Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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Blade, I have to correct you on another glaring point that shows how little you understand what really happened with SCOTUS's marriage decision - and what didn't happen.

You keep on saying that SCOTUS made a new law. They ABSOLUTELY and INCONTROVERTIBLY did not. What they did was to tell STATES that made new laws (that denied specific civil rights to gays) that they WERE NOT ALLOWED to make that kind of law. In other words, SCOTUS did not make a law. They stopped someone else from making a BAD law. There is a huge difference. If you don't understand that, then it is no small wonder that you don't seem to understand my Will Rogers analogies and my references to the gestational origins of homosexuality. You don't understand that the actions of the Religious Right regarding marriage and homosexuality were in fact a huge violation of civil rights.

I have to ask if you are really as dense as you seem to be, or whether you are just an exceptionally tenacious troller. Your repeated inability to see the implications of logic at work continue to amaze me. But this isn't my first forum on atheism.

Are you afraid that if you agree to any of our points of logic that somehow you will lose your faith and condemn yourself? If you really believed that, the problem is in you, not in us. Your own weakness of faith strikes you with terror because you still feel that disembodied presence looking over your shoulder for your transgressions. You cannot even face the idea that your logic would overwhelm your faith. Yet the Pope accepts evolution and I doubt that you could make disparaging comments about the weakness of his faith. I submit for your consideration that YOU doubt your own God's power - because otherwise you would realize that if He is as powerful as you think He is, all of evolution and the Big Bang and abiogenesis would be within His power to make happen as the science of the day tells us it did. YOU are one who diminishes God's power in your own mind, one who limits God's abilities. YOU have the weakness but unlike us, you can't bring yourself to face that situation.

We who are atheists can face a life without God. You, on the other hand, have limited yourself terribly by imagining a God who is limited, but you can't do without that limited God. Forgive me if I pity your weakness.
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Blade, just because someone takes it upon themselves to speak for others - "Hi, I speak for the conservatives who post on technical web sites, and we live to bugger sheep!", for example - doesn't mean that it is either appropriate or accurate.

This especially applies when they're billing themselves as 'leaders' of something that cannot be led. You can be a leader of atheism about as well as you can be a leader of conspiracy theories.

You have GOT to start exposing yourself to a news source with at least a passing familiarity with facts, rather than Fox News, who wouldn't know a fact if you beat them with it.
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I don't even know many far-right Republicans who deny that Faux is a biased news source. I mean, the list of things that point to it, including admittances from their own political party members, is astounding. Everything they do is both to push and manipulate their own party and their followers.

Maybe that's why they refuse to see the truth. The brainwashing is working.
Blade, just because someone takes it upon themselves to speak for others - "Hi, I speak for the conservatives who post on technical web sites, and we live to bugger sheep!", for example - doesn't mean that it is either appropriate or accurate.

This especially applies when they're billing themselves as 'leaders' of something that cannot be led. You can be a leader of atheism about as well as you can be a leader of conspiracy theories.

You have GOT to start exposing yourself to a news source with at least a passing familiarity with facts, rather than Fox News, who wouldn't know a fact if you beat them with it.

Ah, my guess is you did not see it. The person was on Fox News I guess of her own free will, You know these liberal type, they like to brag about what they are going to do.... Fox People just ask her the questions.

Sorry I cannot help you here.
I don't even know many far-right Republicans who deny that Faux is a biased news source. I mean, the list of things that point to it, including admittances from their own political party members, is astounding. Everything they do is both to push and manipulate their own party and their followers.

Maybe that's why they refuse to see the truth. The brainwashing is working.

What party, the democratic or the liberal parties. Oh, you mean the repubs, The moderate LIbs. oh MY,.....

Yeah I know but I turn it on the others, I see nothing about something that happened in the US for a week. Guess it is old news by then.....An your liberal blogs only serve themselves.. i.e. Huffington post.

I wil keep sending you to Fox News for the news you cannot find anywhere else. I know, they give you liberals a hard time,,,,,You don't deserve do you.....I know, I know
Regarding Fox News...

Any news organization that has to advertise itself as "Fair and Balanced" usually isn't either.

Fox is so far right-wing that they would be excellent Indy car drivers - except for going backwards (since Indy cars only turn left.) Of course, you might not have known that since your mind obviously refuses to see anything that DOES turn even slightly to the left. But it explains why you can't keep up with line dancers in clubs or parties. Anytime that they turn to the right, you are with them... but you can only go straight and right (hmmm.... at the same time? Good trick!)

Blade, I do not apologize for my position, but I have to say that the intransigence you demonstrate for your position does invite extremely intense attention - sadly for you, of the wrong kind. I should lay back for a while simply because I truly wish you no ill. But be aware that it is not within me to ignore someone whose position would interfere with the life of my family member who is gay, and with the lives of several of my best friends from my college days. Yes, it is possible to be heterosexual and still find friendship with those who are homosexual.

It starts with forgiveness of people who are different from yourself, often not by choice. I am not black, but I can be friends with a black person - and have been on several occasions. I am not Muslim, but I can be friends with Muslims - and have been on several occasions. I am not a woman, but I can be friends with women - and have been on several occasions. See how that works? And I am not gay but I have been friends with gay people on many occasions.

Want to know the trick? It's easy. Remember the poet Robert Burns, whose poem about a mouse in a church-goer's hat prompted the ending line that ends with "what a gift to gie (give) us, to see ourselves as others see us." When you see yourself through the reality-colored glasses, you realize you ain't so perfect either. If you can live your life forgiving yourself for your imperfections, the next step is so simple - forgive others who are not perfect either.
Blade, I have to correct you on another glaring point that shows how little you understand what really happened with SCOTUS's marriage decision - and what didn't happen.

You keep on saying that SCOTUS made a new law. They ABSOLUTELY and INCONTROVERTIBLY did not. What they did was to tell STATES that made new laws (that denied specific civil rights to gays) that they WERE NOT ALLOWED to make that kind of law. In other words, SCOTUS did not make a law. They stopped someone else from making a BAD law. There is a huge difference. If you don't understand that, then it is no small wonder that you don't seem to understand my Will Rogers analogies and my references to the gestational origins of homosexuality. You don't understand that the actions of the Religious Right regarding marriage and homosexuality were in fact a huge violation of civil rights..

“The court invalidates the marriage laws of more than half the states and orders the transformation of a social institution that has formed the basis of human society for millennia, for the Kalahari Bushmen and the Han Chinese, the Carthaginians and the Aztecs,” he wrote. “Just who do we think we are?” Chief Justice Roberts.

I have to ask if you are really as dense as you seem to be, or whether you are just an exceptionally tenacious troller. Your repeated inability to see the implications of logic at work continue to amaze me. But this isn't my first forum on atheism..

Doc,,,,,,,it that all you got,,,,I figured for a man of your stature you could do better than that! I will not discuss/debate this particular topic with you in any future post.

Are you afraid that if you agree to any of our points of logic that somehow you will lose your faith and condemn yourself? If you really believed that, the problem is in you, not in us. Your own weakness of faith strikes you with terror because you still feel that disembodied presence looking over your shoulder for your transgressions. You cannot even face the idea that your logic would overwhelm your faith. Yet the Pope accepts evolution and I doubt that you could make disparaging comments about the weakness of his faith. I submit for your consideration that YOU doubt your own God's power - because otherwise you would realize that if He is as powerful as you think He is, all of evolution and the Big Bang and abiogenesis would be within His power to make happen as the science of the day tells us it did. YOU are one who diminishes God's power in your own mind, one who limits God's abilities. YOU have the weakness but unlike us, you can't bring yourself to face that situation..

The Pope is the CEO of the largest church in the world. That is all. He has no special powers. He jumps in his breeches like I do,,,well maybe not as high, he is a little older than me.

We who are atheists can face a life without God. You, on the other hand, have limited yourself terribly by imagining a God who is limited, but you can't do without that limited God. Forgive me if I pity your weakness.

As a friend of mine said at one time,,, If I am wrong, all of us will never know, but If I am right,,, you lose all around.


I swore to Vassago I would not do this again but in this case, I feel I must give this warning. Sorry Vassago,,,

The Unpardonable Sin....... Matthew 12:31,32:
"Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. "Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.......

Rem when I said be careful what one ask for. Well, If I am right, one is self prophesying one's own end, even if one ever decided to change ones mind.
Hello? God? Where are you?

Don't be such a wuss but write a message or text/call my cell.
Some people you cannot help no matter how hard you try or how sincere you are?

Everybody have a great weekend.
And so it begins....................

in a Rowan County, KY court clerks office. It seems the ACLU has filed a law suit against Democratic Kim Davis. She has refused to issue marriage license to anyone both homosexual or heterosexual. She tells them to get their license in neighboring counties.

It is called civil disobedience and I fear it is only the beginning.
Cant this thread move on to something more productive like - how seemingly normal youngsters (and whole luton families) get enamoured with a death cult like isis, and how they should be disuaded from such a path.

Cant this thread move on to something more productive like - how seemingly normal youngsters (and whole luton families) get enamoured with a death cult like isis, and how they should be disuaded from such a path.


I thought it to be legit since it was an atheist type movement. Are you trying to compare Christianity to Islam Terrorist?????
Am still waiting.

Gimme a sign then. A small deluge, earthquake, lightning strike, pox epidemic or something other nasty and vindictive, as per usual.
Am still waiting.

Gimme a sign then. A small deluge, earthquake, lightning strike, pox epidemic or something other nasty and vindictive, as per usual.

Er! We had a few lightning strikes a couple of nights ago , if He missed you I guess his aim was poor. :D


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