Are you an atheist? (17 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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I run across this article that really pertains to Europe and you Muslims friends.

There are about 13.1 million Jews left ( population growth at 0.2%). The Bible tells us first, that they turned away from Jesus a long time (almost 2000 yrs) ago. It also tells us the Anti-christ (pseudo christ) will claim 2/3 of those living for believing in him. A whole lot more than the number that died at Auschwitz! It is one of those prophecies have not been fulfilled. Yet, we know that out of those that have been fulfilled in the Bible, the percentage has been 100% so there is no doubt, it will be fulfilled on time.

You already have seen the beginning of the very hard times in Europe while America has yet to come to grips with it. From what I am told our Muslim Pres. is going to let in 10-100,000 of the refuges that you are now getting, so it won't be long before we know exactly what you are going and will be going through....How many women are part of this group?. How many Children? How many Male Children? How many men in their early twenties are in this group?....Do you think it might be a Trojan Horse?? How many of them are Islamic Terrorist! How many of these terrorist is too many?

by Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez(*)

I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a
terrible truth – Europe died in Auschwitz.

We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world. The contribution of this people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world.

These are the people we burned. And under the pretense of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride.

They have turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world,
drowning in filth and crime. Shut up in the apartments they receive
free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of
their naive hosts. And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill,
intelligence for backwardness and superstition.

We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for hoping for a better future for their children, their
determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs.

What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe.

This is a translation of an article from a Spanish newspaper. Please
send this article to as many people as possible, with a request to
forward it on.

Have a great day!

I will not attempt to dissect the poem, Blade, but know that it contains many cases of what we call non-sequitur clauses.

Example: You call me rich then do not ask me. It does not follow that I would ask the rich for something because I have self-reliance.

Example: You call me mighty then do not honor me. It does not follow that I would honor the might because Might does not make Right. I would honor that which was consistently right.

Example: When I abandon you, then do not blame me. ... But many of us feel that we were abandoned long ago. We ARE abandoned. You don't answer prayers. You are distant. You don't even tell us "NO" - You just ignore us. So... I blame you for being the first one to leave.
I find it utterly laughable that certain microcephalic mouthbreathers here in America insist on thinking Obama is Muslim despite all the evidence to the contrary. If he's Muslim, then the fact that he eats bacon, shaves, drinks beer, attends a Christian church, has repeatedly stated that he's Christian, and even had a scandal during his first campaign because of the pastor of the Christian church he attended at the time indicates that he must be the worst Muslim ever.

The article you quoted is nothing but blatant racism, but that is hardly surprising considering the source.
Just noticed this old post in 2008 was posted by someone who last posted on this forum in 2011.
insist on thinking Obama is Muslim despite all the evidence to the contrary

And what exactly has evidence to do with faith? There is nothing evidence-based nor rational about the issues espoused by the brigade arming themselves against the evil black helicopters.
And what exactly has evidence to do with faith? There is nothing evidence-based nor rational about the issues espoused by the brigade arming themselves against the evil black helicopters.

True enough.
I see you have chosen, Satan (Lucifer) will be happy.

Have a nice day


I admit that's an unsettling prospect, Blade, but long ago I had to deal with my fears of the boogeyman, as everyone does. The threat of the boogeyman - in one form or another has been used by religious proselytizers, missionaries, and preachers for as long as there has been religion.
"If you don't believe what I am telling you, then you're going to Hell."
I won't live my life or alter my beliefs based on threats of boogeymen, or promises of paradise.
I'm true to myself. I've examined my core beliefs as truly as I am able.
Better than that, I cannot be.

You didn't answer my question about the magic coin.
will have to take you'll one at a time. This is too important than not to get it right...


Hi Doc...I will keep trying to get into it, might be my security measures here on my computer.

The word fear is used about 300 times in the bible. Each verse and sometimes chapter defines how it was used. Here are two examples.

It was because the midwives feared God that they obeyed him instead of the authorities by sparing the Hebrew babies (Exodus 1:17). Pharaoh brought disaster on his nation because he did not fear God (Exodus 9:29-31).

In one case it destroyed a nation and in another it saved Moses.

You always hear,,,'God fearing Man', It can be taken two ways, a man that is deeply religious and a man that fears that he will fail God's will. Yesteryear and today God's will is defined by the local church. In ancient times, not following God's commands probably meant your death. just ask the Pharaoh of Exodus. lol

*Keep in mind that prior to Jesus being crucified for our sins, Gods laws he handed down were laws for the Hebrew people in ancient times. This is the reason why ancient times are called the ' Dispensation of Law'. Of, course most of them are real good rules to live by but are not necessary to anyone in the "AGE of GRACE" (started some 2000 years ago).


Genesis 3:16. Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.*

In the ancient world, the man was the head of the household, because he was the protector and the provider out of necessity and the woman played a supporting role. In yesteryear world, the household was changing, the woman in the house wanted more and they got it. In a lot of cases, women were and still are mistreated. It is just that in yesteryear, religion was blamed for it not the man.

To me being the head of the household does not mean forcing the woman to have sex or being able to beat her up (Islam permits both of them) on a whim, etc. but then again it is just one man's opinion. The other part of the equation is; as you grow up, you get the values of your parents and as you become an adult,well--- sometimes the nut does not fall far from the tree. Thank goodness, some men changed or had good role models (like my father) to begin with.

In today's world, marriage has become a written contract between a man and woman that has to be signed by forty lawyers on each side.

You cannot look sideways at a just about any female with out them going off on you (equal rights, sexist,etc.). lol

Doc: Is the man still suppose to protect the woman?

I have held doors open for ladies, tipped my hat . What I got in return was, "Why are you so damn sexist". My answer is: 'It is just the way I was raised by my parents back in a time where people respected each other.'

Have a great day

I will not attempt to dissect the poem, Blade, but know that it contains many cases of what we call non-sequitur clauses.

Example: You call me rich then do not ask me. It does not follow that I would ask the rich for something because I have self-reliance.

Example: You call me mighty then do not honor me. It does not follow that I would honor the might because Might does not make Right. I would honor that which was consistently right.

Example: When I abandon you, then do not blame me. ... But many of us feel that we were abandoned long ago. We ARE abandoned. You don't answer prayers. You are distant. You don't even tell us "NO" - You just ignore us. So... I blame you for being the first one to leave.

to Doc and Libre.....

This was written in Gothic Medieval German on a German Cathedral door. Other than that I do not know who wrote it or why?.. Hey, At least I know what you think about it or should I say God.

Have a good day.

I have held doors open for ladies, tipped my hat . What I got in return was, "Why are you so damn sexist". My answer is: 'It is just the way I was raised by my parents back in a time where people respected each other.'

Have a great day

That has to be the exception. I have literally held hundreds of doors for hundreds people, and never ever got a negative response. I have gotten nonresponses but never negative. I hold doors for people, not for them rather for myself. I enjoy it.

Secondly do you feel you are driving people towards the gospel or does it matter? I would think the main goal of any Christian would be promote the gospel (the good news). I see little difference between the two good news.
I find it utterly laughable that certain microcephalic mouthbreathers here in America insist on thinking Obama is Muslim despite all the evidence to the contrary. If he's Muslim, then the fact that he eats bacon, shaves, drinks beer, attends a Christian church, has repeatedly stated that he's Christian, and even had a scandal during his first campaign because of the pastor of the Christian church he attended at the time indicates that he must be the worst Muslim ever.

The article you quoted is nothing but blatant racism, but that is hardly surprising considering the source.
There you go again with that damn liberal agenda stuff---racism my ass.
He was born a Muslim, he attended Muslim school for a period of time.
He has never rejected the tenets of Islam
It is permissible to lie in Islam ---Check this out!

and if you able to catch it just right, the ring he wears when signing bills has this on it. Allah AkBar on it like this: الله أكبر
in other words signs them under Allah....but since you think Allah is the same God of Creation ,,,,,it is ok.

You keep on believing that and he will,,,,no he has already taken us too far down road that cannot be turned around. Hey, I also believe that he will not leave office either. And I believe, that much to you likes, hegutted the Bill of Rights when he signed the National Defense Authorization Act in 2012. (

Indefinite detention without trial on U.S on citizens and arrest by Military Personnel on American SOIL.

He is systematically tearing down this country and there are still something like 14 months left. He has promoted racism, promotes Black lives matter, Is silent on the killing of Policemen, etc. Shall I go on?

oh, well what do I know.......

Have a Good one Frothy
...Is it ok if I call you Frothy or would you prefer the whole name?

I will not attempt to dissect the poem, Blade, but know that it contains many cases of what we call non-sequitur clauses.

Example: You call me rich then do not ask me. It does not follow that I would ask the rich for something because I have self-reliance.

Example: You call me mighty then do not honor me. It does not follow that I would honor the might because Might does not make Right. I would honor that which was consistently right.

Example: When I abandon you, then do not blame me. ... But many of us feel that we were abandoned long ago. We ARE abandoned. You don't answer prayers. You are distant. You don't even tell us "NO" - You just ignore us. So... I blame you for being the first one to leave.
In 1963, we took God and prayer out of our schools. In 1973, we started allowing the killing of unborn babies (now some 45 million of them) and in 2015 we gutted his definition of marriage between a man and a woman.
Yes, I believe that he probably has already abandoned us and we like all the other civilizations will fall into nothingness. The poem I posted already applies to us as it once did to Europe. We will become like Europe and then will become a one world government (UN) with a one world Monetary system all under one umbrella/

When I abandon you, then do not blame me....No, I cannot Blame him, we have stirred this witch's brew all by ourselves.

The Bible states nothing about America in any of its prophecies of the end days. It does state that the '[FONT=Palatino,Book Antiqua] young lions of Tarshish' the US will not help anyone in the middle east war that is coming.

We the US have an imminent date with either a depression greater than that of 1930's or HyperInflation as the United States collapses in on itself. If the Harpozo happened prior to either event, it would make me very happy.
Have a great evening

There you go again with that damn liberal agenda stuff---racism my ass.
He was born a Muslim, he attended Muslim school for a period of time.
He has never rejected the tenets of Islam
It is permissible to lie in Islam ---Check this out!

and if you able to catch it just right, the ring he wears when signing bills has this on it. Allah AkBar on it like this: الله أكبر
in other words signs them under Allah....but since you think Allah is the same God of Creation ,,,,,it is ok.

You keep on believing that and he will,,,,no he has already taken us too far down road that cannot be turned around. Hey, I also believe that he will not leave office either. And I believe, that much to you likes, hegutted the Bill of Rights when he signed the National Defense Authorization Act in 2012. (

Indefinite detention without trial on U.S on citizens and arrest by Military Personnel on American SOIL.

He is systematically tearing down this country and there are still something like 14 months left. He has promoted racism, promotes Black lives matter, Is silent on the killing of Policemen, etc. Shall I go on?

oh, well what do I know.......

Have a Good one Frothy
...Is it ok if I call you Frothy or would you prefer the whole name?


What is the weather like in your part of Crazyworld? I'm sure you get outside on occasion when you need to restock your tinfoil before the black helicopters return to drop more lizard people to hunt for you, after all.
There you go again with that damn liberal agenda stuff---racism my ass.
He was born a Muslim, he attended Muslim school for a period of time.
He has never rejected the tenets of Islam
It is permissible to lie in Islam ---Check this out!

and if you able to catch it just right, the ring he wears when signing bills has this on it. Allah AkBar on it like this: الله أكبر
in other words signs them under Allah....but since you think Allah is the same God of Creation ,,,,,it is ok.

You keep on believing that and he will,,,,no he has already taken us too far down road that cannot be turned around. Hey, I also believe that he will not leave office either. And I believe, that much to you likes, hegutted the Bill of Rights when he signed the National Defense Authorization Act in 2012. (

Indefinite detention without trial on U.S on citizens and arrest by Military Personnel on American SOIL.

He is systematically tearing down this country and there are still something like 14 months left. He has promoted racism, promotes Black lives matter, Is silent on the killing of Policemen, etc. Shall I go on?

oh, well what do I know.......

Have a Good one Frothy
...Is it ok if I call you Frothy or would you prefer the whole name?


By the way, I am bookmarking your post and come January 20, 2017, I will be firmly rubbing your face in your own stupidity. Just so that you're aware.

It is of no concern to me that Obama is any particular religion. He doesn't push that religion (whatever it is) down our throats in the name of religion, unlike some people here. He does what he does because that is his political stance.

I see Mr. Obama as a product of his times. Pulling out of the Middle East wars is an extension of what this country has wanted to do for a long time. The Viet Nam conflict and now the Middle East conflict are issues for which there is limited support at best. Continual involvement in war is not popular unless you make ammunition for a living. Which means that at least some of the push is for the benefit of the so-called military-industrial complex, not necessarily for the benefit of the USA as a whole.

We are not the world's traffic cop and should not be. Therefore, if Mr. Obama chooses to not support the wars overseas, he is merely reflecting the political stance of lots of his constituents. I can't truthfully say that in the changing political climate of the world he is wrong to try to disengage from wars that are unwinnable. Essentially the wars are unwinnable because they are more on the order of civil wars (between Wahabbi, Sunni, and Shiite sectarian groups) where we would have to violate our own concept of freedom of religion to pick a side. If we pick one sect, we have in essence made a decision between different religions. It would be the same as if we chose (let me be arbitrary here) that Methodism was the "right" religion and all others were wrong. Do you see the analogy? Do you recognize that the conflicts really would force us to violate our own concept of freedom of religion?

What happens when the war is over is that life can quiet down and people can stop to think about how to improve their lot in life. And if it happens that the nation that just ended a conflict starts yet another internal conflict because the previous winners cannot hold on to their winnings... is that really our problem? This country went through a lot of similar historical turbulence including the time after the end of the Revolutionary war and the beginning of the United States government as a new nation on Earth. We've had our civil wars (including THE Civil War) and our internal clashes - such as the Civil Rights unrest that started in the 1960s but there were others throughout our history if you bothered to look. Why should we forget our history and make decisions for other countries? Let THEM sort our THEIR issues first. Then, if we don't like what they do, we just don't trade with them.

Along the lines of how religions guide our personal interactions with others: It is not my concern that a man beats his wife for any particular religious purpose. If he does that, he is an idiot regardless of his religion. It is possible that he does what he does out of having been religiously indoctrinated. In that case, I blame religion - but the problem is still that the person who physically abuses another person is still a thug, idiot, or worse.

Oh, one last little thing: Blade, my comments about fear stemmed from the article (that you had trouble opening online) in which the author tried to say that "phobeo" doesn't always mean "fear" in the Greek texts, in the context of "fearing God." In my opinion, he was being an apologist.

Of COURSE you have to fear God if you are going to be a "good little worshiper" - because the God in question is arrogant, narcissistic, authoritarian, mercurial, and vengeful. Just like the leader of many street gangs today, you do as he says because you fear he will squash you out of existence if you don't. My point was that the author of the article was trying to say that "fear" (in Greek) didn't mean what it meant when used in the Bible, even though the Bible was translated from the Greek texts in question. This is a typical example of Biblical apologist double-speak. Thanks, but no thanks. A literal translation is all I need. I don't need some jerk-wad telling me what words mean when their meanings are well-known already.
That has to be the exception. I have literally held hundreds of doors for hundreds people, and never ever got a negative response. I have gotten nonresponses but never negative. I hold doors for people, not for them rather for myself. I enjoy it.

Secondly do you feel you are driving people towards the gospel or does it matter? I would think the main goal of any Christian would be promote the gospel (the good news). I see little difference between the two good news.

Hi has been a while ........good to talk to you again.

First, I do hold doors, etc. , like you, for the person to show respect. Just raised that way. As old as I am, I still say Sir and ma'am to people regardless of their age, just raised that way and my children do the same. As to the negative responses, I get very few but those few are really noticeable which is why I brought them up. Mostly young women who have an axe to grind or something,,,,I don't know???

You question about the gospel is a good one and the answer is NO.

According to some dictionary, Gospel means the teachings of Jesus Christ. I do not teach that. What I do try to teach is the fact that the Holy Bible is a specifically designed book by a supernatural person,, God, who is outside of our time continuum. He not only created the earth and the heavens but he also knew what was going to happen before it happened. Our scientist are just now finding that out. With aid of Computers, we can not only search the Bible for similarities, but we can check out the meanings of phrases and words, in all three of the translations (Hebrew, Greek and Latin) and even the original codex (scrolls) held by the Catholic Church.

Yet, with all of our technology, a Rabbi in 1500 AD spoke of 10 dimensions, four knowable and 6 unknowable that he derived from Genesis. Yet, our scientist with the aid of a Haldron collider and quantum mechanics are just now chasing those very 6 other dimensions. The Bible speaks of the time after his resurrection that Jesus knocked on the LOCKED door of his disciples and yet, was in the room without walking through the walls. Quantum mechanics, shows us that electrons can be in many places at almost the same time without touching anything in between. People it is real.

Another Rabbi in Spain around 1200 AD, spoke about the 400 years the promised land would be held by the Ottoman empire (1500 - 1900). The return of it to Israel (1901), all 300 years before it happened. Yet we know through history records, it did happen exactly as he told it. He did say that the prophet Isaiah told him about this future. Isaiah died around 698 BC. People, this was outside of the Bible. It is REAL.

It shows that world wide events that are happening and those that will happen have already been written . He Knows what is going to happen. (i.e Jesus told the Hebrew people (prophecy) in 32 AD that Jerusalem in the future would be surrounded on three sides by a conquering Army. When this happened, everyone could escape through this side that was not covered.) It actually happened just that way, and not a Christian (because they believed, all others died) was killed during that destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD by Titus and the Roman Empire. People It is real.

I could go on but as Frothy once said that when scripture is written or talked about in here, it is ignored.

I want to show you the Bible is real and welcome any questions you may have.

1. God is shows us that he is real through the Bible by its written word.

2. That knowing the Gospel will not get you into heaven. No good deeds you do here on earth will get you into heaven. They will get you rewards once you get there.

3.There is only one way and I have said it many times before. Your sins were taken care of along time ago on the CROSS. All you got to do now is recognize that and ask Jesus for his help.

Only Your Eternal life is at stake here

AccessBlaster, sorry I got a little carried away.

Have a nice day

I admit that's an unsettling prospect, Blade, but long ago I had to deal with my fears of the boogeyman, as everyone does. The threat of the boogeyman - in one form or another has been used by religious proselytizers, missionaries, and preachers for as long as there has been religion.
"If you don't believe what I am telling you, then you're going to Hell."
I won't live my life or alter my beliefs based on threats of boogeymen, or promises of paradise.
I'm true to myself. I've examined my core beliefs as truly as I am able.
Better than that, I cannot be.

You didn't answer my question about the magic coin.

Hi Libre: sorry it took so long for me to answer.....

In the Beginning, Satan caused EVE to eat of that bad bad apple. We would have been in paradise had that not happened. Yet, it did and we eat of it every day.

God tells us that he is restraining the evil of Satan and man himself. That in the end days (Jacobs Troubles) he will undo that restraint. In other words, it is only going to get worse.

No, your birth was not just a random happening. No, Evolution of the species is not real.

If you do not believe in God or Jesus, you cannot believe in Satan. Having said that, I have a question. Why is it that all through history Good has always been fighting Evil. Anywhere you go, in any time period? The answer is that there is only Good and Evil!

We know that Lucifer was a fallen angel and we know that God him the realm of earth to rule over. We also know that according to Job (the oldest book in the Bible), the Satan will do anything to anyone in order to get your soul. Do you know the story..... ?

You will probably say that well...God let it happened. Yes, he let it happen for a reason. When all was said and done, he give everything back to Job (except his wife and children that died) in multiple of what he had. Yes, Job did remarry and had many children.

Do we suffer like that these days, yet......

There are only two sides of this coin,,,,,,, The Good and The Bad.

It seems you have already made you decision. That is very unfortunate. That in no way causes me to think bad of you or anything like that. In fact, I don't even pity you because you have made a knowable decision and will be held responsible for it.

About the 'magic coin', you will have to ask that again,,,,,,I missed that one. Sorry,,,my secretary's eyes are failing.

Have a great and productive day


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