Are you an atheist? (15 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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I don't see anything inherently racist about the article. I will say it's probably poor taste to post articles from a website that clearly tries to dodge the line between racist and not, but doesn't quite hit the mark with some of the "news" headlines on the left.

Is this the only link reported?

Thanks for looking into it Vass. I sure don't envy the moderator's role.

However I have to say that I did chuckle at your referring to a website that sells Rudolph Hess merchandise as 'poor taste'. I'll call it a diplomatic euphemism and leave it at that. :p
Dan-cat: The url in question was the first item under a google search. It is what you ask for and I delivered.

Now to be truthful, I do not look at advertising when I am looking at articles. That includes the ads on this forum. Sorry fellows.

We had a conversation going on that included the overrunning of Europe by the Islamic Muslim radicals by namely installing Sheria Law. This url contains a article that addresses this concept I put forth. I really did not care who wrote it, since all article should be able to stand on their own merit and this one does just that. There are several articles out there that backed this one up.

To all, if I have offended you, I am sorry for posting an article that seems to written by a far right wing group author. I abhor these people and will make no excuses for them now or in the future. While I am at it, the far left freaks are no better in my eyes and both of these groups in my opinion are a blithe to society. Having said that, society still accepts and tolerates them to the point of allowing them to be on the world wide internet. Are we supposed to confine ourselves to those sites that are possibly "Uncomfortable" for others?

To put things right, I apologize to everyone for posting a website that depicted a far right wing group(s) in the advertisements?

Vassago: 'my poor taste by your opinion', was caused by my ability to look beyond the advertisements of a website vs its articles. In addition, if I have given the other members of this thread and forum the opinion that I am not what I profess to be, then it is time I take my leave of Access-Programmers.Forum.

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Dan-cat: The url in question was the first item under a google search. It is what you ask for and I delivered.

Now to be truthful, I do not look at advertising when I am looking at articles. That includes the ads on this forum. Sorry fellows.

We had a conversation going on that included the overrunning of Europe by the Islamic Muslim radicals by namely installing Sheria Law. This url contains a article that addresses this concept I put forth. I really did not care who wrote it, since all article should be able to stand on their own merit and this one does just that. There are several articles out there that backed this one up.

To all, if I have offended you, I am sorry for posting an article that seems to written by a far right wing group author. I abhor these people and will make no excuses for them now or in the future. While I am at it, the far left freaks are no better in my eyes and both of these groups in my opinion are a blithe to society. Having said that, society still accepts and tolerates them to the point of allowing them to be on the world wide internet. Are we supposed to confine ourselves to those sites that are possibly "Uncomfortable" for others?

To put things right, I apologize to everyone for posting a website that depicted a far right wing group(s) in the advertisements?

Vassago: 'my poor taste by your opinion', was caused by my ability to look beyond the advertisements of a website vs its articles. In addition, if I have given the other members of this thread and forum the opinion that I am not what I profess to be, then it is time I take my leave of Access-Programmers.Forum.


I figured it was an accident based on the way the conversation was going. I meant that the website was poor taste. I should have done a better job constructing my sentence. Relax. :)

I agree on far left and far right mentality. It scares me how much some people cannot think on their own and just immediately agree with everything a party says. There are far too many middle and gray areas for that way of thinking. I appreciate a politician who votes against his party from time to time, even though that certainly hurts your political career if it's too extreme.

Why must people still vote for the two party system? It's infuriating when a candidiate can get 12% in polls running independent, but only gets 3% in the election because people vote differently. What are people afraid of? Wasted votes? Needing to pick the winner? If you aren't voting for someone you believe is best for the job, you vote's already a waste.
I figured it was an accident based on the way the conversation was going. I meant that the website was poor taste. I should have done a better job constructing my sentence. Relax. :)

I agree on far left and far right mentality. It scares me how much some people cannot think on their own and just immediately agree with everything a party says. There are far too many middle and gray areas for that way of thinking. I appreciate a politician who votes against his party from time to time, even though that certainly hurts your political career if it's too extreme.

Why must people still vote for the two party system? It's infuriating when a candidiate can get 12% in polls running independent, but only gets 3% in the election because people vote differently. What are people afraid of? Wasted votes? Needing to pick the winner? If you aren't voting for someone you believe is best for the job, you vote's already a waste.

Hitler may have been right about his road building policies - but I wouldn't be looking to his followers as reliable news sources for traffic updates. Never mind matters of immigration and race.

Blade should have found a better source to be taken remotely seriously or to not be viewed with extreme suspicion.
I agree on far left and far right mentality. It scares me how much some people cannot think on their own and just immediately agree with everything a party says. There are far too many middle and gray areas for that way of thinking. I appreciate a politician who votes against his party from time to time, even though that certainly hurts your political career if it's too extreme.

Why must people still vote for the two party system? It's infuriating when a candidiate can get 12% in polls running independent, but only gets 3% in the election because people vote differently. What are people afraid of? Wasted votes? Needing to pick the winner? If you aren't voting for someone you believe is best for the job, you vote's already a waste.

I find myself agreeing with you on most of it. However, until a third party (yes it is needed) can have a reasonable chance of winning, we are just putting our heads in the sand and throwing the vote away. Now, I don't know if you are conservative or liberal. It really does not matter but can you not see the tearing of the very fabric on the country. The taking away of the rights of the states, the ongoing attempt to federalize the police forces that protect our cities.

Example: They tell you of the number of Black men killed by policemen but fail to show the statistics sthat show 60% of those killed by policemen across the country are WHITE. The other 40% are Hispanic, Black-American, etc.
Now the feds are checking out the police departments and trying to take over, much like they did in New-Orleans and tried to in Fergusen, MO.

Here is a url that will take you to Bill ORielly (The Factor). No, he is a commentator of the facts and has taken down many bullies that have molested the little people (you and I) more than once. Keep in mind that I am only referring to the Talking Points at the beginning and the rest is up to you.: I agree with him on the talking points here. He says it so much better than I could.

Also keep in mind that this url is static so it will change as subsequent daily programs are aired.

Have a good week.

Hitler may have been right about his road building policies - but I wouldn't be looking to his followers as reliable news sources for traffic updates. Never mind matters of immigration and race.

Blade should have found a better source to be taken remotely seriously or to not be viewed with extreme suspicion.

SO- we are to disregard all those that disagree with us. I should therefore turn my back on those here that are atheist. Another antithesis like Islam to Christianity??????????

Dr. Phil once said that he was raised up in a Baptist environment. He also said that because of that he read every book he could get his hand on about Satan. WHY? the clergy question him? To know thy enemy (in this case) was his answer.

Again that article was the first in a google seach and I did not and do not look at the advertisements of any websites I visit including those that have porn on them. That does not make their opinion invalid. If yoiu have not read Playboy articles then you are lacking something. If you are there for the pictures, then you have totally missed the point I am trying to make.

I believe that you are getting ideology and opinions mixed up. As I said, I abhor their ideology, it is the opposite to every thing I stand for but I will not disregard an article from their site because it makes someone Un-Comfortable.......Conservatism, Liberalism, Socialism, Communism is a Ideology. While these Ideologies help form some of a persons opinions, if these people let the ideologies control all of their opinions then they are nothing more than a SLAVE to the very cause they fight for.! We see them all the time both in this forum and in our daily lives.

For those of you who have no tolerance for other groups ideologies/opinions to the point that they are excluded from you life in general, I pity you. You have no directional control over your life..

Our real enemy right now is Radical Islam. Focus on that and all will be fine.

Our real enemy right now is Radical Islam. Focus on that and all will be fine.

Blade, with due respect - and I am serious about this one - you are incorrect. Our real enemy is ANY form of religious extremism in any sect, denomination, or congregation. Those extremists represent hate in its purest form - the expulsion of others from their self-perceived Garden of Eden here on Earth. Islam is generally peaceful, but not the sub-group that follows Wahabbism. They are the war-mongers. But take a look at the hate of the Westboro Baptist Church, who pickets funerals of gay soldiers who, for love of country, made the ultimate sacrifice. They laid down their lives for others to have a chance for goodness. Yet they don't see that their own Saviour laid down HIS life for others to have their chance. We can talk about the extremists of many religions, but it always comes back to the ideas of expulsion rather than inclusion. Did not your Savior advise turning the other cheek, not seven times but seventy times seven? Do the letters of the Apostles not contain admonitions to gently offer teaching in hopes that it will sprout? And if it does not, is there not the parable of the sower and the seeds that tell you to not begrudge a field with low harvest, for that is its nature?

Blade, I am a former Methodist turned atheist - but I remember a lot of what I learned. I turned away from the magic and mysticism but I didn't turn away from forgiveness and the ways of inclusion. Some ideas are good no matter their origin. I just have limits on my credibility and that is why I turned atheist.

We can debate a lot of things, but this definition of yours cannot be allowed to stand. It is a narrow-minded viewpoint that refuses to see the REAL danger of religion - the excuse that it gives others to express hatred in the name of a loving deity. Islam has no monopoly on that idiocy.
I find myself agreeing with you on most of it. However, until a third party (yes it is needed) can have a reasonable chance of winning, we are just putting our heads in the sand and throwing the vote away. Now, I don't know if you are conservative or liberal. It really does not matter but can you not see the tearing of the very fabric on the country. The taking away of the rights of the states, the ongoing attempt to federalize the police forces that protect our cities.

Example: They tell you of the number of Black men killed by policemen but fail to show the statistics sthat show 60% of those killed by policemen across the country are WHITE. The other 40% are Hispanic, Black-American, etc.
Now the feds are checking out the police departments and trying to take over, much like they did in New-Orleans and tried to in Fergusen, MO.

Here is a url that will take you to Bill ORielly (The Factor). No, he is a commentator of the facts and has taken down many bullies that have molested the little people (you and I) more than once. Keep in mind that I am only referring to the Talking Points at the beginning and the rest is up to you.: I agree with him on the talking points here. He says it so much better than I could.

Also keep in mind that this url is static so it will change as subsequent daily programs are aired.

Have a good week.


I am neither liberal or conservative. I hate labels. I think for myself. I'm pretty sure I summed that up in my post.

That being said, I can't stomach hearing his voice longer than .01 seconds. He's far far far too one-sided and typical for me and never really cites his "facts." :)
I am neither liberal or conservative. I hate labels. I think for myself. I'm pretty sure I summed that up in my post.

That being said, I can't stomach hearing his voice longer than .01 seconds. He's far far far too one-sided and typical for me and never really cites his "facts." :)

Ok to not liking labels,

As far a Bill's facts is concerned, his facts, because of his Enemies, almost have to be perfect. Why would he have to disclose them?. Very few times have I heard any alternative facts come out and very few times if any, have I heard him recant his findings. There is one fact that cannot be ignored, He would NOT be # 1 in the ratings if he were giving out falsehoods or bad facts on his show. However (again), there are a lot of people out there that do not want to hear the facts other than those that are put forth by the democratic liberal medias CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, etc. and there are also a lot of people out there that do not want to hear any thing from any of the above. These people are what we are basing the future of our country on.

This country is split down the middle between the conservatives and the liberals. At some point in the very near future, my opinion, you my friend may have to make a choice and jump off that fence onto one side or the other.

Blade, with due respect - and I am serious about this one - you are incorrect. Our real enemy is ANY form of religious extremism in any sect, denomination, or congregation. Those extremists represent hate in its purest form - the expulsion of others from their self-perceived Garden of Eden here on Earth. Islam is generally peaceful, but not the sub-group that follows Wahabbism. They are the war-mongers. But take a look at the hate of the Westboro Baptist Church, who pickets funerals of gay soldiers who, for love of country, made the ultimate sacrifice. They laid down their lives for others to have a chance for goodness. Yet they don't see that their own Saviour laid down HIS life for others to have their chance. We can talk about the extremists of many religions, but it always comes back to the ideas of expulsion rather than inclusion. Did not your Savior advise turning the other cheek, not seven times but seventy times seven? Do the letters of the Apostles not contain admonitions to gently offer teaching in hopes that it will sprout? And if it does not, is there not the parable of the sower and the seeds that tell you to not begrudge a field with low harvest, for that is its nature?.
First of all, The Westboro Baptist Church is unafilliated church and has only 40 members. It is considered a hate group and uses this hate against Gays, Jews and Politicians. You, my friend are using this anomaly as a way to hate all Christians or at the very least use them as a reason to be an atheist, a person who has decided to punish God!

Gay soldiers do serve their country no more or no less than others have. Since being Gay in any form is a choice, it will between them and God as to their future after death. As far as I am concerned, I thank them for their service and wish them well. It is above my Pay-Grade to judge them or any one else.

"Yet they don't see that their own Saviour laid down HIS life for others to have their chance. " Don't really understand this?

"Islam is not a peaceful religion". Have you read it. Doubt it or you would not have that opinion. While your at it try reading the Hadif and the Sunnah as well. These are about the life of Mohommand. One thing to keep in mind, Like Wahabbism, Gays and atheist will be killed in a muslim society, immediately. While the Christians believe that practicing homosexuality is a sin, they also believe that it is your sin and does not affect them and their sins. You and You alone have to make choices that best work for you.

Wahhobism is seen in Saudi Arabia. Iran practices another type and ISIS practice another type.
.We can debate a lot of things, but this definition of yours cannot be allowed to stand. It is a narrow-minded viewpoint that refuses to see the REAL danger of religion - the excuse that it gives others to express hatred in the name of a loving deity. Islam has no monopoly on that idiocy?.
Yes, I see a lot of Christian groups out there killing or trying to kill those who do not believe in their God.Don't you??????? Islam Does and radical Islamist terrorist carry it out. While I believe there are Moderate Muslim Islamist who do not believe in killing or following the Koran to the letter, they appear to be content to let the radical Islamic terrorist do their killing for them instead of speaking out against the Radical Islamic Terrorist. OR OR OR maybe, they are afraid of the same Radical Islamic Terrorist for the reasons I stated in an earlier post. Christianity poses no threat to you being an atheist nor does it pose a threat to any gays out there with the exception of course being marriage under God is between and man and a woman.

Since being Gay in any form is a choice

Oh, Blade, this is SUCH a false statement that you can only have made it through lack of your own research. I cannot believe that you would otherwise have allowed yourself to say such a stupid thing. You have been misled by others and have not bothered to verify their lies.

I CHALLENGE you (yes, confrontationally CHALLENGE you) to research the following on your favorite browser: homosexual + brain scan (or you could do PET scan rather than brain scan.)

If you did, you would find research starting in the 1990s from the UK showing that the human brain comes in TWO configurations - male and female - and that FACT can be shown using Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans. The actual scan images are published and can be seen to be different.

The initial study identified male and female brains. But once they started including larger numbers of people in the later stages of the study (and thus brought up the statistics to be more inclusive), they were able to find cases where male brains were found in female bodies and vice versa. I.e. the plumbing and wiring didn't match. And dicte mirableau, those people with the mismatches correlated extremely strongly to homosexual preferences. Now I don't know how YOUR logic works, but to me it is simple: If the brain configuration says your preferences are those of the gender that doesn't match your genitalia, you don't have a lot of choices. If you have a brain/genital mismatch, you are going to be gay.

Many people talk about gay being a choice. That, my friend, is an outright and bald-faced LIE or a statement made from total ignorance. Gays have exactly the same choices that straight folks do - have sex or live a lie or don't have sex. End of choices. "Living a lie" is done for convenience or camouflage because of the closed-minded lunatics who engage in gay-bashing at any level from taunting to the torture inflicted on the late Matthew Shepard some years ago involving barbed wire.

You may ask why I get so vehement about this. Here is your answer. A member of my extended family is gay. She is a 12-year veteran of the USAF, a hard-working member of the community who owns her own house and keeps it up very nicely. She pays her taxes, avoids legal entanglements, and donates some of her time to battered women's shelter charities. She is highly educated and is also a loving, caring individual. All she wants is to have simple parties with her friends (male and female alike) and to live with the person she loves (who is also gay.) But the religious yammerheads of the world can only see that she is gay and they ignore the other 99.9% of her life.

If these people have mismatched brain configurations, that came as a condition of BIRTH because the brain configuration becomes fixed during gestation. That means that God made those people that way, or genetics did. This gives you a terrible dilemma. Either God wanted these people to be gay (in which case why does ANY religion condemn them?), OR genetics is more powerful than God when it comes to making people in His own image and that makes me wonder why you would worship a God so powerful as to create a world but so weak as to be unable to control genetics.

it will between them and God as to their future after death

If God ONLY looks at sexual preferences and ignores everything else about a person's life, what good is He? The Bible does not say that only one facet of your life will be used in judgment. It explicitly says otherwise. The entirety of your life is in the book of Judgment, not just one line that says your name and "gay" or "straight."
Ok to not liking labels,

As far a Bill's facts is concerned, his facts, because of his Enemies, almost have to be perfect. Why would he have to disclose them?. Very few times have I heard any alternative facts come out and very few times if any, have I heard him recant his findings. There is one fact that cannot be ignored, He would NOT be # 1 in the ratings if he were giving out falsehoods or bad facts on his show. However (again), there are a lot of people out there that do not want to hear the facts other than those that are put forth by the democratic liberal medias CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, etc. and there are also a lot of people out there that do not want to hear any thing from any of the above. These people are what we are basing the future of our country on.

This country is split down the middle between the conservatives and the liberals. At some point in the very near future, my opinion, you my friend may have to make a choice and jump off that fence onto one side or the other.


I disagree. I think most people are very in the middle about most things. Very few follow one label indiscriminately and agree with everything they say. I also will not jump off of any fence. I'm not going to sacrifice any of my beliefs to fit in with others.

Private mainstream media companies are all a joke. Faux News isn't any better.

There is one fact that cannot be ignored, He would NOT be # 1 in the ratings if he were giving out falsehoods or bad facts on his show.

This made me spit my drink. Are you kidding me? I hope so anyway...
Oh, Blade, this is SUCH a false statement that you can only have made it through lack of your own research. I cannot believe that you would otherwise have allowed yourself to say such a stupid thing. You have been misled by others and have not bothered to verify their lies.
This is another global warming scenario where the findings do not support the facts. To be blunt, show me the person or persons and the gene they have found that causes people to be gay.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Just one..........Until them if you have a penis or a ****** , You are....

As a former medical person, I can tell you whether a person is a male or female from a sample of their blood without doing a DNA test. Sometimes, a female or a male has lower values in some indices of the blood that one could call the other sex. However, as closer look at other indices and the true side of gender comes out.

Show me on Gene that causes this. All this brain scans are smoking mirrors just like the Global Warming fiasco.

Oh, Blade, this is SUCH a false statement that you can only have made it through lack of your own research. I cannot believe that you would otherwise have allowed yourself to say such a stupid thing. You have been misled by others and have not bothered to verify their lies.

You may ask why I get so vehement about this. Here is your answer. A member of my extended family is gay. She is a 12-year veteran of the USAF, a hard-working member of the community who owns her own house and keeps it up very nicely. She pays her taxes, avoids legal entanglements, and donates some of her time to battered women's shelter charities. She is highly educated and is also a loving, caring individual. All she wants is to have simple parties with her friends (male and female alike) and to live with the person she loves (who is also gay.) But the religious yammerheads of the world can only see that she is gay and they ignore the other 99.9% of her life.
She sounds like a nice person and the religious yammerheads that do not see her as a person and have tolerance for her beliefs, then they are wrong. They have judged where it is not in their pay-grade.

Matthew 7:1-3::Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

You can rest assured that these people will receive their just dues. They too have to answer for their sins. Can you say the same for your judgement of others. There is no reckoning or justice to be served if it is not served-up by man because in your world there is no GOD.

You having been a Christian should tell you that.

I disagree. I think most people are very in the middle about most things. Very few follow one label indiscriminately and agree with everything they say. I also will not jump off of any fence. I'm not going to sacrifice any of my beliefs to fit in with others.

Private mainstream media companies are all a joke. Faux News isn't any better.

This made me spit my drink. Are you kidding me? I hope so anyway...

Rem when it did not use to be that way. How do we know what is going on if the news is not accurate or extensive. Take this new bill in the senate to give Obama the ability to create a Treaty without anyone, without the Congress (both) being able to have a say. Do you trust him that much??. It was the Dem Liberals that put it down. The repubs wanted it,,,WHY,,,I am waiting on that bit of information. We here in TN have two Rhinos that are very liberal. (rem, you said most people were in the middle) Well most people are financially conservative and lean toward being socially liberal. I have no problems with that since most of the time I am worried about the financials of the country. 19 Trillion in debt...... Anyway getting back to the senators, I will assume that they will be voted out next time they are up, people here are feed up. Fox News at least tells about most things that are going on.and gives you both sides. You might hear about it on the others or you might not but if you do, it will certainly be one side (liberal).

Sorry you lost your drink but here are the facts:

They have other days to look at but they are pretty much the same.

This is another global warming scenario where the findings do not support the facts. To be blunt, show me the person or persons and the gene they have found that causes people to be gay.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Just one..........Until them if you have a penis or a ****** , You are....

Blade, grow up and THINK for yourself. I sent you instructions that will lead to observed facts from a rigorous scientific study that was able to correlate brain configuration to homosexuality. It is not my duty to do ALL of your research for you. Besides, the jury is out on whether the brain configuration is entirely genetic or whether it involves some type of gestational anomaly. In either case, the brain configuration develops pre-birth at a time when there is NO WAY for the fetus to make a choice. Regardless of whether it happens as a result of genetics or anomalous pregnancies, THERE IS NO CHOICE! And if there is no choice, then condemnation of someone for having the bad luck to live with a condition they cannot control simply means that the condemners are looking for someone to pick on.

As to your second (implied) comment: If you have a penis or a ******, you are .... a sexual being. Want to add labels? If so, known which one of those two attributes is true just isn't enough. Tell me the brain configuration as well as the plumbing. THEN and ONLY THEN it would be possible to more specifically fill in the blanks at the end of your implied question.

I repeat: DO THE RESEARCH. I gave you the link. Open your mind when you do the reading. Don't let someone else's lies told to you in childhood stop you from making a reasoned decision based on observable scientific fact.
This is another global warming scenario where the findings do not support the facts. To be blunt, show me the person or persons and the gene they have found that causes people to be gay.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Just one..........Until them if you have a penis or a ****** , You are....

As a former medical person, I can tell you whether a person is a male or female from a sample of their blood without doing a DNA test. Sometimes, a female or a male has lower values in some indices of the blood that one could call the other sex. However, as closer look at other indices and the true side of gender comes out.

Show me on Gene that causes this. All this brain scans are smoking mirrors just like the Global Warming fiasco.


You are confusing gender identity with sexual preference for starters. They are not one and the same.

As far as global warming, WE ARE COMING OUT OF AN ICE AGE! Of course the Earth is warming! I don't understand how anyone with any interest in history can assume it's not. Debating our influence on the warming is one thing, but debating on if the Earth is even warming seems redundant. Everything we know says it is because it is eventually supposed to.
As far as choice goes, I believe that much of what we do is hardwired and a lot of it comes from our environment. There's probably influence on both sides of the equation that impact our sexual preferences later in life. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GENDER IDENTITY!
Blade, grow up and THINK for yourself. I sent you instructions that will lead to observed facts from a rigorous scientific study that was able to correlate brain configuration to homosexuality. It is not my duty to do ALL of your research for you. Besides, the jury is out on whether the brain configuration is entirely genetic or whether it involves some type of gestational anomaly. In either case, the brain configuration develops pre-birth at a time when there is NO WAY for the fetus to make a choice. Regardless of whether it happens as a result of genetics or anomalous pregnancies, THERE IS NO CHOICE! And if there is no choice, then condemnation of someone for having the bad luck to live with a condition they cannot control simply means that the condemners are looking for someone to pick on.

As to your second (implied) comment: If you have a penis or a ******, you are .... a sexual being. Want to add labels? If so, known which one of those two attributes is true just isn't enough. Tell me the brain configuration as well as the plumbing. THEN and ONLY THEN it would be possible to more specifically fill in the blanks at the end of your implied question.

I repeat: DO THE RESEARCH. I gave you the link. Open your mind when you do the reading. Don't let someone else's lies told to you in childhood stop you from making a reasoned decision based on observable scientific fact.

Why do you think I have not done any research on this subject? I have read many articles even some where the so-called brain scans brain scans are considered unreliable because of faulty assumptions. Also when you have two gay parents, why do 71% children grow up more likely to be gay or at the least bisexual. How do you explain that?

I told you my opinion and it is not going to change until a gene is found and is totally determined to cause Homosexuality. In my opinion by all the research I have read, being Gay is a Choice and again, I do not and will not criticize the choice or the person who makes the choice.

Why do you think I have not done any research on this subject? I have read many articles even some where the so-called brain scans brain scans are considered unreliable because of faulty assumptions. Also when you have two gay parents, why do 71% children grow up more likely to be gay or at the least bisexual. How do you explain that?

I told you my opinion and it is not going to change until a gene is found and is totally determined to cause Homosexuality. In my opinion by all the research I have read, being Gay is a Choice and again, I do not and will not criticize the choice or the person who makes the choice.


Have you got a source for that 71% stat? Then maybe it can be explained? Ta

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