Firmly lodged? That's HALF a claim. Lodged in what? (Lodged is generally taken as a relational verb implying something in which to be lodged.) And a drop? Actually, not even a drop - but the implied claim is simply not that earth-shaking.
In the 1990’s a medical doctor realised by her research that the female egg was not passive as it was previously thought but very much active to the extent that the egg not only guards the spermatozoon that enters but essentially ‘locks’ it in and at the same time prevents any other spermatozoon’s from entering. The word ‘drop’ signifies that only a small portion of the complete liquid is required which is in fact the case. In short I am impressed but accept that you are not. It is earth shaking considering these types of facts were not prevalent at the time and it is only in the last century we have learned these facts so we have become a bit blasé about it.
And the quote you provided was ambiguous on that point, at least to my reading. I didn't see any clear statement to that effect.
We know that the semen of the father will determine the eventual outcome of the unborn child. I don’t see what else you can add to this and why it is not clear especially at a time when the opposite view was prevalent and still is in some countries today!
"That He did create in pairs,-male and female, from a drop (of seed) when it is poured forth; 53:45-46
See previous comments. (A) not a unique claim so in that aspect, gets lost in the shuffle; and (B) merely consistent in a vague sense with at least a dozen other world-creation or universe-creation mythos.
Still to see proof that an ancient civilisations before the Qur’an was revealed where the two main points regarding the creation of the universe were given i.e. that there was a particle AND it was burst open. Most ancient civilisations got it wrong. Why did the people who wrote the Qur’an, if not from God, not choose one of those?
Hell, the CURRENT universe is gaseous. Other mythos (what would be the plural of mythos? Mythoses?) tell us the universe was without form - which is merely a physical-properties description of something gaseous. So different description, same general concept. Again, nothing unique there.
I thought you didn’t believe in HELL? But the universe at the beginning was ONLY gaseous before the Earth came into existence, that’s the point.
Then He turned to the heavens when it was smoke (
dukhan) and said to it, and the earth; “Come into existence, willingly or unwillingly.” They said, “We come willingly.”
Only had a few choices, but the truth is that it isn't a tough guess. If you have the concept of a "seed" or "egg" or "particle" exploding or expanding to create the universe, there is no big leap to assume that the expansion hasn't stopped. So this constitutes a "so what" type of comment.
But to get the particle splitting, an early gaseous universe, that the universe is expanding, etc. etc. and getting them all right 14 centuries ago to me is worth more than a shout. I’m yelling at the top of my voice right now.
Aziz, you absolutely are entitled (and, to be honest, expected) to place unusual credence to the words of your holy book if that is a tenet of your faith. I, however, who have discarded the teachings of any faith, place no UNUSUAL credence on the words of any holy book.
It’s not a question of my holy book because that infers that that is the only holy book I have ever read or been introduced to and pondered over. It was only when I was in my early twenties that I began reading the Qur’an. I lay credence to the Qur’an because it comes from God and for no other reason. My faith, much as many may think, is not blind or fanatical but through a just reading of the Qur’an and coming to my own conclusions.
Even the OT and NT accept the obedience and acceptance to the Creator via Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them) etc. The only reason why Christians accept the begotten ship of Jesus (peace be upon him) is due entirely to Paul and the Christian church, not through Jesus (peace be upon him) or any others sent by God.
I'll agree with you on a very narrow point, not to be taken as a general concession. Sometimes the message in the holy book is worth adopting. My take-away from the Bible is the importance of forgiveness. The burdens released and the pain absolved by the simple act of forgiving are incredibly phenomenal. It's one reason why if we ever met, despite this sometimes spirited (you should pardon the pun) debate, it would be a pleasure to shake your hand and wish you peace.
If you sit back and look at all of these and other facts, then you need to ponder as to how all these facts could have been known at the time when so many times the scientific knowledge was wrong. So even if you were to see a little resemblance, it is worth considering to the extent that at least give it the benefit of the doubt. If you begin to read the Qur’an as a whole, it may make you think twice about it. After all if you are not prepared to pursue the TRUTH and you are wrong, you will be among the losers as the Qur’an often says. Better to spend the life in the hereafter in a good place with our family members of faith for eternity than in a bad place for eternity.
39:53 Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allaah. Indeed, Allaah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."
4:116 Indeed, Allaah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others with Allah has certainly gone far astray.
Allaah the Exalted said: O son of Adam, if you call upon me and place your hope in me, I will forgive you without any reservation. O son of Adam, if you have sins piling up to the clouds and then ask for my forgiveness, I will forgive you without any reservation. O son of Adam, if you come to me with enough sins to fill the earth and you meet me without associating a partner with me, I will come to you with enough forgiveness to fill the earth. Hadith Qudsi 34
Equally it would be a pleasure to shake your hand even if it’s done electronically.
Frothingslosh, God makes it clear that
whoever is responsible for the death of an innocent person will be held to account on the Day of Judgement, whether these be individuals, organisations or even so called democratic governments which are always happy to show their high moral stance throughout the world. In the context of Cain killing Abel, God says
5:32 Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors. Punishment is not reserved just for Muslims. Everyone will be included.
99:7 So whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it,
99:8 And whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it.