Are you an atheist? (4 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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The War dept............................

any particular War dept??? British, then they have the bulldog spirit...the US, they have a if it moves kill it attitude..??

oh bit like this?

I have an idea, let's have a "pray off" believers against non believers, see who wins! I vote the non-beleivers pray for the sun to come up tomorrow, and the believers for the end of the world !

Prayer is an interesting point for me. The presence of evil in the world is often justified by the theist to the necessity of free will. If this is the case, how is God allowed to tamper with the workings of the world, in response to prayer, as we go along?

But mostly it's about religion right? Because at the end of the day, all monolythic religions believe in one God, and if that's the case, and there is only one, then they are all believing in the same person, so it has to be down to religion, not God.


Erm, I'm not really too clued up on this religious stuff, but, was Charles Manson not a religious man? And, ehm, what happened at Whako (or is it Wacko?) ?

I think in these extreme cases, belief in the supernatural is used as a 'shelter' to justify amoral behavior. The philosopher Kierkegaard addressed it in his 'telelogical suspension of the ethical' mainly via the Abraham and Isaac story. That is to say, that if God truely says something is right, regardless of what it may seem to you or others, God's moral authority overrides all else. It is this same line of thinking that brings people to do seemingly insane things. It is justified to them though because they believe, or convince others that they believe, that God has given them moral authority on their actions.

From my point of view though, I think you have to be seeking this 'shelter', or justification in the first place. The desire to commit such actions is there before the religious justification for it. There have been many secular-based states that have committed atrocities and not sought religious justification for it.
2 POINTS..i think are valid...

1) the existance of alien lifeforms can be proven by the fact they don't come and visit...

which brings me onto an ad for the new x-files film on back of Total Film.. 2) tag line - To find the truth, you must believe...
They don't visit, they came and they stayed, Goddess knows why, but they did, I've seen them, indeed, I work with them !:rolleyes: :D

you sure...sure they are aliens and not just rubber masks... i've seen doctor who and men in black countless times... you can really tell the difference...

sure we're talking the same term of 'alien'
why are either of you trying to prove or disprove God's existance, if something has the know how to create an entire universe then IT sure has the capablility to remain hidden from the science radar...

You didn't read my post - I said it is impossible to disprove the existence of anything when you don't have any evidence that the thing exists in the first place. If you have no reason to believe something exists, why would you need to disprove it's existence? As far as proving the existence of god, of course it would possible to do so, if god actually existed.

If nobody ever sees god, and nobody ever finds anything that god did, then is it more likely that he is just hiding for thousands of years, or is it more likely that he just doesn't exist? Sure, if you can imagine "something" that is so powerful that it created the entire universe, then you can surely imagine that the "something" is also remaining hidden on purpose. You can imagine anything you like. But that doesn't make it any more likely to be true.
I am not surpirised - anyone who beleives they are educationally superior to the majority based on favouring one belief above the other, would seem to be a bad choice of leader.

I agree. That is the reason I don't like to vote religous folks into office.
Now that's gotta be hard to do. They all at least CLAIM to be religous.
Yep, I vote anyway, because I have no choice, but I don't like it, and I never vote for the ones who give speeches that present their worldview as a function of their religion, like George W. When he gets up there and starts talking about how he has "faith" in the fight against the "evildoers" it just makes me sick.
You didn't read my post -

no i admited i hadn't read you fineposts..and i postrate myself before you..:eek:

If nobody ever sees god, and nobody ever finds anything that god did, then is it more likely that he is just hiding for thousands of years, or is it more likely that he just doesn't exist?

i see god everyday, i just open my eyes and see the beauty of the world, the very now of existance to know there is a god who made the wonders around me..just because many are blind to this fact or call it by different names doesn't mean there isn't a god..
i see god everyday, i just open my eyes and see the beauty of the world, the very now of existance to know there is a god who made the wonders around me..just because many are blind to this fact or call it by different names doesn't mean there isn't a god..

So why did he make the floods, tsunami and drought etc.

i see god everyday, i just open my eyes and see the beauty of the world, the very now of existance to know there is a god who made the wonders around me..just because many are blind to this fact or call it by different names doesn't mean there isn't a god..

I just open my eyes and see the ugliness of the world to know that there is no god. Just because many are blind to this fact, or delude themselves, doesn't mean there is a god.
So why did he make the floods, tsunami and drought etc.


sorry brian, those are simply forces of nature...and greedy developers building on flood plains, when history tells everyone that an area floods yet they still go ahead, build and then sell for big bucks then the people blame the government for not putting enough flood defenses in?? it's not that i'm not sympathetic but it is nature..and if you are gonna build power stations in locations where water levels will rise then expect power outage...

oh and global warming..who thinks that we're out of the last ice age, word is we're not..
I just open my eyes and see the ugliness of the world to know that there is no god. Just because many are blind to this fact, or delude themselves, doesn't mean there is a god.


perfect comeback;)
sorry brian, those are simply forces of nature...and greedy developers building on flood plains, when history tells everyone that an area floods yet they still go ahead, build and then sell for big bucks then the people blame the government for not putting enough flood defenses in?? it's not that i'm not sympathetic but it is nature..and if you are gonna build power stations in locations where water levels will rise then expect power outage...


How would they put flood defences in Bangladesh?:confused:

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