1) You keep saying "the gays". You do, realize, the kind of homophobia this reveals? It indicates that you don't see them in the same category that you see "people".?
BOY HOWDY!..........You sure do get you panties in a wad real quick.....What would you prefer I call them??????They are people....They are different from the rest of us by their own definition. I could call them LGBT people....... But Bisexuals and transvestites are not trying to get married. They even have a Gay Parade (Maybe it should be an LGBT parade).... I have come to the conclusion, no matter what I saaaaaaaaaay, it will be far below your standards set for me.Why, I do not understand but guess because I am religious, you do not want to be my friend?
2) She is legally obligated to issue the marriage certificate if the couple qualifies. The couple met the requirements, and she refused. This places her in violation of the law. Because it is absolutely a civil rights issue, and because anyone with two working brain cells could see this coming all over the more conservative areas of the country, why are you so surprised the ACLU was ready and waiting??
Yes, according to KY law she is legally obligated to issue marriage licenses to all people (there is that better??) and she did not. No, it was not a civil rights case, which the Frackin' ACLU will have you believe, but rather a state Law that had been violated. I am actually surprised they did not get her on "Hate Crime' charges or something. They are trying to make an example out of some people and that is just nothing but wrong. The state will fix it and if needed will remove her from office and if needed will put her in jail. All with out the help of the AGBT community and their legal village idiots. Guess you can tell I have no symphony for the legal idots.........lol They are the liberal watch dogs not mine.
Whats the old Lawyer joke,,,,,If you put half of all the lawyers and all of the ACLU lawyers in the ocean 100 miles out and left them there,.....It would be a good start???????
3) By your logic, selling ammunition to someone who later commits a murder is taking part in that murder. Is she having sex with the gay couple? Is she receiving benefits from being in a recognized relationship with them? If not, then she is not taking part of that marriage.?
You have gone off the deep end here and Not really sure what you are talking about???????? The commit "selling ammunition to someone who later commits a murder is taking part in that murder." you made is really what the liberals do........does it not?????? Don't understand the rest...Someone out there please spell it it out in plain English so this old,,old country boy can understand the situation?>?????
Granting someone the same rights you have had your entire life is not 'oppressing you'. You, like most of the Religious Reich, cannot handle the fact that you no longer get to dictate to society what they are to believe, and the very idea that other religions (or none at all) could POSSIBLY have the same legal status as your particular branch Christianity obviously terrifies you.?
While I am against the Judges(Supreme Court Dictators) decisions, it is law now and I have to go by that regardless of what I believe.The comment of :", cannot handle the fact that you no longer get to dictate to society what they are to believe, " is wrong. It appears that (whatever people) are finding it hard to goad the religious people into accepting their lifestyles. Like I said, tolerance on the LGBT and their lawyer idiots side is non existent . This lady simply made a BIG mistake from which it appears she will pay dearly for it. Or is it Blood you (whatever) people want...
I believe in Jesus Christ thus I have no fear of Death. I will protect the rights and the liberties afforded by law of these Uniteds States, to you and anyone else who are part of this great nation,,,(Oh Yes,,,, this includes the LGBT or (whatever people). I am sorry you feel that I do not! Be sure and tell me what I can call them.
As to the baker thing you "people" so love to bring up: It happened in Oregon, where there are very explicit anti-discrimination laws barring discrimination against certain groups and for certain reasons. Included in the protected groups are LGBT individuals, and discrimination based on sexual orientation falls afoul of those laws. What these people is PRECISELY the same as if the bakery had refused service because they were black, or Jewish, or a woman placed the order.?
While the Baker lawsuit goes on, You cannot see that if that baker bakes them a "SPECIAL" cake then she is taking part in their ceremony which is why she cannot do it according to her beliefs. Should they want a cake that is on the shelf, made for everyone, She would not have any problem selling it to them. Like the furniture maker, If he makes a piece of furniture and places it in his store to sell, then ALL can buy it with no questions asked.
What I am getting from you is regardless (iregardless), the cake maker and the furniture maker has to make the customized piece, Cake, or be a lawbreaker and a civil rights violator. This view is very dangerous,,,,,very dangerous indeed for it could be extended to anyone by anybody for anything
Or are you going to sit here and argue that discrimination based on color, religion, or gender should also be perfectly acceptable? Or that, perhaps, "my religion says this" should trump all laws?
I have never been against discrimination for any reason. WHat I have been against is the pushing it down the throats of people without going through the proper steps,,,(the legislative process instead of the Judicial Dictorialship).
As far as the last sentence posted goes, you are going to think what you are going to think regardless (irregardless) of what I say......