Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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I don't remember ever hearing a story concerning an atheist killing a religious person for their religion. Usually it just concerns personal matters.

Where's the facts behind any killings by "Non-Believers" due to religious differences?

100% CTHULHU. May he devour you quickly.

This comes up all the time - on a mass basis Pol Pot, Hitler and Stalin. Of course they aren't proper atheists - only religious folk are capable of such terrible crimes.
This comes up all the time - on a mass basis Pol Pot, Hitler and Stalin. Of course they aren't proper atheists - only religious folk are capable of such terrible crimes.

Idi Amin is a good example. A ruthless dictator who shifted from pro to anti-Israeli virtually overnight.
Sounds like you are confusing Transgender with Homosexuality


I've been pointing that out too. :D

OK but I already know what your going to say!!!!!!!!!

Look under the heading of 'What the Study Found'


Yeah, I'm going to believe a RELIGIOUS organization is going to complete or report about an unbiased study... Try again.

Any experiment they complete on this will immediately be flawed by the expectation of outcome they have already perceived.
This comes up all the time - on a mass basis Pol Pot, Hitler and Stalin. Of course they aren't proper atheists - only religious folk are capable of such terrible crimes.

I always love when people bring up these single three people as examples of atheists who commited attrocities. Their atheism was not instrumental in their ruthlessness. I would write a long explanation, but this sums it up pretty well:

"Commonality is not causation."
You can equally argue that religious folk comit atrocities not based on their religion. But a complex tribal them and us power struggle based on money a lost girlfriend etc. It's exactly the same. The more complex of the cases Hitler , he carried out a more systematic eradication of a religion than has been seen . Yet your article quotes him as a religious tolerant man? Hmm mm and puts the blame on an institution he was born into and had nothing to do with subsequently. There's also quite a lot of anti Catholic / Christian propaganda in that piece attributing blame, with far less leeway offered to millions of good people than it offers some of the most evil men in existence. That in itself is a worrying sign of the warped thinking of atheist them and us thing. I'm happy to concede both atheism or religion can produce horror. One doesn't seem to be better than the other.radical atheists and radical religious folk would claim otherwise.
You can equally argue that religious folk comit atrocities not based on their religion.

No, because the same atrocities of the holy books are exalted as evidence for a supreme deity that we must appease through worship.

All so called religious extremists are able to directly justify their actions through the precedents presented in the holy books.

The Abrahamic religions are fundamentally fascist philosophies that have no place in any discussion of morality.
I don't remember ever hearing a story concerning an atheist killing a religious person for their religion. Usually it just concerns personal matters.

Where's the facts behind any killings by "Non-Believers" due to religious differences?
100% CTHULHU. May he devour you quickly.

There are others non-believers out there,,,(i.e. ISIS,Radical Islamic Terroist, etc.) So far we have not had an atheist rise up and start killing Christians, Jews in this century. YET!

Idi Amin is a good example. A ruthless dictator who shifted from pro to anti-Israeli virtually overnight.

Pro Israeli , Anti Israeli -----What religion is this? Yeah, Saddam Hussian was a dictator and a ruthless killer who was an Radical Islamist. Rem, both Radical and Islamist do not believe in Jesus (non-believer) because only through him can you reach the Father. P.s. Saddam was a Sunni Muslim , the same as Saudi Arabia practices.

ISIS leader said the other day there is no excuse for Muslims not to join the battle against "infidels," declaring, "Islam was never a religion of peace. Islam is the religion of fighting."

I've been pointing that out too. :D

I believe the pointing out was about homosexuality and transgender....Now I got to hear this one (excuse me read you r answer here.... Tell me about the transgender and the homosexual. Be sure to include all the differences.

Yeah, I'm going to believe a RELIGIOUS organization is going to complete or report about an unbiased study... Try again. complete or report about an unbiased study... Try again.

Any experiment they complete on this will immediately be flawed by the expectation of outcome they have already perceived.

Now that is what I knew you were going to say. I guess articles from your side are not biased????????????/ This is what I have been saying all along. Depends on whether you are an Atheist or a Christian as to the articles you believe and stand beside.

We are not getting anywhere here fellas!

I always love when people bring up these single three people as examples of atheists who commited attrocities. Their atheism was not instrumental in their ruthlessness. I would write a long explanation, but this sums it up pretty well:

"Commonality is not causation."
What do you mean their atheism was not a factor in their behavior or ruthlessness. They had no morals or threw what they had (if any) out when they became 'Atheist'.

Ah,,,,, an agnostic this cause for a bias?
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No, because the same atrocities of the holy books are exalted as evidence for a supreme deity that we must appease through worship.

All so called religious extremists are able to directly justify their actions through the precedents presented in the holy books.

The Abrahamic religions are fundamentally fascist philosophies that have no place in any discussion of morality.

Hey Galaxiom, long time no (See).... I do wish you would at least give us the courtesy of naming the religion extremist in question. (Christians, Islamist, other)
That way I know who you are talking about. and No we are not the same.

When has the Christians in modern times killed anyone in the name of God?

You have got to let the Abrahamic thing go. This was in the early years of man before any laws were laid down by God. What you read in the Bible is the account of what happened during those years in Gods own words and given to Moses, many years after Abraham had died.

I believe the pointing out was about homosexuality and transgender....Now I got to hear this one (excuse me read you r answer here.... Tell me about the transgender and the homosexual. Be sure to include all the differences.

We are not getting anywhere here fellas!


I'm sure that you are not as ignorant as you are painting yourself, but just incase I would suggest you do some research, you can start here

What do you mean their atheism was not a factor in their behavior or ruthlessness. They had no morals or threw what they had (if any) out when they became 'Atheist'.

Ah,,,,, an agnostic this cause for a bias?

So atheist equates to no morals
Theist equates to very moral

You need to get out more


Brian give me this and I have a problem with it. No,,,,I am not going to get into this, It is TMI.

To be frank, they are both the same with the exception of the Gay person not have to dress for the opposite sex. They are both homosexuals pure and simple.


Does that first sentence mean that you are not going to read it as it has Too Much Information? I guess you are going to remain ignorant and bigoted all your life.
You ask for my explanation , well here is a simple attempt with no scientific explanations to upset you

A homosexual wants to go to bed with the same sex
A transgendered wants to go to bed AS the opposite sex.

But I suppose you will just bury your head in that book of myths and legends.

I am now ABSOLUTELY aghast that in this modern day and age, there are folks around who still cling to the outmoded and totally false idea that religion = morality and no religion = immorality.

You get morality from the society around you and from your family. If your family forces you to church, you are exposed to morality via peer pressure in that church group. The truth is, however, that religious morality merely is a CONTRIBUTOR, not the sole cause, of societal morality.

Buddhists do not necessarily believe in a divine being - particularly the Theravada denomination. Yet Buddhists are EXTREMELY moral. According to Christians, if you don't believe in God (i.e. you are atheist), you must be immoral - but Buddhists are among the most moral groups I have ever met.

What do you mean their atheism was not a factor in their behavior or ruthlessness. They had no morals or threw what they had (if any) out when they became 'Atheist'.

Morality and religion happen to coincide but are not necessarily cause-and-effect. An equally valid possibility is that they have a common cause - societal pressure. In the pre-Adamite culture, there was no Abrahamic religion. It was more animistic in nature, if our anthropologists are correct. In that case, people who behaved in a way that was detrimental to the tribe were ejected and force to live or die on their own. And a formalized religion was one early way to teach societal morality. They used the ideas of a set of vengeful spirits to help reinforce their morality. (Sounds like any book we've ever heard of before???)

To me, the holy books could be the EFFECT of societal morality rather than its cause.
Does that first sentence mean that you are not going to read it as it has Too Much Information? I guess you are going to remain ignorant and bigoted all your life.
You ask for my explanation , well here is a simple attempt with no scientific explanations to upset you

A homosexual wants to go to bed with the same sex
A transgendered wants to go to bed AS the opposite sex.

But I suppose you will just bury your head in that book of myths and legends.

Brian,,,you Wounduth me,,,,,,,Bigoted (Hater)??????Ignorant (should read all articles sent to me)

TMI was I was not going to discuss it on this forum. However, they are both homosexuals regardless of how you want to CLASS them. Is that not the LBGT is for?????????. To put a class on them.

Will a Homosexual go out with a transgender?????

Believe it or not I am up on the terms. They are living a lifestyle considered a sin by God and the Bible thus their Atheism. Sorry, I am not a Hater of these people. As I said before, it really does not matter to me who they sleep with as long as they don't try and throw it down my throat!

I do find it interesting that it takes a shrink to understand them. There are a lot of people out there that have abnormalities. Is why we call it mental health.

(i.e. Discussions of Mental Health Issues for Gender Variant and Transgender Individuals, Friends and Family with posts by NYC Psychotherapist Ami B. Kaplan, LCSW.)


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