Attack on Israel (2 Viewers)

The Protestants and Catholics never really tried to kill each other until Henry the VIII wanted to get rid of Catherine of Aragon so he could marry Anne Boleyn and the Pope wouldn't give him an annulment. And then they had another go at it over Northern Ireland. But the Sunnis and Shias have actively been killing each other since Mohamad died and each group didn't like who the other wanted as Mohamad's successor.
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The predicted eventual sell-out of Israel by the Biden administration is now materializing on the public stage. (Biden is a puppet of Obama who has a pro-Iranian and anti-Israeli foreign policy.) The Biden administration should be demanding that Hamas surrender and that Hezbollah be disarmed. Instead, the Biden administration is silent on that and is also handcuffing Israel's efforts to win.
Can you say "tinderbox" ???
The Biden administration evidently wants perpetual conflict in the Middle East. Biden appears to be always calling on Israel to "restrain" itself, but never for Hamas to end the conflict by surrendering. Biden should also be calling on Hezbollah to be disarmed. Biden, if he truly supports Israel (which he does not) would unconditionally back Israel's annihilation of Hamas.
Yeah - why don't people march in the streets with signs that say "Stop the Bloodshed - HAMAS SURRENDER" ?
There was a "positive" story on this issue on the news a day or two ago. Someone wrote "stop the killing" (or something like that) on a couple of Jewish owned shops in a shopping center in the suburbs of NY. There was a huge crowd in the parking lot waiving support for Israel signs and buying goodies from the stores where the graffiti was written. So, people do support Israel. They are just not willing to go out and "counter march" the pro-Hamas mobs.
A couple of observations from the past week.
  • Larry Kudlow, in his TV program, finally raised the concept that Hamas should surrender. Hopefully people will begin to view this as the demand that should be made by the US and the rest of the world. It is unbelievable that pundits never seen to make the call that Hamas, as a terrorist organization, should surrender. A ceasefire will never end the violence.
  • Biden went into an orchestrated "rage" for the benefit of the cameras concerning the alleged murder of Alexei Navalny. The unfortunate death of Navalny raises numerous ironies.
    • The most obvious, Navalny was in opposition to Putin and Putin allegedly had Navalny killed to remove that irritant. In a similar manner, the Biden administration is aggresivley attempting to figuratively "kill" Trump to remove him for his opposition to the Biden administration. Biden's rage over Navalny's death is laughable as Biden is essentially mimicking how Putin deals with the opposition.
    • To get back onto the point of this thread, Biden is proposing to place sanctions on Russia for committing the heinous act of allegedly killing Navalny, who is one man. Biden, to my knowledge has not placed any sanctions on Hamas (a terrorist organzation consisting of thousands of people) for the barbarous murder of over 1,200 people and/or place sanctions of the people of Gaza for willing allowing (actually supporting) Hamas to commit those atrocious barbaric murders.
    • Even more incredulous, Biden wants to send humanitarian aid to Gaza, which will only be used to support Hamas. And along those lines, Biden restored funding to UNRWA. Subsequently it has been discovered that empolyees of UNWRA helped Hamas with their attack on Israel. Biden's actions will keep the conflict going.
    • Despite Biden early claims that he fully supports Israel, Biden is now openly demonstrating to the public that he really does not support Israel. He recently stated that the Israeli's response to the brutal sneak attack by Hamas was "over the top". A reprehensible statement by Biden that demonstrates that he is a hypocrite.
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I'm sure the the leaders of Iran and Hamas and all the other bad guys in the world are laughing hysterically at the old white guy who keeps tripping going up the stairs. Let's just keep those nincompoops funding both sides of every war. Send them more "refugees" to house and feed and give credit cards and phones to. They'll bankrupt themselves in another year of this idiocy.
I'm sure the the leaders of Iran and Hamas and all the other bad guys in the world are laughing hysterically at the old white guy who keeps tripping going up the stairs. Let's just keep those nincompoops funding both sides of every war. Send them more "refugees" to house and feed and give credit cards and phones to. They'll bankrupt themselves in another year of this idiocy.

Evidence was captured recently that showed a simple majority of illegal crossers in a major swatch of border area were actually Chinese men of able bodied age.

WTF is that all about?

That's the last thing we need unleashed on the highway system!
WTF is that all about?
They're here to sabotage the facilities the balloons that Biden allowed to survey our country found. What sovereign nation allows another to just "fly over" at a slow pace so they can carefully film and map targets? I wonder how much the Biden crime family earned for that deal.
Disgusting news. The Biden administration is essentially supporting Hamas by dropping supplies into Gaza. If you supply resources to Hamas they have no reason to surrender. Hamas started this conflict, the US should not be helping Hamas. Instead of dropping supplies into Gaza, the US should be demanding that Hamas surrender and that all hostages held in Gaza be released. Once that happens humanitarian aid can be released.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. This is not even close to being humane. The Dems don't know what the word means. The humane position is to push Hamas to surrender and end this thing quickly. All this does is give Hamas the chance to steal supplies from the citizens and regroup. As long as Hamas knows Biden has their back, they are not giving up. Biden is using this crisis to buy Muslim votes in November. How callous and degenerate that man is. He buys the stupid children with tuition forgiveness and the Muslims with Jewish blood.
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Mr Biden promised last week that there would be a ceasefire today (monday). That went well didn't it?
Mr Biden promised last week that there would be a ceasefire today (monday). That went well didn't it?
Biden is finally showing his true colors, that he is anti-Israeli. Biden has no business announcing a ceasefire, as Biden is not the President of Israel. Israel is a sovereign nation, not a US state. Biden is interfering in Israeli politics. Ironically, the Democrats like to push the Russian collusion hoax that Russia is interfering in US politics, yet that is what Biden is doing to Israel.

Also consider this. Biden never calls on Hamas to surrender. But Biden does demand that Israel restrain itself. You do not tell an ally how to fight their war. Which also brings up the question of why Biden has not used US forces to free the hostages since some are US citizens and Hamas is a terrorist organization that conducted a despicable sneak attack that violates the rules of war? (Biden likes to demand that Israel comply with the rules of war, not never makes a similar demand on Hamas.)

Consider that Biden is now airdropping supplies into Gaza. That means that Biden is now openly supporting Hamas under the bogus claim that Biden is providing humanitarian aid to supposed Palestinian "civilians", who openly support Hamas.

As to the cease fire, Biden is really making no demands on Hamas. As previously stated, Biden should be demanding that Hamas surrender and release all hostages before any humanitarian aid is give. But Biden is simply giving this aid without requiring any concession. That is ridiculous. What leader ever gives the "enemy" free stuff so that they can keep fighting you? Sound like Biden wants endless war in the Middle East.
Additional evidence that Biden is selling-out Israel. Moreover, the Biden administration is interfering in Israeli politics. The Biden administration does not "own" Israel. Israel is a sovereign independent country. Biden lied that he unconditionally supported Israel.
So wrong!!!
Biden: 'Very dangerous' not to have a cease-fire in Gaza before Ramadan. Live updates
  • Hamas broke a cease fire when they conducted a barbaric sneak attack that violated international war standards on Israel.
  • Hamas demonstrated, in conducting their attack, that they had absolutely no regard for a Jewish religious holiday.
  • Biden is not the leader of Israel. He has no business interfering in the Israeli response to the Hamas attack.
Hamas starts a barbaric conflict and shows no empathy for Jewish religious holidays and Biden wants to respect an Islamic holiday?⁉️
This is a naked self-serving partisan attempt to throw Israel under the bus so that Biden can get the Muslim vote in November.
Again, Biden should be calling for Hamas to surrender. No ceasefire and no humanitarian aid into Gaza until Hamas surrenders.
Disgusting news. The Biden administration is essentially supporting Hamas by dropping supplies into Gaza. If you supply resources to Hamas they have no reason to surrender. Hamas started this conflict, the US should not be helping Hamas. Instead of dropping supplies into Gaza, the US should be demanding that Hamas surrender and that all hostages held in Gaza be released. Once that happens humanitarian aid can be released.
Do you guys really think there should be zero humanitarian aid to the millions in Gaza? That's rather harsh I think.
Do you guys really think there should be zero humanitarian aid to the millions in Gaza? That's rather harsh I think.
Sometimes you have to apply "tough love". How many times do you allow someone to attack you with a minimal "humanitarian" response that takes in all their feelings and viewpoints, before you are finally fed-up and retaliate? The Israelis have been living with a "shower" of rockets that kill and mane people.

Think of it this way, the Palestinians have a choice. They can repudiate Hamas and surrender or they can starve. Surrendering is not harsh.

What is infuriating is that Biden is short-circuiting a realpolitik solution by air dropping supplies to Gaza without any concessions, essentially feeding Hamas so they can continue their terrorism. Biden should use aid as leverage to demand concessions before any aid is given.

Biden wants to have a cease fire so that those in Gaza can celebrate the religious holiday of Ramadan, yet those in Gaza had no qualms about instituting mass murder on a Jewish holiday.

Biden does not want Israel to win. There is only so much abuse that one can take before acting. Politics at times is "rather harsh" (Biden it trying to put Trump (unjustly) in jail, just to win an election. Biden is a despicable lying fraud.) The Palestinians can take accept a solution that is not "rather harsh". Their choice.

Don't the Israelis deserve to live in a safe peace?
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This is a naked self-serving partisan attempt to throw Israel under the bus so that Biden can get the Muslim vote in November.
Hopefully we have more Jews than Muslims who will be voting in 2024. Traditionally the Jews have been voting Democrat. Maybe this abandonment will make them wake up and see that the Democrats are not their friend and never have been.
Biden wants to have a cease fire so that those in Gaza can celebrate the religious holiday of Ramadan,
Ramadan is just one example of the hypocrisy of Muslims. Ramadan is a serious holiday where adult observers fast between sunrise and sunset for the entire month or Ramadan. They also refrain from touching others and even drinking water. Sunrise and Sunset are determined by being able to see the difference between a white thread and a black thread. Months are determined by the sighting of the new moon. So, if it is overcast, Ramadan doesn't start but then that delays Eid al-Fitr which upsets the party and vacation plans. So, they generally agree that if anyone sees the new moon, Ramadan started. That means Eid al-Fitr has a predictable date. The Qur'an makes exceptions for pregnant women and travellers. Both are expected to "make it up" another time. The reality of it is, most people simply switch day for night. The stores and restaurants close during the day and stay open all night. The malls are busy with traffic. Life goes on as normal. Very few people actually observe the intent of Ramadan. They sleep during the day and party all night.

You be the judge.
It seems that everyday Biden is dropping a new news bite that he is actually helping Hamas, a terrorist organization.
Once again, I reiterate, where is the call by Biden that Hamas surrender?
The US should not be helping those in Gaza unless they are willing to make real concessions to oust Hamas and reject their fanatical desire of genocide against Israel. Peace can never be achieved if the advocates of violence are freely supplied with support.
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