So you don't believe in the United States of America ideal, where the strengths in one area can help offset the weaknesses in another? Not saying you should, just asking. Would it perhaps suit you better if the country devolved into load of separate state nations? You could sit back and watch the "poorer" states fail while others flourished. I assume it's not only with healthcare that you think there should be no sharing. No doubt you would also like the government to stop providing the almost 40% of Tennessee's state revenue. You know, just in case some of it comes from another state.As fara as I am concerned, I want everybody to have medical care regardless of who they are, I just don;t want to pay for those people out in california from TN. I will halp take care of My fellow Tennesseans.
Tennessee is doing pretty well on that ranking, but I doubt it would be doing AS well, if it were cut off from the rest of the country because of helpful Christians.
No, it's called "accepting a system and not wanting to rock the boat because I'm doing alright and f*ck the poor".As far as minimum wage goes, WHat the market will bare is all there is. It is called capitalism. That is unless the gov. is going to tell McDonalds how much to pay their employees (more all the time) resulting in fewer people working and businesses going out of business.