Are you an atheist? (18 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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This is what I don't get. How the heck were the contemporary audience to these parables supposed to reference other chapters of the Bible? Were these teachings meaningless without such a cross reference?

Occam's Razor springs to mind.

Hi Dan Cat: In Luke 8:9-10 Jesus told his disciples. " And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand."

The Others includes you Dan-Cat.

To correct this,,all you have to do is give your heart to him. It is that Simple!

Have a great day.

Hi Dan Cat: In Luke 8:9-10 Jesus told his disciples. " And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand."

The Others includes you Dan-Cat.

To correct this,,all you have to do is give your heart to him. It is that Simple!

Have a great day.


That is a clear misinterpretation of what he is saying. He says MIGHT not see. Not WILL NOT see.

Just a few verses before it says: When he said this, he called out, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”

It is clear that he is saying that the message behind his parables can be understood there and then by the people he is talking to. Not that the message is deliberately convoluted and can only be interpreted by self-proclaimed Bible scholars like yourself. Seriously the tripe that people like you come up with is extremely dangerous.
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Like I said - you could look at a quote along the lines of "...and Jesus said that the sky was blue" and someone would find a way to interpret that as:
> literal (the sky IS blue
> somehow meaning the opposite - as Jesus was quite the tricky little monkey and liked to talk in riddles
> having a hidden meaning along the lines of "we can only have clear skies ahead of us if we stop giving help to the poor and needy"

There was an old game who in the UK called 321
It was famous for very cryptic and - the host admitted years later - bullsh*t clues. I imagine old JC could have fit right in as a presenter.

Yeah, it's amazing how many people think "help others" is some kind of dreadfully obscure koan.
This is what I don't get. How the heck were the contemporary audience to these parables supposed to reference other chapters of the Bible? Were these teachings meaningless without such a cross reference?

Occam's Razor springs to mind.

Well, you see, JC wasn't teaching the people of his time. They could all go to Hell for all he cared. It was far more important that everything be put right so that when people started writing down what he said 100-300 years later, they make everything just obscure enough that Bladerunner could dazzle us with his bullshit.

DAn-Cat..... read on through verse John 8: 1-18 at least. It tells what you are asking.

One can hear but not hear?

have a good day

DAn-Cat..... read on through verse John 8: 1-18 at least. It tells what you are asking.

One can hear but not hear?

have a good day


I read on to verse 31

31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

When you say matters are simple, you need to heed your own advice.

Jesus is clearly stating that you must FOLLOW his teachings to know the truth. If I believed Jesus was the Christ and he told me that directly, I would most certainly not be seeking out a differing interpretation to the parable of the goats than the most obvious. Support those say, who don't have health insurance. Something that Obama has done.

What you are doing is even worse. Trying to convince people that his teachings (parables) are not what they are appear to be through a desire to claim a higher understanding than others and reject the clear path that Jesus is asking you to take. Very, very dangerous ground for a believer.
Five gets you ten he answers with another bible quote, as opposed to a straight response.
You know, sometimes I wonder if Bladerunner is really just a two-years-and-counting experiment in Applied Poe's Law.
Well, you see, JC wasn't teaching the people of his time. They could all go to Hell for all he cared. It was far more important that everything be put right so that when people started writing down what he said 100-300 years later, they make everything just obscure enough that Bladerunner could dazzle us with his bullshit.


Jesus was crucified in 32 AD and the New Testament was written around 70 AD.

Hope you have a little better day

I read on to verse 31

31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

When you say matters are simple, you need to heed your own advice.

Jesus is clearly stating that you must FOLLOW his teachings to know the truth. If I believed Jesus was the Christ and he told me that directly, I would most certainly not be seeking out a differing interpretation to the parable of the goats than the most obvious. Support those say, who don't have health insurance. Something that Obama has done.

What you are doing is even worse. Trying to convince people that his teachings (parables) are not what they are appear to be through a desire to claim a higher understanding than others and reject the clear path that Jesus is asking you to take. Very, very dangerous ground for a believer.

My apologies, to you, I accidentally transformed Luke 8:1-18 to John 8:1-18. you can check out the posts.

The verses you read,,,,and I am glad you read them, are a different teaching (so to speak)

If you don't mind lets go back to the parables....Luke 8: 1-18 We can come back to this if you want.

Again I am sorry for the confusion.

Jesus was crucified in 32 AD and the New Testament was written around 70 AD.

Hope you have a little better day


Bible Literalists like to think that, but unfortunately the actual evidence doesn't match. Both new writings and contradictory versions of the same writings continually appeared throughout Europe up through the 4th century, when your Antichrist finally came down said "THESE WRITINGS AND THESE ALONE MAKE UP THE BIBLE".

Yes, I find it laughable that you claim the Catholic Church is the Antichrist but at the same time defend its teachings as divinely inspired word of God.
[QUOTE, Frothy, #5572] Yes, I find it laughable that you claim the Catholic Church is the Antichrist but at the same time defend its teachings as divinely inspired word of God.

Really!,,,,, Throughout History from many sources, the dates are what I quoted. 32AD....and 66-70AD.

You really like to push it, don't you...I did not say the Catholic Church was the Anti-Christ. Why do you say that I did knowing all the time, I did not? Why do you continually try to destroy me? What have I done to you other than bring you God's word?

Here is the statement(s) I made in context (Bladerunner #5465) I have never advocated for the Catholic Church. To me it is as close to the Antichrist as one can get.....Why? The Catholic Church today advocates a one world government but to realistically have a peaceful one world government, you would also have to have a one world religion in order to get rid of all the religious wars going on. I'll give you three guesses, on which church is betting they get to be that world religion.

At one time, I also stated that the 'local churches' do save souls to Jesus Christ in spite of themselves. This would include the Catholic Church but of late the Catholic Church seems to have taken a turn away from the 'Word of God' with the help of its Jesuit Pope. Did you know that Jesuits (Society of Jesus) border on the edge of socialism with an ideology close to those of Jeremiah Wright's ( "GD America") liberation theology or liberation of an oppressed people. Who we trying to liberate here in the US...I thought it was the land of the FREE.

I don't try to destroy you. I point out that you are lying, and that you are wrong.

Only in your twisted delusion of a world is that 'destroying'.

That said...

You really like to push it, don't you...I did not say the Catholic Church was the Anti-Christ. Why do you say that I did knowing all the time, I did not?

I have never advocated for the Catholic Church. To me it is as close to the Antichrist as one can get.

Why do you continually try to destroy me? What have I done to you other than bring you God's word?

Because you lie.

Because you're a racist.

Because you lie.

Because you accuse those who disagree with you of selling their souls to your god of evil, and of being traitors planning to murder you.

Because you lie.

Because you don't know what the hell you're talking about, be it socialism, liberalism, religion, or basic common sense.

Because you lie.

Because you're the embodiment of everything that is evil in our society, from rejection and disenfranchisement of the poor to the belief that one is inherently better because of one's income. The rejection of the belief in a common humanity, that one has an obligation to help one's fellow man.

Because you lie.

Because you and sick bastards like you twist your own scripture to justify your hate of the poor, of the different, and of the sick. Of the needy, the ill, and crippled. Of black people and Muslims. Of, quite simply, people who aren't wealthy white Anglo-Saxon Protestants.

Because you worship at the altar of greed and selfishness.

And finally, because you lie.

Is that simple enough for you, or should I reduce it to worlds of a single syllable so you can understand?
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I believe in God, and he is the rewarder of those who seek Him.
And actually, most folks here (myself included) have no issue with that.

You just happened to stumble into the minefield laying between Bible literalism and a particularly right-wing version of American Christianity on one side and the land of WTF on the other. :)
And actually, most folks here (myself included) have no issue with that.

You just happened to stumble into the minefield laying between Bible literalism and a particularly right-wing version of American Christianity on one side and the land of WTF on the other. :)

The land of Who's Telling Fibs. I thought you had decided on that a few posts back.

Alright,, Frothy,, Glad you got that off your chest??????

Hope tomorrow is a better day.


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