Are you an atheist? (2 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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I don't recall the exhibits at the Hiroshima museum mentioning the behaviour of the Japanese army towards POWs and occupied peoples, there was no attempt to give any explanation for the bombing, though in fairness it was crowded and difficult to study all of the exhibits.

But even if one country whitewashes its history I still say it would need a concerted global effort to remove all of the truth in the modern era.

Despite Hollywood's best efforts we know that the British not the Americans captured the Enigma machine. :D


Brian: we had no problems with the Japanese after their emperor told them to lay down their arms and do nothing further.

Too funny!
Anyway, I just want to clear a few things up from that quote I saw.

What Blade means by "a nanny state where the the government would supersede any of the state authority given to them by our constitution." is this:
Yes it is,take the increase of people on welfare, food stamps and other subsidies, especially Healthcare that gives them money for staying at home. Hell, they are even giving Illegal immigrants (non-citizens)money because they have not earned enough even though they are criminals. (earned income Credit). All for the vote and the vote for a one party system and that one party system is socialism. Frothy,,,,It ain't going to happen buddy!!!!!!!!!!!

Too funny!
Right now, there's a huge fight going on over gay marriage/marriage equality. A ton of states have outlawed gay marriage, and the vast majority of those laws have been overturned by the federal court system as being blatant violations of the 14th amendment, specifically Section 1:
There was nothing mentioned about the Gay movement. Another tactic I forgot to mention. Switch the subject when in trouble. Sorry Frothy, we are not going to solve the gays living habits here nor am I going to comment on them.

Too funny! BluishDan and I have repeatedly called Blade a racist simply because a) his arguments come STRAIGHT from Stormfront, and B) he has actually linked, in this forum, to white supremacist sites to try to support his positions. The recent arguments of his I've seen you quote here have done nothing to dispel that impression.
Frothy every disagreement is a racist comment in yours and BluishDan's eyes. Its a common tactic and I expect it from you and him as well. It does not bother me and will not keep me from this thread. actually, I would be a little bit disappointed if you did not play the race card.

Too funny!
The Koch brothers have publicly stated they'll be funnelling over a billion dollars to right-wing candidates in the next election cycle. George Soros has done nothing of the sort.
George Sorros is I think they helped oranizations like Acorn (Busted by the FEDS) funnel funny money to candidates and sign up illegal voters and a whole host of other illegal activities,,,,,, Think Acorn is out of business but there are others. The Tea Party is is just a bunch of people like myself that believe in the constitution and not all of this liberal mumbo jumbo.

Too funny!
If you want to see who is trying to convert the US to a single-party state, you need look no further than the GOP.
You are somewhat right in that the GOP establishment is in bed with the democratic party. On the other hand, the Tea Party people want to bring this country back to its two party system. We believe in it.

Too funny!
The "Obama wants mandatory voting" is a sound byte the Right is taking completely out of context and waving around. He was discussing ways to limit the effectiveness of money on voting (because right now in the US, you can have all the Democracy you can buy thanks to Citizens United), and said that mandatory voting would certainly have an impact on it, and he's right. If everyone in the US voted (last election it was around 30% turnout), the effect of money on the elections would be vastly diminished. Right now, a lot of the campaigning is actually simply trying to convince the Left - who are terrible at turning out to vote - to stay home by making it appear to be a lost cause. (Let's also not forget all the robo-calls that hit poor and minority areas every election giving them the wrong date and location!)
Fines for people who do not vote??????. Does that sound like Free Speech to you. Like the Healthcare fines for not having any.......OH, Lets force people to do this....... Thru fines at first and then when we get everybody aboard, well,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Guess I will have to rest my case here. Socialism all the way.

Too funny!
If I remember correctly, there are something like 20 or 25 Western nations with mandatory voting, and in most cases, carries a very minor penalty. I think it was Belgium where the fine came to around $20 American, unless you were dumb enough to ignore the notification and force the courts to take action. Personally I'm rather on the wall on the topic - I definitely understand both sides of the issue, and don't really know what way I'd eventually lean on this one.
This is not Europe, This is America and if you don't like it, simply pack you little bags and hit the road Jack. Europe is already a group of Socialist nations by their own admission. Not thanks. We will keep America.

Too funny!
So yeah, keep in mind that with Blade, you're dealing with someone who is on the far right, even by American standards. (I know he'll paint me as part of the Soros/FEMA Conspiracy to Destroy America, Kill All Christians, And Give The Smoldering Remains To ISIL, but honestly, by our standards, I'm mainstream liberal. If you want far left, talk to an anarchist or communist!
And you believe in Big Government that does everything for everybody. I Guess if the shoe fits, go ahead and wear it.

Too funny!
Edit: Oh, nearly forgot. There's a wonderful new bill in Oklahoma that was passed by their House and is in front of their Senate that not only bars same-sex marriage, but would require that all marriages be performed by a 'religious leader', and that marriage certificates could only be made out by said 'religious leader'. In effect, it would also bar any non-theists from marriage as well, unless they sucked it up and had a religious wedding.
Here we go again...... back on a subject that never did come up?????um,,,um,,,ump

And here is a large part of America's problem:

You know, I remember someone going on a binge of image posts just a few weeks ago. What a great idea!

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One of my personal favorites:


Something that too many Americans have forgotten:


And something too many Christians have forgotten:


Fun times, fun times.

I may have to break out some of the more edgy ones soon! :D
I like them Frothy, but they will have no impact on closed minds.

I cannot help but notice that the two Americans who are most fervent gun owners are also Bible thumpers as we say here, I think that they are also both from the southern states, which fulfils a believe held by many over here but which I thought was a myth.

Yeah, the American South (basically the southern third of the country, from Arizona to Georgia) is generally very, very strongly conservative and very very religious. A large part of that region is called the Bible Belt for a reason. Interestingly, Florida is little like the rest of the South thanks to all the northerners who retire there and the larger-than-normal minority population.
Hmm...just to be fair, the North has its own fair share of far-right, AR-15 toting, Bible-thumping, nitwits who have bought into every lie Faux News has ever put out there, from "Obama's a Kenyan Muslim" to "trickle-down works", including both my uncle (who will only be happy when all black and Hispanic people in the world are dead) and my neighbor (who has a Don't Tread on Me flag hanging from his balcony most days, and drives a truck with a "Don't Re-Nig: Romney/Ryan 2012" bumper sticker.
I watched this last night and Believe I will bow out of the debate on this thread. I see very quickly, I am outclassed.


You have said you would bow out of a few threads but have proceeded to post on them.

As for your earlier post, well I just think it won't be worth trying to reason with you as I fear my time typing would be wasted :( As Brian has said, No point trying to reason with someone who has a closed mind.

Trying to write inside a closed book, if you will.
I watched this last night and Believe I will bow out of the debate on this thread. I see very quickly, I am outclassed.

Maybe you could help out your fellow worshipper on the Genesis vs Evolution thread.

After all you have thousands of reasons why Evolution can be dismissed and Alter2Ego is having trouble coming up with anything sensible.

darwinism (evolution) is false and has been shown to be false. Whether the church accepted darwonism (evolution) does not really matter. I can give you thousands of examples (facts) where evolution is not present.
Okay my first point would have to be to let you know that,

Did you know he has a criminal record in fraud? It is interesting from a moral standpoint.

Secondly thank you for showing me this video as it has re-inforced my opinion on my atheism :) I think you had the standpoints the wrong way round.

Everything D'Souza had said, Hitchens shot down with a smile on his face. On numerous occasions during that debate D'souza admitted his mistakes on what he had said and Hitchens made no mistake in what he had said.

One other thing is that I'm stuck on where D'Souza stands on his viewpoint? Does he believe in evolution as well as a god. Because the way I listened to him, he seemed to be rationalising Evolution and putting evolution down to the work of a god.

Another thing I noted was that he didn't take his argument from the standpoint of what he believes, but targeting what Hitchens believes putting it as "approaching him on his own ground". Why is this? Why not argue from his own ground?

I would put that down to D'Souza being intolerable on questioning his own beliefs. But even he said If we show him evidence of the big bang and so forth then his opinion would change away from a god.

Doesn't sound like faith to me, More like siding with the winner ;) and as Hitchens said that's corrupt belief.

I am eager to hear your reply Blade.

EDIT: During audience questions, D'Souza didn't really answer the first question, During the second question he again didn't answer what was asked, Only threw blame unto Atheists via comparing death statistics.

Although obviously quite intelligent, He didn't really shoot down anything. Just tried to disprove Hitchens and fill the gap with, Only Intelligent design could have done it.

The good old, "We don't know what did it - so it must be god"
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Yeah, the God of the Gaps argument is pretty much as old as mankind.

Those Christian vs Atheist debates all pretty much go the same way - the atheist makes intelligent, rational points, the believer uses misunderstanding of science and the scientific method to attack science before going all smug-faced and pushing ID, and the fundie crowds crow about the religious whackjob winning the debate despite him or her not actually winning a single point of debate.
As I stated there is no sense in debating the debate that happened with people who know far more about this rift between Atheist and Theist than I or you do. As some one said 'everyone will hear what they want to hear'?

Yeah, the God of the Gaps argument is pretty much as old as mankind.

Those Christian vs Atheist debates all pretty much go the same way - the atheist makes intelligent, rational points, the believer uses misunderstanding of science and the scientific method to attack science before going all smug-faced and pushing ID, and the fundie crowds crow about the religious whackjob winning the debate despite him or her not actually winning a single point of debate.

Actually D'Souza does have a more than rational understanding of science, But I just cannot understand how people can say that Hitchens didn't destroy (meaning that he dominated) that debate.

As I stated there is no sense in debating the debate that happened with people who know far more about this rift between Atheist and Theist than I or you do. As some one said 'everyone will hear what they want to hear'?

I've more then accepted your point of view, and I have asked you many questions in regards to the video you have shared, but just disregarding the questions will not help your case in the slightest.
Another thing,

D'souza speaks about there being a clear line between Rationality and Instinct.

This is no way makes sense, Animals at a basic level have feelings as well as us. They do not do everything on instinct alone.

Rationality takes place within most animals, For example:

(Lion) That Elephant is the biggest one I've ever seen, But it also has the biggest tusks. I'm probably best off not attacking it.

Rationality and Instinct are very much part of everyday life, and could be classed as the same thing. Common sense (Terminology for rationality) is in your every day life as much as many animals. Just because doing something doesn't benefit you, doesn't mean you won't do it. In an ever changing economy, Common courtesy has become a big thing. Respect also being a big thing.

D'souza claims that if Rationality was the same as instinct - When an old lady got on a bus, we wouldn't move since it benefited us in no way.

That is where common courtesy and respect comes into play, It is not only seen in humans but many animals also. My pet dog (Jessie) she died about a year ago - We have 4 other dogs, She became very Ill in her last few months (She was 17 so she had a long run for a border collie). Our other 4 dogs would protect her in her slumber and if one of the other dogs started to get boisterous with her, the other dogs would fight the boisterous one away due to the respect they had for her. This was beautiful and showed me what intellectual creatures animals are and that they are capable of compassion and respect.

Last part, D'souza continued to point out the massive lack of evidence in the evolutionists theories, but comes from a standpoint which requires no evidence at all and has no evidence at all.

I would like another debate to take place in which D'souza shares his point of view and Hitchens can debate from his standpoint. See the roles reversed. Doubtful it will happen as D'Souza seemed to give everything he had there but to no avail.

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