Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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I repeat, being Gay is NOT a choice. Your choices are to have sex or not. You can choose what kind to have but you will NOT be able to choose which kind "feels right" for you. Blade, can YOU choose to NOT be a heterosexual? Yet when we make the corresponding comment for gays you simply stand up and pontificate.

I grew up in New Orleans and earned my college money as a musician in the French Quarter. (I'm a keyboard person.) During our breaks, when we talked to our clientele, those that were gay NEVER ONCE said anything about choice. To them, it was something they knew from their earliest days. I was an avid bridge player (contract or duplicate, friendly or tournament - made no difference to me). My best tournament-level partner was gay. Everyone wondered why she and I never got married. It was because she liked the same kind of partner I did. Didn't stop us from being friends. She and I talked at some length. I trusted her to be honest with me because she had already told me the most terrible secret in her life, the one that caused her to live a lie until society caught up with reality a bit more. She said there was never an element of choice as to preferences, only as to the specific person who would be her life-long partner.

I feel sad for you, Blade. You have closed your mind to the possibility that you have made an error. As to the "two gay parents" - the likelihood of that happening is very small. Small enough that your 71% claim is suspect. Quote your source and I'll show you that they had an axe to grind. If your source is some "Family Values" group then they automatically lose credibility points because they have an agenda. It is the same reason that so many folks down-play Fox News as a joke. It is also no wonder that YOU seem to like them. I apologize if that sounds a bit dismissive, but then again, Fox News is more than a bit biased. The fact that you don't seem to notice that is very significant in your inability to detect and dismiss articles that have axes to grind.
Whether children are more likely to be gay or bisexual may be due to nature or nurture or a combination of both. If "70%" of children ADOPTED by gay couples chose a gay/bisexual lifestyle, it would be almost overwhelming evidence for nurture ie environment as against genetic factors. Your evidence is inconclusive.
Whether children are more likely to be gay or bisexual may be due to nature or nurture or a combination of both. If "70%" of children ADOPTED by gay couples chose a gay/bisexual lifestyle, it would be almost overwhelming evidence for nurture ie environment as against genetic factors. Your evidence is inconclusive.

Without a gene to prove that you are a different sex than that you were born with, So is your evidence.

!! Am I not on your side!! I agree that there is no positive genetic evidence (The UK College of Psychiatrist had to retract their statement that "people are born gay")
My evidence, if anybody ever bothered to collect it, would confirm that being gay is a learned experience which becomes a lifetime choice for some people.
I feel sad for you, Blade. You have closed your mind to the possibility that you have made an error. As to the "two gay parents" - the likelihood of that happening is very small. Small enough that your 71% claim is suspect. Quote your source and I'll show you that they had an axe to grind. If your source is some "Family Values" group then they automatically lose credibility points because they have an agenda. It is the same reason that so many folks down-play Fox News as a joke. It is also no wonder that YOU seem to like them. I apologize if that sounds a bit dismissive, but then again, Fox News is more than a bit biased. The fact that you don't seem to notice that is very significant in your inability to detect and dismiss articles that have axes to grind.

Just as I thought, it all comes down to what I, I believe. I give you a look at things from my side of the tracks and you give us a look at things on your side of the track. Weeeell, at least people on this thread get to see both sides and THINK for themselves.

Is it not enough that I accept your choice without reservation or do you want blood and God as well????

OK but I already know what your going to say!!!!!!!!!

Look under the heading of 'What the Study Found'


Long before I got to the Limitations of The Study I had come to the conclusion that they were not comparing like situations. They talk of a Gay Father or a Lesbian Mother, note the singular, they are not comparing a two parent family such as lives by me, two Lesbian ladies with a child they have had for years.

!! Am I not on your side!! I agree that there is no positive genetic evidence (The UK College of Psychiatrist had to retract their statement that "people are born gay")
My evidence, if anybody ever bothered to collect it, would confirm that being gay is a learned experience which becomes a lifetime choice for some people.

Did not know there were sides here (side of tracks is an old metaphor for people from different environmental living conditions). But I do agree with you that it is a learned experience therefore a choice and again, I have no problem with their choice.

Did not know there were sides here. But I do agree with you that it is a learned experience therefore a choice and again, I have no problem with their choice.


Where did the first homosexuals learn their experience?

Don't know but people do tend to experiment.

Do You Know?


I'm in the nature not nurture camp, although I can see that one is more likely to experiment along certain lines if one is exposed to to them, but i very much doubt that that would affect the final outcome.

Why do you think I have not done any research on this subject? I have read many articles even some where the so-called brain scans brain scans are considered unreliable because of faulty assumptions. Also when you have two gay parents, why do 71% children grow up more likely to be gay or at the least bisexual. How do you explain that?

I told you my opinion and it is not going to change until a gene is found and is totally determined to cause Homosexuality. In my opinion by all the research I have read, being Gay is a Choice and again, I do not and will not criticize the choice or the person who makes the choice.


Most gay people are raised by straight parents, right? ;)
News????food for thought:

Just heard something on Fox that will make the Atheist of this very happy. It seems the number of Atheist have increase slightly over the last year and the number of Christians have decreased. I wonder if they took into account the number of Christians that have been killed by non-believers.?????/

Also heard the Pope was advocating socialism and communism vs capitalism. Like he really knows about them. I guess he was referring to the past times where the Catholic.Church just took things from people without notice. However, I would bet a mint that the money the Church has made during the 21st century did not come from socialist and communist countries but rather the European countries and of course America through capitalism.. Wow, who's pipe has he be smoking?

Have you heard that the Saudis and Turkey are trying to form a Caliphate. If this is true, look to Gog and Maygog.

There also have been rumors of talk concerning a one-world religion. Don't know if it is true but where there is smoke there is usually FIRE. Wonder who would be the ring leader here?

Most gay people are raised by straight parents, right? ;)
Sorry Vassago, you ask a question and I missed it.

To be honest, YES I would say the majority of gays I know came from straight parents but remember, they are now my age or dead. In addition, most of them had kids and a wife. Later in life the marriage fell apart and they went in another direction. Most of their kids I know, are not Gay and that is easy to tell these days as there is no societal walls around anymore.

Nowdays, I have no idea. I suspect without Goggling it that this particular statistic has changed. How much it has changed I do not know either.

I wonder if they took into account the number of Christians that have been killed by non-believers.?????/

I don't remember ever hearing a story concerning an atheist killing a religious person for their religion. Usually it just concerns personal matters.

Where's the facts behind any killings by "Non-Believers" due to religious differences?

There also have been rumors of talk concerning a one-world religion. Don't know if it is true but where there is smoke there is usually FIRE. Wonder who would be the ring leader here?

100% CTHULHU. May he devour you quickly.

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