efforts we know that the British not the Americans captured the Enigma machine. :D


I thing your hypothesis is a little far fetched, to remove all traces of Pearl Harbour from world history would require a Global effort and presumably a Global Government, not sure Pearl Harbour or much else would matter by then.


The way it is going, there will be a world government in the next 100 years, that is if Jesus does not hit the spot light before.

It is a far fetched as the arguments of the Bible. We all know it happened now but those people in a 1000years will not know. Does it matter no, but it was to show just how easy it would be minimize a subject based upon absence of evidence and the Bible by its own words was written by Moses and that was around 1000-1500BC. More than 3000 years have gone by since then and we was only talking about one-third of that.

You see it does matter. I believe , you do not. I was just trying to give you a different look at the possibilites other than a pure hatred of religion that most of the books like "The God Delusion" speaks of. They have no evidence per-say either yet, you believe them and not the Bible. WHY? Ask yourself, is it the Agenda your life's work is following, is it your friends, etc.........

If you (all) consider your lives to have no meaning outside of the lifetimes we are given here, then there is nothing that can help you. However, If you want to have any possibility of extending your life after death, at least back up to "Defcon 2" Agnostic.

I don't recall the exhibits at the Hiroshima museum mentioning the behaviour of the Japanese army towards POWs and occupied peoples, there was no attempt to give any explanation for the bombing, though in fairness it was crowded and difficult to study all of the exhibits.

But even if one country whitewashes its history I still say it would need a concerted global effort to remove all of the truth in the modern era.

Despite Hollywood's best efforts we know that the British not the Americans captured the Enigma machine. :D



lol Touche'!
I think that it was only an example, he probably is thinking of any historical event, I think that any major event is too well known world wide these days.


Thank you Brian: Yes, it is well known but in a very liberal world, history is changed and yes it is being changed today in the "Common Core" education proposal the liberals are trying to force down our throats. The history book does actually remove the idea that Japan Attacked the US for our response a a nuclear bomb. Also leaves out a little bit more as well. Indoctrinate the children first is one of the first laws of socialism.

This is today. so what "Could" happen 1000 years. Let your mind wonder. Now look to 3000 years before our time now and see how easy it would be over the years for anything especially manuscripts and records to be lost.

Our politics are mostly merely...'intense'.

At least, 'merely intense' other than when our Senate is trying to torpedo our President's diplomatic work because they want another war.

and you are willing to put the Jewish peoples lives at stake for that possibility. If Iran gets a bomb, there will be war. Look back to your history.


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