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It is of no concern to me that Obama is any particular religion. He doesn't push that religion (whatever it is) down our throats in the name of religion, unlike some people here. He does what he does because that is his political stance.
I see Mr. Obama as a product of his times. Pulling out of the Middle East wars is an extension of what this country has wanted to do for a long time. The Viet Nam conflict and now the Middle East conflict are issues for which there is limited support at best. Continual involvement in war is not popular unless you make ammunition for a living. Which means that at least some of the push is for the benefit of the so-called military-industrial complex, not necessarily for the benefit of the USA as a whole.
We are not the world's traffic cop and should not be. Therefore, if Mr. Obama chooses to not support the wars overseas, he is merely reflecting the political stance of lots of his constituents. I can't truthfully say that in the changing political climate of the world he is wrong to try to disengage from wars that are unwinnable. Essentially the wars are unwinnable because they are more on the order of civil wars (between Wahabbi, Sunni, and Shiite sectarian groups) where we would have to violate our own concept of freedom of religion to pick a side. If we pick one sect, we have in essence made a decision between different religions. It would be the same as if we chose (let me be arbitrary here) that Methodism was the "right" religion and all others were wrong. Do you see the analogy? Do you recognize that the conflicts really would force us to violate our own concept of freedom of religion?
What happens when the war is over is that life can quiet down and people can stop to think about how to improve their lot in life. And if it happens that the nation that just ended a conflict starts yet another internal conflict because the previous winners cannot hold on to their winnings... is that really our problem? This country went through a lot of similar historical turbulence including the time after the end of the Revolutionary war and the beginning of the United States government as a new nation on Earth. We've had our civil wars (including THE Civil War) and our internal clashes - such as the Civil Rights unrest that started in the 1960s but there were others throughout our history if you bothered to look. Why should we forget our history and make decisions for other countries? Let THEM sort our THEIR issues first. Then, if we don't like what they do, we just don't trade with them.
Along the lines of how religions guide our personal interactions with others: It is not my concern that a man beats his wife for any particular religious purpose. If he does that, he is an idiot regardless of his religion. It is possible that he does what he does out of having been religiously indoctrinated. In that case, I blame religion - but the problem is still that the person who physically abuses another person is still a thug, idiot, or worse.
Oh, one last little thing: Blade, my comments about fear stemmed from the article (that you had trouble opening online) in which the author tried to say that "phobeo" doesn't always mean "fear" in the Greek texts, in the context of "fearing God." In my opinion, he was being an apologist.
Of COURSE you have to fear God if you are going to be a "good little worshiper" - because the God in question is arrogant, narcissistic, authoritarian, mercurial, and vengeful. Just like the leader of many street gangs today, you do as he says because you fear he will squash you out of existence if you don't. My point was that the author of the article was trying to say that "fear" (in Greek) didn't mean what it meant when used in the Bible, even though the Bible was translated from the Greek texts in question. This is a typical example of Biblical apologist double-speak. Thanks, but no thanks. A literal translation is all I need. I don't need some jerk-wad telling me what words mean when their meanings are well-known already. seems that you and I agree on somethings and other things we can agree to disagree.
It is clear that you like Libre have made you choice. Like Libre, I feel this is unfortunate.
I don't ever think I was called a jerk-wad before,,,,,must be something new but I know by the way you used it, its meaning is Bad........Good and Bad.....always Good and Bad
Have a nice day Doc