Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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Pro Israeli , Anti Israeli -----What religion is this? Yeah, Saddam Hussian was a dictator and a ruthless killer who was an Radical Islamist. Rem, both Radical and Islamist do not believe in Jesus (non-believer) because only through him can you reach the Father. P.s. Saddam was a Sunni Muslim , the same as Saudi Arabia practices.

ISIS leader said the other day there is no excuse for Muslims not to join the battle against "infidels," declaring, "Islam was never a religion of peace. Islam is the religion of fighting."


Saddam didn't commit his crimes based on religion as far as I remember. His was more driven by greed and power, which are definitely the leading causes of most conflicts. Some of that greed and power is religiously motivated in many historical and present day wars.

TMI was I was not going to discuss it on this forum. However, they are both homosexuals regardless of how you want to CLASS them. Is that not the LBGT is for?????????. To put a class on them.

This is NOT true. Transgenders identify as the opposite sex, regardless of their preferred orientation. Homosexuals are attracted to someone of the same identified sex. Someone can be transgender and still be attracted to either or both sexes. They are not mutually exclusive. I know plenty of them.

Now that is what I knew you were going to say. I guess articles from your side are not biased????????????/ This is what I have been saying all along. Depends on whether you are an Atheist or a Christian as to the articles you believe and stand beside.

We are not getting anywhere here fellas!


Typically, if I post an article, I'm going to ensure the study taht is completed is not biased with a desired outcome, so yes.
Bigotry is to do with intolerance not hate, no wonder we are getting nowhere you speak your own language.

Saddam didn't commit his crimes based on religion as far as I remember. His was more driven by greed and power, which are definitely the leading causes of most conflicts. Some of that greed and power is religiously motivated in many historical and present day wars.

Yes it was in part. His power was of the socialist Ba’athist party. He was a Sunni Muslim which is probably is why he do all those atrocities to the Shites. This was religious but the majority of his thinking was greed and power. He invaded countries and killed millions and yet he did very little harm to Christians.

Of, Course ISIS, also Sunni (Wahabbi) kill Christians and other sects of Islam (Shites) who they consider non-believers. This is now a religious war that will only end one way.

Let me say one more thing on the topic of being a bigot. Some of you will say I am a bigot toward LBGT but here in the USA, just the fact that I disagree with them makes me intolerant and a hater automatically. It does not matter if I work with those that are part of this group, it is the fact that I disagree.

This is the same with the racist charge and of course simply being a Christian means I am bigoted and hate all groups included Atheism.

No, we are not using the same language anymore.

As a Christian, I'm sure you believe we are ALL sinners, correct? In fact, the Bible is pretty clear that all sins are created equal in the eyes of God. It doesn't matter if you lie to your father or kill your neighbor. These are the same to God.

There is also something else that was very clear; Jesus treated everyone with compassion regardless of their sins. This is why he saved the prostitute from being stoned. He saw people as people. He didn't think anyone was above or below someone, regardless of their actions or choices that might have led them to "sinning." To be Christian is to be Christ-like. To think of someone as homosexual as less than someone heterosexual while ignoring your own sins would be as far from Christian as I can imagine.

Also, doing someone for someone else just because you don't agree with their sins while again, ignoring that you are also a sinner, is just as deplorable and Unchristian. It's one thing to say you won't bake a cake for a gay wedding, it's another thing entirely to be refuse service unrelated to their sin to someone because of their sins. You're a sinner too! All sins are equal. You've just defied Jesus, ironically, on the grounds "of your religious beliefs."

Also, you keep mentioning transgender, but the Bible doesn't really cover transgender as being a sin. It's rather fascinating really that they are grouped in with the so-called sins of homosexuals when simply being the wrong sex physically at birth has nothing to do with your orientation. Are they really sinning because they dress as another sex? Who or what decided what clothes belonged to what sex?

This post is not directed at anyone, I'm speaking in general. I'm curious on feedback.
As a Christian, I'm sure you believe we are ALL sinners, correct? In fact, the Bible is pretty clear that all sins are created equal in the eyes of God. It doesn't matter if you lie to your father or kill your neighbor. These are the same to God..

Here you are wrong. all sins are not equal in God's eyes. However, if you do lie to your father or steal something then a trend is emerging that will likely to give you a lifetime of problems sometimes leading to the very sins that are punishable by eternal death. kidnapping, adultery, Murder. Of course you can always repent and ask for forgiveness.

Vassago have a question for you?

If a transgender male wants to be a women and dresses like a woman right? Now, HIS (still has a penis) sexual orientation is to men. It is still homosexuality.

If a transgender male wants to be a woman and dresses like a woman right????? Now, HIS (still has a penis) sexual orientation is to women. It is normal, a little kinky but a man and woman.

Using a woman would simply the same for her.

Is this a fair observation?

Vassago have a question for you?

If a transgender male wants to be a women and dresses like a woman right? Now, HIS (still has a penis) sexual orientation is to men. It is still homosexuality.

If a transgender male wants to be a woman and dresses like a woman right????? Now, HIS (still has a penis) sexual orientation is to women. It is normal, a little kinky but a man and woman.

Using a woman would simply the same for her.

Is this a fair observation?


Seems to me Blade that you are hung up on the physical side of things, but then religion does seem to be obsessed with sex.
You may have married purely for physical reasons but I didn't.

One further question to add to the above questions of yours, if the transgender has surgery to remove the penis does it alter the outcome? You see I think your answers are the wrong way round.

Here you are wrong. all sins are not equal in God's eyes. However, if you do lie to your father or steal something then a trend is emerging that will likely to give you a lifetime of problems sometimes leading to the very sins that are punishable by eternal death. kidnapping, adultery, Murder. Of course you can always repent and ask for forgiveness.


Really? This is what I was taught in Church and gathered from the Bible growing up. There are plenty of references that make it seem so.

James 2:10 (NIV)

For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.

Romans 3:23 (NIV)

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Vassago have a question for you?

If a transgender male wants to be a women and dresses like a woman right? Now, HIS (still has a penis) sexual orientation is to men. It is still homosexuality.

If a transgender male wants to be a woman and dresses like a woman right????? Now, HIS (still has a penis) sexual orientation is to women. It is normal, a little kinky but a man and woman.

Using a woman would simply the same for her.

Is this a fair observation?


That could be your observation. I don't consider one more normal than the other, post-op or pre-op. I'm sure this is where we will disagree. There's really no helping that.
The difference between transvestite and transgender is important (for this discussion) because the TV might just have an unusual or kinky or abnormal attachment to an image. The TV might just be immersed in a fantasy world without actually being homosexual. I've known a few folks who were fantasy cross-dressers and knew the difference. (Still not my bag, but then again, chacun a son gu.)

The TG, however, also has the feeling of having been born into the wrong body. This is one of the possible outcomes of my previous post where I referenced research showing that it is possible for a person to have a brain configuration like that of the opposite gender, and if the brain goes, the rest of the body follows.

It is a much more deep-seated condition for the TG. The TG may wish to ALSO be a TV pre-change, but it is not a fantasy. The TG will eventually want the surgical change. Which leads to the philosophical question of whether a post-surgical TG wearing the clothing appropriate to the post-surgical plumbing is now a TV. I would say "NO" but it is clear that Blade and his misguided cronies would say "YES."

It might go far afield here, but consider the world of COSPLAY, which has been the subject of more than a few television specials and series. There, the issue is the image of temporarily being what you are not. The non-homosexual TV can fit into the general Cosplay crowd (along with the "furries" and the "superheroes" and the "mangas"...) The main difference between the furries, mangas, superheroes, and TVs is their costuming preference. All of which leads back to the old adage about not being able to judge a book by its cover.
The difference between transvestite and transgender is important (for this discussion) because the TV might just have an unusual or kinky or abnormal attachment to an image. The TV might just be immersed in a fantasy world without actually being homosexual. I've known a few folks who were fantasy cross-dressers and knew the difference. (Still not my bag, but then again, chacun a son gu.)

The TG, however, also has the feeling of having been born into the wrong body. This is one of the possible outcomes of my previous post where I referenced research showing that it is possible for a person to have a brain configuration like that of the opposite gender, and if the brain goes, the rest of the body follows.

It is a much more deep-seated condition for the TG. The TG may wish to ALSO be a TV pre-change, but it is not a fantasy. The TG will eventually want the surgical change. Which leads to the philosophical question of whether a post-surgical TG wearing the clothing appropriate to the post-surgical plumbing is now a TV. I would say "NO" but it is clear that Blade and his misguided cronies would say "YES."

It might go far afield here, but consider the world of COSPLAY, which has been the subject of more than a few television specials and series. There, the issue is the image of temporarily being what you are not. The non-homosexual TV can fit into the general Cosplay crowd (along with the "furries" and the "superheroes" and the "mangas"...) The main difference between the furries, mangas, superheroes, and TVs is their costuming preference. All of which leads back to the old adage about not being able to judge a book by its cover.

And no matter if they are transvestite or transgender, their orientation is not even a part of that discussion or decision.
Changing topic, I might not be a Christian but I think this judge is wrong.

I wonder if I can have cake with the slogan "support Sharia Law" or " support community brothels"
People should be allowed to have their views and values the chap could easily have gone elsewhere, why should his views prevail over the proprieters'

Changing topic, I might not be a Christian but I think this judge is wrong.

I wonder if I can have cake with the slogan "support Sharia Law" or " support community brothels"
People should be allowed to have their views and values the chap could easily have gone elsewhere, why should his views prevail over the proprieters'


Agreed. As a private business, it should be ok for him to refuse to write a specific slogan. We've had similar problems in recent months with private business owners exercising their write to not support specific ideals, regardless of the customer.
Seems to me Blade that you are hung up on the physical side of things, but then religion does seem to be obsessed with sex.
You may have married purely for physical reasons but I didn't.

One further question to add to the above questions of yours, if the transgender has surgery to remove the penis does it alter the outcome? You see I think your answers are the wrong way round.


Married for love and have been at it over a half century.

The other questions answer is NO, he is still a Male genetically speaking.

p.s. I was asking Vassago was meaning about the differences in being Gay and Transgender. You see when it comes down to it, it is all the same.

Really? This is what I was taught in Church and gathered from the Bible growing up. There are plenty of references that make it seem so.

you quoted James 2:10...... check out James 2:11.....

.11 For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.

Each law has its own punishment?


Vassago you quote Romans 3:23

Look to Romans 3:22,24.......

22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

Because of the Apple fiasco, we are all sinners. But then you know the way out of that, don't you? Romans 3:24

Married for love and have been at it over a half century.

The other questions answer is NO, he is still a Male genetically speaking.

p.s. I was asking Vassago was meaning about the differences in being Gay and Transgender. You see when it comes down to it, it is all the same.


It isn't "all the same." Someone can feel they are the opposite sex, but still choose to be gay or straight based on the sex that they are. No matter how you look at it or your position on the scenario, you cannot look at transgender and gay as the same thing because they very well could be a male and female, either post-op or pre-op. Depending on your beliefs, that's either gay or not, but both scenarios are not the same.

To me, however someone identifies is what they are. If a biological male identifies as female, they are female. If they prefer men, they are not gay. If they prefer women, they are lesbian.

They cannot be gay/lesbian in both of these scenarios, that doesn't make sense.

Does that make sense? :D
Vassago you quote Romans 3:23

Look to Romans 3:22,24.......

22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

Because of the Apple fiasco, we are all sinners. But then you know the way out of that, don't you? Romans 3:24


So, they are all forgiven the same, what difference does it make?

Either way, Jesus was all-forgiving, why can't his followers feel the same. How can they feel that by forgiving someone for their sins in any way endorses them? It makes no sense to me considering the person who they follow did and taught to do so.
The difference between transvestite and transgender is important (for this discussion) because the TV might just have an unusual or kinky or abnormal attachment to an image. The TV might just be immersed in a fantasy world without actually being homosexual. I've known a few folks who were fantasy cross-dressers and knew the difference. (Still not my bag, but then again, chacun a son gu.)

The TG, however, also has the feeling of having been born into the wrong body. This is one of the possible outcomes of my previous post where I referenced research showing that it is possible for a person to have a brain configuration like that of the opposite gender, and if the brain goes, the rest of the body follows.

It is a much more deep-seated condition for the TG. The TG may wish to ALSO be a TV pre-change, but it is not a fantasy. The TG will eventually want the surgical change. Which leads to the philosophical question of whether a post-surgical TG wearing the clothing appropriate to the post-surgical plumbing is now a TV. I would say "NO" but it is clear that Blade and his misguided cronies would say "YES."

It might go far afield here, but consider the world of COSPLAY, which has been the subject of more than a few television specials and series. There, the issue is the image of temporarily being what you are not. The non-homosexual TV can fit into the general Cosplay crowd (along with the "furries" and the "superheroes" and the "mangas"...) The main difference between the furries, mangas, superheroes, and TVs is their costuming preference. All of which leads back to the old adage about not being able to judge a book by its cover.

Thanks Doc,,,I think?

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