I've been hanging back for a while because I wanted to think carefully about what else I wanted to say on this topic. Blade's discussion regarding the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats is a good springboard.
I'm going to try to be clear, though I'm sure that Blade will come up with comments opposite my position anyway. Please also remember that I am in the context of someone who once was Christian but who had a deep experience that is colloquially called a "soul-searching" moment. (Even though I now question the existence of any separate entity called a "soul" in the religious sense of that word.) I am now atheist due to the results of that intense introspection and the associated meditation.
The problem with so many Bible thumpers is that they forget one of the most important parts for Christianity - that each of us must reach a personal understanding with God. This is because when it comes to our relationships and eventual judgment, we will stand alone before God to justify our choices. (See, for example, the book of Esdras, chapters 1-3, describing the recurring dream-visions of the prophet Esdras. This is in the Apocrypha, for those of you whose religion discards those particular books.
Hi Doc.
I thought that what I was doing was telling those on this thread that the Choice was between them and God. I am sorry you feel I have side stepped that point.
As far as the book of Esdras is not a part of the Bible, there is a good reason why it is not! Another discussion another time if you wish?
When Blade comes along (and by extension, any other preacher, evangelist, acolyte, or religious zealot) to tell us what the Bible means, this is in essence an attempt to interfere with our own attempts to reach a "comfort zone" or a "personal understanding" - and it does more harm than good to exhort people accusing them of misunderstanding.
I have tried only to answer questions!!! and set the record straight for those that have different opinion. Don't you agree that more than one opinion is better? Again, It is personal as you say and my 'preaching' is that the Bible itself is a divine creation and can be proved!
This is true, I think, because while Christianity claims that the Bible is the inspired word of God, there is no guarantee that someone else's interpretation is divinely inspired at all. In fact, given the varied number of interpretations we see from the various sects and denominations, we would have to come to the conclusion that a very large percentage of those interpretations must NOT be divinely inspired because of the rampant nature of religions doctrine arguments that we can find. When someone offers to interpret the Bible for us, they are attempting to stop us from thinking for ourselves - which COULD be an impediment to reaching that personal relationship. When someone tries to think for us and exert their claim of "expertise" in worship, they are seeking a form of power that is anything but divinely inspired.
I agree with you here to some extent Doc. I don't want you to stop thinking and have made it clear many times, that it is between you and God. I get nothing from it and I certainly do not have nor do I want power over anyone else.
It is a FREE Choice only you can make regardless of the "soul searching" moment you had and evidently you have already made it.
Blade, your interpretation of the parables is a case in point. There are those who would agree with you regarding hidden meanings - and others who say that the meanings are not hidden at all. The "alternate" meanings are just someone blowing smoke as an attempt to gather followers, done in the supreme arrogance of a belief that the smoke blower is "holier than thou" or in some other way is "special" and therefore above the normal rules of society that gives us INDIVIDUAL freedom of religion.
There are those that are not as "enlightened" as you are. If there were only interpretations out there like yours, Frothy's or ALC, etc., the others in this thread might take it that those interpretations is all there is. Again, is multiple opinions better than only ONE or had you rather just have only one.
Take the parable of the sower and the seeds, which I will paraphrase for brevity. Someone asks why the farmer sows seeds on poor ground as well as fertile ground. He answers that each plot of ground gives as it can, and it is not his place to judge that there is anything wrong with spreading the seeds broadly. The interpretation can be that you spread the word to all and know that some will listen and understand well; others will listen and understand with difficulty; and others will listen without understanding - but there is no reason to exclude ANYONE from the teachings, since it is not your call to withhold the word from ANYONE. Nor is it your place to condemn anyone for doing the best he can with a difficult problem. Now... are you going to contradict me on that interpretation?
I get the feeling you are trying to make this personal Doc? Maybe I am wrong. You seem to have a grasp on the parables meaning minus one point. There are going to be those people that believe in Jesus Christ and see this parable as you stated "spreading the 'Word of God'".
However, there are those that do not believe and see it as something different while there are those that so do not like any mention of religion, they will use its words to mirror their lives. I do not,will not and can not condemn anyone to anywhere and really do not think bad of you for not believing. After all it is your choice and it is very personal.
Of course, you should know that it works both ways... those of us who have been awakened to the hollow promises and platitudes of the Bible point out the weaknesses and inconsistencies. We know that some will listen and begin to think for themselves; others will listen and at least ask a few hard questions; and some will refuse to hear that which was actually said.
PROMISES? what promises, There is only one promise and that is if you believe in Jesus Christ, you shall not die but live forever.
In closing, Blade, understand that I firmly believe in your right to think as you do, but I do not agree with the ideas you spread when you start interpreting things to push us hard to your way of thinking. You say we face eternal damnation unless we do things your way - but your interpretations and those of the Methodists do not match. When I was still Methodist, we believed that if you spoke the words but didn't live the life, you were what the McCarthy era called a "parlor pink" - in essence, a dissident in hiding. If you want your salvation, you have to back up your claims of belief with charitable actions because (not necessarily a Biblical phrase, but...) actions speak louder than words.
I guess you mean by pushing hard, I am breaking you arm, threatening you or some other form of coercement that forces you to see it my way. The Bible (Word of God) states that to have an eternal life, all you have to do is believe in Jesus. I have no say in it. If the Man-made (Local) churches tell you something else then they are border of being Apostic. Believe me when I say, there are many of them out there that are where apostasy is abundant.
Therefore, Blade, I would submit for your consideration that, even if you dislike me being a source of religious viewpoints, there is a very large group of Protestant denominations out there, Methodism being one of them, who would vigorously disagree with the way you presented your interpretation of the sheep and goats.
What have you done to me to make me dislike you. Even Frothy for all of his rantings aimed me does not deserve that. Yes, there are a lot of different opinions out there and on the parables, I understand why you feel the way you do. As far as the other denominations viewpoints, I offer this. If they have strayed away from Jesus Christ, They are wrong!
Try to get past the point of disagreeing with my current beliefs. Realize that I have walked both sides of that fence, so I'm not blind to the teachings. I just don't agree with their root belief. Look at my message on its merits, not on the leanings of its author. Recognize that I'm trying to raise a serious point about the difference between thinking for yourself and being a blind sheep who can easily be led astray by a shepherd whose main goal is to see how much wool he can shear from his flock.
I too have seen the earlier teachings of the 'local' church. While I believe I am not a blind Sheep, who follows without knowing, it is evident you do. One cannot study the Bible (literally with a word for word) and come away with any different conclusion. What you can do is take verses out of context and use them to your needs.
I guess it still all comes down to a FREE Choice. Your sins have already been taken care of by His Blood at the Cross. If I am wrong (and I am not) then what do I lose but what do you lose when I am right! Again, it is your choice, strictly between you and Jesus.
LOL,,,,I'll shut up so you can go get that broken arm tended to!!!!!!!
Doc, it seems you are disturbed by my being here in this thread. I have already be told to tone it down. What are you suggesting , I leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great weekend.....They go by to fast these days.