Are you an atheist? (2 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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It's no better than saying - i joined a cult, yes they ra** and kill but I don't, so it must be ok for me to be a member.

Why can't people see that?

When the book or books are the centrepiece of the cult, are acknowledged as the guide for all and justify ra**, murder and genocide then yes indeed we must ask this question.

All the books of the Abrahamic religions include incredibly primitive notions of morality and justice involving bigotry, violence and misogyny to name a few. It is not surprising that modern sophisticated people avoid discussions of these aspects of their faith.

However the fact remains that the faithful exalt these books.

Some argue that we should respect this choice because of the high esteem the belief is held in by the believer. If such reverence for belief ascribes them worthy of unconditional respect, are we to respect the beliefs of the proponents of Nazism for their passions?

No. Abrahamic religions are essentially fascism and we should seek to undermine them at every opportunity.

Fortunately the most fervent of the believers on this thread a doing more to destroy the fan base of their faith than any atheist could ever hope to achieve.
Has anyone noticed that religions seem to be about behaviour and belief. When they are founded it is all about behaviour but later it is all about belief
You reckon? To me it seems about power and dominance, territorial pissing. Just like any other kind of animal, really.
It was not long ago, I put forth a scenario in which the Christian church is stripped of its present tax status in the USA. Well, California legislators have either put forth some legislation or have passed the legislation (I do not know which at this time) that requires the Christian Churches to marry gays OR ELSE. I have heard that for the ministers that refuse to marry the gays in their church, will land in jail. So much for civility of the liberal left. Rem. this, it was predicted that the Christian Churches and people would be persecuted during the 'last days'.

At one time I spoke of the 'end of days' and was severely admonished for saying something that was not true. This time I use the 'last days' (don't really see the difference) and offer proof that it actually exist. Remember also that this prediction was made a few thousands of years ago.

"But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people." 2 Timothy 3:1-5


You atheist should be very proud of them in their effort to bring forth a GODLESS world. Appears to be working!
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Sounds like you are talking about (and exaggerating) the Youth Equality Act

Organisations should not be allowed to avoid tax to push their agenda of bigotry.
Sounds like you are talking about (and exaggerating) the Youth Equality Act

Organisations should not be allowed to avoid tax to push their agenda of bigotry.

no, not at all, I have no hatred of gays. My religion teaches me that marriage is between a man and a women. simple as that. Now why do gays got to get married by the church or a minister. There are states that will marry them.

I guess they should be jailed instead or maybe in addition?

Besides you are in Aussie land and they are already mostly Godless from what I here. *If they are not, then by all accounts, please correct the previous statement. I would like a rare word of encouragement!
In the UK the church has not been placed in the position of being forced to marry same sex couples.

However, any Christian denomination that wants to (apart from the Church of England, ie the State religion) will be free to do so.

The Catholic church would also be unlikely to do so.

Until recently UK law also stipulated that a marriage is between a man and a woman, the Marriage Act still says so, but legislation has been recently passed that says that marriage can also be between two people of the same gender.
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Can you link to any proposal to force churches to marry gays if they want to maintain tax free status?

About one quarter of Australians report "No religion" in the census.

Here is a pretty thorough analysis of the statistics for 2011.
Marriage in Australia is largely a secular event. Only one third of marriages are conducted in churches.

Many people consider churches to be largely irrelevant.
Can you link to any proposal to force churches to marry gays if they want to maintain tax free status?

About one quarter of Australians report "No religion" in the census.

Here is a pretty thorough analysis of the statistics for 2011.

I stated earlier: "It was not long ago, I put forth a scenario in which the Christian church is stripped of its present tax status in the USA."..........."I have heard that for the ministers that refuse to marry the gays in their church, will land in jail.".

Here is a link:

I also stated California was the culprit, however after some digging, I found it was Idaho and not a church but a wedding chapel run by two ministers. To California, I apologize.

There are several other links where persons are sued, etc. so far no churches. but to be jailed because of your faith is really bad. It would be like us Christians jailing you because you do not believe or worse as is the Islam way of life.
Marriage in Australia is largely a secular event. Only one third of marriages are conducted in churches.

Many people consider churches to be largely irrelevant.

I would say churches are irreverent.

Sounds like you are talking about (and exaggerating) the Youth Equality Act

Organisations should not be allowed to avoid tax to push their agenda of bigotry.

This particular Act was about the Boy Scout of America. Effectively, the liberals have destroyed a good thing!. No, I would not have let my son join the BSA if the circumstances where then what they are now.

May I ask what the tax exemption has to do with not allowing a certain group of people within your organization? However, my guess is that the government uses this power over the org. to force them to do anything they want them to do. Atheist in the USA had better think about this real good. If they can do this to Christians and other organizations with impunity, they can do it to you!. Be very careful what you ask for! (see next paragraph for example)

In the USA the Senate under Harry Reed voted to pass the so called 'nuclear option'. That allowed only a majority of members to pass bills where before a 2/3 majority was required. If the senate changes majority hands this November, do you think the majority party with simply vote the nuclear option back in force?
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I would say churches are irreverent.


Irreverent to whom? Most churches I know of are very respectful to all regardless of the faith and lifestyle. It seems to me that people without a belief in God are shouting the loudest. "Methinks thou dost protest too much"(1)

(1) William Shakespeare
Marriage in Australia is largely a secular event. Only one third of marriages are conducted in churches.

Many people consider churches to be largely irrelevant.

I got married in an Aussie winery. My sister in law is about to get married in a Aussie museum , she has left it until her late 30s!
I would say churches are irreverent.


In this case i agree with Col, and Galaxiom.

Why does one need a church? (I know I'm an atheist and its from my point of view)

You can worship a god from anywhere, having a place to congregate only seems to be a social gathering to me.(which isn't a bad thing at all, i enjoy social gatherings. but limiting it to people of faith, in my opinion is a bad thing)

I do not see many atheist buildings :p
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You can worship a god from anywhere, having a place to congregate only seems to be a social gathering to me.

One of the great ironies of the Christian faith is that it is conducted in the most conspicuous, opulent building affordable by the believers.

Yet Jesus denounced those who worshiped conspicuously.

Matthew said:
6:5 And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

6:6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

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