If that were true, then there would be references to Islam in from before the year 600, and there are none.
Again you are wrong and misunderstand due to a lack of knowledge. Islam is about submission to the Creator and a Muslim is a person who is submits to the Creator. Hence by definition Adam and Hawwa (peace be upon them) were Muslims and are mentioned in both the Torah and the Qur’an, which were given by God.
He ruled by force of arms, and led thousands of soldiers in conquering his neighbors. That makes him, by definition, a warlord.
Completely wrong. Again your lack of knowledge is astounding to say the least. You need to read a biography of the Prophet (peace be upon him) by a respected and trusted biographer who doesn’t even need to be a Muslim. Try Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet by Karen Armstrong and at least get your facts right.
The histories of that area FROM that area would disagree with you. Regardless of his reason for going to Medina, the fact of the matter is that he rose from 'resident' to 'leader' of the city, which is the textbook definition of 'took over'.
All the Muslims who had migrated to Medina before the Prophet (peace be upon him), welcomed him with open arms and as he was the prophet of course he would be the leader among the Muslims just as Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them) were leaders of the Muslims during their times, etc. etc. So it’s not a question of ‘took over’ as you incorrectly put it as he was the leader among the Muslims when he was in Makkah.
4:59 O you who have believed, obey Allaah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allaah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allaah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.
Advancing upon city with 10,000 soldiers, defeating the defending army in battle, and instituting your own rulership by force of arms is, once again, the textbook definition of 'conquer'.
Interesting to note that you don’t mention the fact that the Muslims were driven out of their homes in Makkah by the non-believers and many were tortured and killed. There was no defeating of the army in battle as there was no army at the time that the Muslims re-entered their own city and their homes. What on earth are you talking about? Apart from a few skirmishes (11 non-Muslims and 2 Muslims were killed in exchange) the entry into Makkah in history was one of the most peaceful ever. You need to get your facts right.
Now I have to ask if you're lying or just unable to read well. At no point did I say the words you are putting into my mouth.
I can read perfectly well. You stated in post 5912
… although I do find it amusing that each of you 'proves' the other false because your book says so.
And I gave you an answer so don’t accuse me of lying when I directly answer something you have said. You have consistently twisted established historical events even by notable non-Muslim commentators, to suit your own evil inclinations towards Islam. So if you want to talk about lying or deceiving, you need to look closer to home.
Previous books cannot say that a future book is false if it hasn’t come into existence yet. Show some sense.
And while you're at it, how about addressing the 150+ points I provided where the Qu'ran contradicts itself? Or did you really think no one here will realize you're avoiding the question because you can't answer it?
I have said
If there are contradictions in the Qur’an then share them with us. I would be interested.
Do you seriously think that I have time to look at all 150+ alleged contradictions? I am being bombarded enough as it is. There could be thousands of alleged contradictions and it wouldn’t bother me in the least. I could equally have responded with a website that answers all of these alleged contradictions. If you want to pick an alleged contradiction one by one then that’s a different matter and shows you are serious. Very easy to point to a web page and then say there you go and make accusations of avoidance. Very childish. You don’t seem to be a serious debater. If you want a serious and honest discussion, bring it on. I challenge you to pick any alleged contradiction in the Qur’an and I am more than happy to respond.
That's the thing. All of these scientific determinations are THEORIES, not FACTS. We don't know that the universe was created this way, we can only point to the evidence available to us.
As far as procreation. Humans have known about procreation for a VERY long time. It's not surprising that they would be able to determine how that works thousands of years ago before we understood the science at a cellular level.
As an example, Edwin Hubble proved by experimentation, which we can replicate today, that the universe is expanding and hence not static. Is this not a FACT then?
51:47 And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.
Would be interested to see who would know the 3 keys points and in the correct sequence before the Qur’an was revealed given in 23:13-14. Also, as I have repeatedly said, why do the writer(s) of the Qur’an if it does not come from God, choose only the correct science and misses out the incorrect science? For example in c. 150 CE
Galen – was a Greek Biologist and philosopher who practised medicine, was a surgeon to gladiators and a public demonstrator of anatomy.
He also believed women had two uteri ending in single neck.
One of his theories was that if milk flows from the breasts of a pregnant woman, it is an indication that the foetus will be weak. His reasoning for this is; the breasts and uterus are joined by common vessels. The foetus inside the uterus is bathed in nutrients (milk), if this milk overflows to the breasts it is because the foetus is not strong enough to consume as much as it should be.
During Galen’s era it was a common belief that the uterus is a freely movable organ capable of causing disease if it moved. If it moved towards the lungs it caused difficulty breathing, if towards the liver the woman lost her voice.
… and many of the other cultures I named avoid that statement, too.
Exactly that’s the point I was making. Also I did say that it didn’t matter how old the civilisation was, in fact the older the better, so your opening quips seemed pointless. There may be other theories, as you put it, as to how the universe began, but I have concentrated on what most scientists say today and on that basis I chortle at the fact that the Qur’an is in agreement.