I wouldn't be so sure. I don't think that the world is in this state because God is in the huff! I don't believe that God is what most people accredit to it. It just is!
However, I can see a link between people no longer being good honest "church go-ers" or "God fearers" and the bad state of the world today! If you are afraid of being smote by the wrath of a God you are probably much more inclined to live a life that will not bear his judgement and, in turn the world goes around much nicer. This was the true reason for the hell fire and brimstone approach used in the dark ages.
At the moment we are in a transitional period where we are confused. Our God has been removed from us (well from most of us) and we are left to trust in our own judgement. Like children we now run riot through the house testing to see how far we can push this thing and get away with it. It's the law of nature. It will settle down. New ways of control will develop and our decentants will look back at us and laugh at how barbaric we were.
You seem to be claiming that people "behave" if they are religious churchgoers and "misbehave" if they are sinners. Am I reading you wrong?
I think you need to examine your basis for that claim. It has been said more than once already, but it bears repeating because it is so true: good people will do good things, and bad people will do bad things, but it takes religion to make good people do bad things.
If you sincerely think that lack of religion makes people misbehave, I would encourage you to look at yourself. On a day (or month or year) when you decide not to go to church, do you suddenly have the urge to commit murder and robbery? Or are you content to continue behaving in a generally moral fashion? (I am assuming of course that you are not actually a murderer or a robber).
Finally, I question your claim that we have lost our basis for judgement by not being religious and going to church. Do you really think that the bible, or whatever holy book you choose, gives us a moral foundation? Because the last time I checked, every single holy book contained murder, ra**, incest, assault, revenge, and child abuse.