Are you an atheist? (2 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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They based their refusal, not on the message on the cake, but on the fact that the customers were gay. You fail to understand the difference. They actually said, it was BECAUSE the customer was gay. That is against the law in Oregon. Thankfully, they are smart enough to have laws that prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation, right along with race, gender, ethnic background, etc...
If it had been a cake (routine) in the bakery, it would have been sold to them. It was a very special cake. The owner stated: "We sat down with the owner, Jack Phillips. And within a couple of moments he asked me if the cake was for us, and we told him that it was, and he then told us he would not make a cake for a same-sex wedding." Let me repeat that for all you liberals out there that want to change the words to fit your agenda. SAME_SEX MARRIAGE.

They did not say because they were homosexual or gay, lesbian, bisexual or transvestite. Not even a Gay wedding. Nothing about GAYS as Frothy would call them Bigots. SAME_SEX WEDDING.

And the reason was based on their Religious Beliefs.

oh, and here is that special cake: Now I ask you ,,,does this not just fit their lifestlye???????well, they thought so.....

Craig: I guess we ended up making it a really complex cake. We did a chai mocha layer and — I don’t know.

I want to hear all the details here.

Mullins: So we had one layer that was white cake with layers of buttercream frosting. We had a layer of a chai cake, which was fascinating. We actually just asked if they would do that and they sort of thought about it and they said yes, we can do that. It sort of came out with a gingerbread taste. It was really good. Then we had a layer that was chocolate.
They did not say because they were homosexual or gay, lesbian, bisexual or transvestite. Not even a Gay wedding. Nothing about GAYS as Frothy would call them Bigots. SAME_SEX WEDDING.

Exactly. I'm sure they would have also rejected making a cake for a same sex wedding if it had been for a heterosexual couple.:rolleyes:
Blade please explain the difference between a Gay wedding and a Same Sex wedding, I'm puzzled.

I actually can see a distinction between homosexuality and same sex weddings, ie one could be against the latter but accept the former, however I accept both.

I'm also puzzled by you banging on about lifestyle. Does my liking of coffee fudge cake say something about my life style?

Blade please explain the difference between a Gay wedding and a Same Sex wedding, I'm puzzled.

I actually can see a distinction between homosexuality and same sex weddings, ie one could be against the latter but accept the former, however I accept both.


Hi Brian.......Well, we all know what a Same-Sex wedding is........ But I am confused what the word 'Gay' wedding is especially since Doc and Frothy have told me I don't use it right.. Let's be blunt here Brian, It is against God's rules in both the Old and New Testament for a man to lay with another man, etc. Matthew 9:3,8:

Homosexual wedding, or same-sex wedding is against the Christian religion and I too, would not take part in a same-sex wedding even if it was for one of my children. There is no HATE here , it is just my belief but the liberals of this country are trying to force everybody to think as they do or ELSE.

Matthew 9:4,6
"4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female"
5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’
6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

Therefore, because it is now the law of these United States, I will tolerate a same-sex marriage, treat the people of those type marriages the same as I treat any other person on this planet. I will however not condone their CHOSEN lifestyle nor will I ever ACCEPT it.

To Frothy; Yes, I know Bisexuals can be married but then you knew what I meant did'nt you???????/ All homosexual lifestyles is wrong according to God's word which is one reason why Atheism is growing,,,,,,,...... Too Bad,,,,,I was rather hoping that they (LGBT) people would before they die, make the right choice and seek everlasting life but again it is their choice and as someone said,,,,,,,"no skin off your" (my) "nose". We have a saying here in TN,,,,,, "you can take a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink". Too Bad
You really need to get over this lying habit, Blade. You are yet again intentionally misrepresenting Matthew 9, just like you did last week.

Of course, this is far from the first time you've deliberately misrepresented something here, so I really shouldn't be surprised.

Just out of curiosity, wasn't there even some special law supposedly engraved on some stone tablets saying something about lying?
Shouldn't it be Matthew chapter 19 4:6 ?

Don't know about the first reference but it's not 9:3,8

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Frackin' liberal way, destroy everybody who don't think like they do especially the Christians.

You keep throwing around this liberal thing, which seems to be typical when a reasonable response cannot be given. I don't really understand your position. Do you think it's ok, or rather should be ok, to turn away customers because of their orientation? It's already against the law in Oregon. I just want to know your opinion.

Keeping in mind, "What would Jesus do?"
If it had been a cake (routine) in the bakery, it would have been sold to them. It was a very special cake. The owner stated: "We sat down with the owner, Jack Phillips. And within a couple of moments he asked me if the cake was for us, and we told him that it was, and he then told us he would not make a cake for a same-sex wedding." Let me repeat that for all you liberals out there that want to change the words to fit your agenda. SAME_SEX MARRIAGE.

I didn't understand the flavor of cake having anything to do with anything, so I'm just going to skip that part until you have a better way of explaining what you mean.

If a straight couple had gone it to buy the cake for a same-sex wedding, he probably would have made it without even asking who's wedding the cake is for. He chose his opinion based on the fact that they were same sex. THIS falls under discrimination.

I wonder if he would have asked the straight couple if the woman was a virgin and refused the cake if she actually answered "no." I can almost promise you he wouldn't, yet that would also be against God's will, no?
I also want to point out now after actually reading over the JUDGE'S ruling in the Oregon case rather than relying on FAUX News for all of my information, it wasn't just about refusing to bake the cake, it was about the trauma suffered AFTER. When the couple filed the complaint, the baker decided to publish and ridicule the couple on facebook, even posting their address and contact information for everyone on his friend's list to harrass. Very "Christ-like", right? Because of this, they received a lot of prank calls, hate mail, death threats, threats against their adopted children, and many other heinous actions. Keep in mind, they NEVER went public and refused any interviews. They wanted this to stay private. It was the baker who decided to make the story public and do interviews immediately after finding out they had filed the complaint. It was the baker's own fault everything that happened to both them and the couple after the posts were made on Facebook.
Sounds like typical American Christian behavior to me.

I'm sure Blade will find some way to blame the Great Liberal Conspiracy, though. Guy makes Infowars look reasonable.
You know, watching Blade's descent into delusion and paranoia is quite interesting, the way he projects onto liberals his own political intentions and desires.

What Blade (intentionally, I'm sure) left out of the LA cake thing was that, while the second cake request was for an ISIS flag, the employee who took the order and made the cake had no idea what that flag was, and would have rejected the order had they known.

Also, I know the guy. He's an acquaintance of my best friend, and very nearly a clone of Blade.

Don't know about the LA Cake thingy.............???????\

DId I do something I should not have>>>???????
You really need to get over this lying habit, Blade. You are yet again intentionally misrepresenting Matthew 9, just like you did last week.

Of course, this is far from the first time you've deliberately misrepresented something here, so I really shouldn't be surprised.

Just out of curiosity, wasn't there even some special law supposedly engraved on some stone tablets saying something about lying?

Matthew 9: 4,6 ......are part of the post,,,,, How am I lying, I am simply lsetting it tell those who read it, what God and Jesus thinks about Homosexuality or Gay as the Modern word for it is...........I cannot help it because you can not interpret it.... You do know that so far you have made the wrong choice,,,,, a terrible consequence for such a simple choice.
Matthew 9: 4,6 ......are part of the post,,,,, How am I lying, I am simply lsetting it tell those who read it, what God and Jesus thinks about Homosexuality or Gay as the Modern word for it is...........I cannot help it because you can not interpret it.... You do know that so far you have made the wrong choice,,,,, a terrible consequence for such a simple choice.

Do you even realize when you lie any more? Maybe it's just unconscious, and you start babbling incoherently like this because deep down you know you're lying and just can't admit it.

I debunked your lie that this is about gay marriage or even homosexuality at all last week when you made this same exact lie, simply by posting the ENTIRE verse rather than your carefully cherry-picked and misrepresented portion of it.
Blade // it is just my belief but the liberals of this country are trying to force everybody to think as they do or ELSE.//

You object to the legalisation of same sex marriage.

Isn't that clearly case of the religious trying to force their way of "thinking" on everyone else?

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