Are you an atheist? (3 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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Actually they aren't - The arguement between D'Souza and Hitchens has not been commented on other than me and Galaxiom. So as it stands, I'm still waiting.

Maybe you'll coax a sucker in sooner than later :p
Sure, maybe they'll even reply with an animal analogy. Sorry I digress :(
Hell, Maybe someday you may post something useful. Won't hold my breath ;) :eek:

This little religious/atheist thing you have going is pointless. All relative points for both sides have been made numerous times. Funny when a new gang comes through the forum and rehashes it again with fresh absurdities like the lion analogy :D

We do have coffee makers that, I suppose, could be referred to as 'drips' because of the water drips through the coffee grinds. Just that I've never heard them referred to as drips. How do we hope to discuss religion when we can't have amicable dialog about coffee makers...

At the risk of going back on what I stated concerning 'NOT debating the ingredients of Atheism and Theism', I will have to agree with you, Ken and also agree with a phrase spoken by one of the debaters in one of the videos I posted.

No matter how many ingredients you add to this pot , No matter how you stir them them up, it comes down to what Ken stated above: "All relative points for both sides have been made numerous times".

As Connor once said and I paraphrase, in the 'absence of evidence' the subject is considered 'false'. There is no DIRECT evidence supporting either side of the Atheist/Theist debate.

The Debater, I spoke of stated that each person regardless of which side of the coin you are on has to make a "Leap of Faith". This idea has been spoken of before on this thread several times, however, I did not see the futilism of the arguments until I watch several of the debates that are available where the argued details of this subject were far beyond those details presented on this thread.

As I have said many times before, 'You have a Choice", This choice affects only you, so Please make it a good one!

P.S. I do not really think this thread should be shut down since there is a whole lot of valuable ideas and information from a whole range of personal beliefs that would benefit others who endeavor to read either parts or the whole thread.

He agreed, Please don't take my thunder :(

As for posts I've seen, still not holding any breaths.

Don't intend to steal anything , but ken and I have been swapping insults since before you were a teenager, oh to be young again, I think! , so could not pass up another chance. :o

I'm sure at least one of his thirteen thousand plus posts was useful. :rolleyes:


I did once suggest a user re-boot when he couldn't get Access to behave and that seemed to fix things, isn't that useful? :D

Edit: Looks like I may have 91 useful posts based on the 'Thanked' thing by my profile stuff. However, I do doubt any were from my 'cooler posts :p
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I did once suggest a user re-boot when he couldn't get Access to behave and that seemed to fix things, isn't that useful? :D

Edit: Looks like I may have 91 useful posts based on the 'Thanked' thing by my profile stuff. However, I do doubt any were from my 'cooler posts :p

I'm sure lots of your posts were "cool" Ken :)

The Communist party is the largest organization of Atheist. Then there is Cuba, Vietnam and other members of this elite Group. What say you atheist of this thread!

The Communist party is the largest organization of Atheist.

Communism took on an atheist philosophy to undermine any existing authority structure such as churches.

What they have in common with other atheists is that goal of undermining the church. The ultimate goals are miles apart. Most atheists want democracy.

What is more interesting is that Communism and all three Abrahmic religions are all forms of Fascism where a self appointed, self justified oligarchy enforces an arbitrary set of rules which are upheld to be beyond question.

All demand universal adherence. Killing anyone who fails to comply is also very popular. Abraham's minions all eagerly await Armageddon where they believe their deity will massacre most of the people on this planet.

I find such religious people very disturbing and it bewilders me how otherwise sane people continue to count themselves among the adherents to this hideous philosophy when in reality they would abhor it.
Communism took on an atheist philosophy to undermine any existing authority structure such as churches.

What they have in common with other atheists is that goal of undermining the church. The ultimate goals are miles apart. Most atheists want democracy.

What is more interesting is that Communism and all three Abrahmic religions are all forms of Fascism where a self appointed, self justified oligarchy enforces an arbitrary set of rules which are upheld to be beyond question.

All demand universal adherence. Killing anyone who fails to comply is also very popular. Abraham's minions all eagerly await Armageddon where they believe their deity will massacre most of the people on this planet.

I find such religious people very disturbing and it bewilders me how otherwise sane people continue to count themselves among the adherents to this hideous philosophy when in reality they would abhor it.

So you want the religious people to take ownership of the deaths caused by religious zealots YET! Atheist do not take ownership of the hundreds of millions killed in the name of Atheism.

So you want the religious people to take ownership of the deaths caused by religious zealots YET! Atheist do not take ownership of the hundreds of millions killed in the name of Atheism.

Yes because the religious texts supported by the faithful explicitly advocate such killing. Those who revere these religious texts are complicit in the deaths by validating the books and the notion of a higher authority able to justify such murders.

There is no atheist doctrine that implores followers to kill so nobody has killed in the name of atheism per se.

As I said before, political movements that adopt atheism are doing so to purge alternative sources of authority that might compete with their own. The killing is done in the name of their ultimate political goal, not atheism.
Yes because the religious texts supported by the faithful explicitly advocate such killing. Those who revere these religious texts are complicit in the deaths by validating the books and the notion of a higher authority able to justify such murders.

There is no atheist doctrine that implores followers to kill so nobody has killed in the name of atheism per se.

As I said before, political movements that adopt atheism are doing so to purge alternative sources of authority that might compete with their own. The killing is done in the name of their ultimate political goal, not atheism.
oh yes there is, all those killed were religious people. 6 million by Hitler, What about Stalin of course there is Mao,,,,,,,,, Atheist kills christians, jews, catholics, etc. And it is continuing today but you want to still be associated with atheism. the whole ideology of atheism is to rid the earth of Christianity and any other religion by what ever means necessary.
oh yes there is, all those killed were religious people. 6 million by Hitler, What about Stalin of course there is Mao,,,,,,,,, Atheist kills christians, jews, catholics, etc. And it is continuing today but you want to still be associated with atheism.

Those people were killed for fascism, not atheism. It is Fascism, be it in the form of Maoism, Stalinism, Islam, Judaism or Christianity, that is the problem.

Millions have died in the name of Abrahamic religious sects precisely because of the fascist, theist philosophy explicitly promoted in the texts of those religions.

Atheism is simply the denial of theism. There are no atheist texts exalting violence and murder.
the whole ideology of atheism is to rid the earth of Christianity and any other religion by what ever means necessary.

Where do you get that impression?

Many atheists want to rid the world of the stupidity of religious beliefs and the damage it does to our societies but, unlike religion, there is no doctrine behind atheism.

However, if atheists attempted to do this through violence then they would become fascists.

The vast majority of activist atheists are simply using truth to undermine the ridiculous anachronism that is religion.

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