Are you an atheist? (2 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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BladeRunner said:
it is just my belief but the liberals of this country are trying to force everybody to think as they do or ELSE.

You object to the legalisation of same sex marriage.

Isn't that a clear case of the religious trying to force their way of "thinking" on everyone else?
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I didn't understand the flavor of cake having anything to do with anything, so I'm just going to skip that part until you have a better way of explaining what you mean.

If a straight couple had gone it to buy the cake for a same-sex wedding, he probably would have made it without even asking who's wedding the cake is for. He chose his opinion based on the fact that they were same sex. THIS falls under discrimination.

I wonder if he would have asked the straight couple if the woman was a virgin and refused the cake if she actually answered "no." I can almost promise you he wouldn't, yet that would also be against God's will, no?

The cake was a special cake for Their wedding!

I guess now is as good as time to hash it out. Your argument above is going to be the same argument when a same-sex couple wants to be married in a Church (any church). YEs,,,,,,,So this is just a prelude to what is coming!
I also want to point out now after actually reading over the JUDGE'S ruling in the Oregon case rather than relying on FAUX News for all of my information, it wasn't just about refusing to bake the cake, it was about the trauma suffered AFTER. When the couple filed the complaint, the baker decided to publish and ridicule the couple on facebook, even posting their address and contact information for everyone on his friend's list to harrass. Very "Christ-like", right? Because of this, they received a lot of prank calls, hate mail, death threats, threats against their adopted children, and many other heinous actions. Keep in mind, they NEVER went public and refused any interviews. They wanted this to stay private. It was the baker who decided to make the story public and do interviews immediately after finding out they had filed the complaint. It was the baker's own fault everything that happened to both them and the couple after the posts were made on Facebook.

I guess you and the other liberals had rather keep everything quite so nobody will know!>........ What is wrong here,,,,,,,,,, really transparent aren't we.

It goes to trial in Colorado,,,,,,,guess we will just have to wait and see. Of course we already know the outcome with a frickin liberal judge and all. Its ok,,,,,,This too was preordained.
Do you even realize when you lie any more? Maybe it's just unconscious, and you start babbling incoherently like this because deep down you know you're lying and just can't admit it.

I debunked your lie that this is about gay marriage or even homosexuality at all last week when you made this same exact lie, simply by posting the ENTIRE verse rather than your carefully cherry-picked and misrepresented portion of it.

Of course it is about "GAY" homosextual marriage.What have we been talking about Frothy. Please catch up,,,,,,,,,,,,

As long as they leave the churches alone, all will be well.
Blade // it is just my belief but the liberals of this country are trying to force everybody to think as they do or ELSE.//

You object to the legalisation of same sex marriage.

Isn't that a clear case of the religious trying to force their way of "thinking" on everyone else?

Wrong, I objected to 5-6 supreme court dictatorial judges who legislated from the bench and made the laws for fifty states over and above the peoples laws.

Same sex marriage was already on it way in,...It is just the fricking stupid ass judges decided to hurry it up and in doing so bypassed the constitution and everything else.

WHat is next from them........
Boy Howdy,,,you got me there Galaxiom,,,heterosexual same-sex wedding???????

Note the emoticon I used. :rolleyes: = Sarcastic

You claim you are not discriminating against gays, just same sex marriage. Think about it.
Wrong, I objected to 5-6 supreme court dictatorial judges who legislated from the bench and made the laws for fifty states over and above the peoples laws.

No. They didn't actually change anything. They upheld the existing constitution. It has always been unconstitutional to deny marriage to same sex couples. Any law that prevented it was already unconstitutional.

Besides, over sixty percent of the people already support same sex marriage.
No. They didn't actually change anything. They upheld the existing constitution. It has always been unconstitutional to deny marriage to same sex couples. Any law that prevented it was already unconstitutional.

Besides, over sixty percent of the people already support same sex marriage.

What ever?????????/
Note the emoticon I used. :rolleyes: = Sarcastic

You claim you are not discriminating against gays, just same sex marriage. Think about it.

It is a Sin in God's eyes and I will not accept it , Period (Matthew 19:4,6)

If they want to get married via a Government run clerks or from another church/clergy who does not believe it is a sin (there will be many false Gods, prophets, Mathew 24: 23, 24), After all it is their life....their Choice. I can even tolerate them living in the neighborhood. I mean after all they are people and deserve all the respect afforded to any other person.

You'all can rant and rave about what I have said but There is not other way to say it in my opinion and it is not going to change no more than you (liberal Atheist)'s choice is going to change. We all will just have to live with current situations the best we can.

Question, If you take a poll of acceptable lifestyles say in San Francisco (or any large city) and get 60% Yes, Do you extend this to the rest of the country... Come to TN and ask that question throughout the state. Bet the results would be a little different.
Still waiting for Her (Its?) voice from above, to pontificate upon these weighty issues.

But this must be the Year of the Chicken, since nothing has emerged in these posts so far, nor on my cell phone, despite multiple encouragements.
In Denmark, one of the newly-elected members of parliament for the Anti-immigrant party has declared that she used to be a young Indian (Indian as in Native-American) boy in her previous life, that she's a clairvoyant and that she speaks with animals and spirits.

The above takes place in the 21 century, in a country where education is free. Then again, the new minister for education (correction: the nut is minister for science, can't make up my mind if that is better or worse) recently declared that God made the Earth, but had to retract some hasty statements about the physicist Niels Bohr being a believer.

Arthur C.Clarke, in his SF-novel The Last Theorem (can highly recommend it), entertains the thought of inoculation against the pestilence of religion. I'd wish ...
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In these United States it is destruction for the people who don't believe as the liberal does. You are included in that Doc. It really does not matter if it is right or wrong but rather how the liberal thinks it is.

How is it destruction to not believe as the liberal does? You certainly post that way, but I am still at a loss for the belief you claim. And you got caught slipping back into the religious right mindset that SCOTUS made law. I said it before but you can't get this FACT (and it IS a fact) they did not legislate. What they did was prevent someone else from unfairly legislating in violation of the equal rights amendment.

You have claimed to be an educated man but your words here on this forum don't seem to be consistent with that claim sometimes. When you get into this mindset of yours that can't get past the equal rights amendment, you speak like the dumbest smart guy I know. Blade, again I must remind you that your words are all most of us can see of you, and what we see isn't so nice.
Blade states
"It is a Sin in God's eyes and I will not accept it , Period (Matthew 19:4,6) "

As I understand it, and as quoted frequently in the links and references, the sin according to the bible is the act of sexual penetration by homosexual males, not being homosexual or even directly being married, but of course for the Christian marriage equates to sex, infact most religions seem to be sex mad, love , companionship and everything else that makes for a good marriage don't matter, just bonk away and have loads of kids that's what it's all about.

Blade states
"It is a Sin in God's eyes and I will not accept it , Period (Matthew 19:4,6) "

As I understand it, and as quoted frequently in the links and references, the sin according to the bible is the act of sexual penetration by homosexual males, not being homosexual or even directly being married, but of course for the Christian marriage equates to sex, infact most religions seem to be sex mad, love , companionship and everything else that makes for a good marriage don't matter, just bonk away and have loads of kids that's what it's all about.


Keep in mind, Brian, that despite Bladerunner's lies, Matthew 19:4-6 is about divorce, not homosexuality or gay marriage.

Divorce. That is the sin being referred to.
The problem for me is I see God and the bible as a mechanism to manipulate people in to cowdowing to the will of others, Usually old men.

However, some of my most respected and very intelligent friends and associates are staunch believers.

I used to think that the possibility of a god was completely impossible and just a fantasy however I came to understand that the evoulution of the human race could very well end up with the development of a god like being.
So I'm on the fence really.

As to the validity of the bible, well it's self evident that it's a collection of old story's served up to impress and control the masses. In the past when it's message has conflicted with the goals of the old men it was rewritten. So quoting from it as if it was some sort of power wielding document is at best nieive.
Blade states
"It is a Sin in God's eyes and I will not accept it , Period (Matthew 19:4,6) "

As I understand it, and as quoted frequently in the links and references, the sin according to the bible is the act of sexual penetration by homosexual males, not being homosexual or even directly being married, but of course for the Christian marriage equates to sex, infact most religions seem to be sex mad, love , companionship and everything else that makes for a good marriage don't matter, just bonk away and have loads of kids that's what it's all about.


Dauh! there is no harm or sin committed without sex. you are right but I do believe that a marriage without sex is no marriage at all.........
How is it destruction to not believe as the liberal does? You certainly post that way, but I am still at a loss for the belief you claim. And you got caught slipping back into the religious right mindset that SCOTUS made law. I said it before but you can't get this FACT (and it IS a fact) they did not legislate. What they did was prevent someone else from unfairly legislating in violation of the equal rights amendment.

You have claimed to be an educated man but your words here on this forum don't seem to be consistent with that claim sometimes. When you get into this mindset of yours that can't get past the equal rights amendment, you speak like the dumbest smart guy I know. Blade, again I must remind you that your words are all most of us can see of you, and what we see isn't so nice.

Again, what ever suits your minds eye Doc....
The problem for me is I see God and the bible as a mechanism to manipulate people in to cowdowing to the will of others, Usually old men.

However, some of my most respected and very intelligent friends and associates are staunch believers.

I used to think that the possibility of a god was completely impossible and just a fantasy however I came to understand that the evoulution of the human race could very well end up with the development of a god like being.
So I'm on the fence really.

As to the validity of the bible, well it's self evident that it's a collection of old story's served up to impress and control the masses. In the past when it's message has conflicted with the goals of the old men it was rewritten. So quoting from it as if it was some sort of power wielding document is at best nieive.

There was until recently a program on TV on Sunday mornings called The Big Question. One was "Is God The Problem?"
During the program it became evident that it should have been " Is religion the problem" as an agnostic I'm damn certain it is.

No matter how far science takes us there could always be a god behind it, but not the god of the religions I know little about.

Dauh! there is no harm or sin committed without sex. you are right but I do believe that a marriage without sex is no marriage at all.........

And does this obsession also mean that if a couple stop having sex the marriage is over?

Keep in mind, Brian, that despite Bladerunner's lies, Matthew 19:4-6 is about divorce, not homosexuality or gay marriage.

Divorce. That is the sin being referred to.

And I see that with the usual love and tolerance the innocent party has to suffer the consequences as much as the guilty.


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