Biden Ends Presidential Bid. (1 Viewer)

You've stated the current policy very clear.

The reality is two million new illegals are threat to the nation's well being. Not some imaginary political talking point.

Silly liberals.
The reality is simple. The fix was rejected by conservative in Congress because Trump pressured them to wait until after the election. I'm not in any way a liberal, only the dogma from the ultra far right describes me that way.
The reality is simple. The fix was rejected by conservative in Congress because Trump pressured them to wait until after the election. I'm not in any way a liberal, only the dogma from the ultra far right describes me that way.

The fix was implemented by Trump and your hero wreaked it.
It is not a "political fabrication". Millions have entered the US illegally. They are costing us $$$$$ and causing environmental degradation. The Democrats have refused to prevent the illegal immigration, in fact they have supported illegal immigration. That is a violation of the rule of law.
It's not limited to Dems, that's part of the political fabrication. Trump applied pressure to Republicans in Congress to wait until after the elections to pass a bill. In everyway this is a political fabrication. The political will is to continue to use this as a method of getting more people elected to Congress, on both sides.
There have been viable solutions to this problem for decades. The only reason its a forefront issue is because its the best thing that Trump can think of to rally his worshipers. Same way Hitler did with the Jews.
That's why you guys redact sentences here when you respond to them. That's one of Pat's favorite debating tactics.
What kind of an accusation is that? What EXACTLY are you accusing me of doing? Show me or apologize.
Let's see... an influx of people who have no jobs, no money, may have trouble with the language, and we don't even have a reasonable way to do a thorough background check. So total unknowns coming into our country needing food and shelter, but with no way to reimburse us for our largesse. Am I tracking so far? This political fabrication has reached the point that Texas is suing the federal government for the right to enforce the federal laws that the federal government itself won't enforce. We now have ...

11.35 million total undocumented immigrants as of 2022
That number grew to its 2022 level after 1.13 more undocumented immigrants came in between January 2021 and January 2022.

It may be completely political, but because of lax border policy, and considering minimum wage in some states is $15/hour, or $30K per year, that is roughly $30 BILLION dollars of support. You can claim that some of the immigrants are children, but that would ADD to support needs given the odds that some of those kids will not have been vaccinated in their home countries and therefore will need extra medical attention.

Because they broke federal laws to enter our country without proper documentation, they are criminals. This fabrication caused the mayors of several major northern cities to howl in protest when some of the immigrants were dropped off in "sanctuary cities." Yep, a total fabrication.
This has been going of for 50 years. In that time we could have had many wonderful methods of fixing the problem. There has never been a reason to end it because they have been the majority of the construction work force for 30 years. you are only seeing the parts you want to see.
I've been in construction for 40 years now. What you see is nothing like reality.

Does it need fixing, it certainly needs to be overhauled there is no doubt, but Conservatives aren't any more interested in fixing then the Dems. They just want you to believe they are. Our governor is doing this purely for Political reasons. As the state turns more towards Blue he is following Trump's lead and making this into yet another single issue campaign.

To hear you folks go on about things one would think the Repubs are angels and the Dems are the devil himself. Is there one single issue that you don't blame of the Democrats?
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There has never been a reason to end it because they have been the majority of the construction work force for 30 years.
So, your employer's have been hiring people in the country illegally rather than citizens or legal immigrants? They do know they're breaking the law, right? Or are you conflating legal immigrants with illegal immigrants again?

Neither party wants to solve the problem or it would have been solved years ago. Most people are relatively tolerant of illegal immigration because they're afraid of being called racists or whatever if they complain. But, the numbers of illegals has gotten overwhelming. There is no way we can afford to support all these people and there is no way to assimilate them. The Democrats have pushed the envelope too far in their rush to import illegal voters. This will backfire as unemployment rises and housing costs continue to spiral out of control.
It's not limited to Dems, that's part of the political fabrication
A gross exaggeration. The Democrats have opened the border. We now have a massive flood instead of a small trickle.

There have been viable solutions to this problem for decades.
Immediate deportation. Those with soft hearts (who don't comprehend that they are committing cultural suicide) will whine about about the inhumanity of that. Countries like Iran and organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah have no regrets concerning their human rights abuses. Don't like to wear a burka in Afghanistan, the state may execute you for failing to wear one. Immediate deportation is not inhuman for people attempting to break the law to enter this country.
Let's see... an influx of people who have no jobs, no money, may have trouble with the language, and we don't even have a reasonable way to do a thorough background check. So total unknowns coming into our country needing food and shelter, but with no way to reimburse us for our largesse. Am I tracking so far? This political fabrication has reached the point that Texas is suing the federal government for the right to enforce the federal laws that the federal government itself won't enforce. We now have ...

11.35 million total undocumented immigrants as of 2022
That number grew to its 2022 level after 1.13 more undocumented immigrants came in between January 2021 and January 2022.

It may be completely political, but because of lax border policy, and considering minimum wage in some states is $15/hour, or $30K per year, that is roughly $30 BILLION dollars of support. You can claim that some of the immigrants are children, but that would ADD to support needs given the odds that some of those kids will not have been vaccinated in their home countries and therefore will need extra medical attention.

Because they broke federal laws to enter our country without proper documentation, they are criminals. This fabrication caused the mayors of several major northern cities to howl in protest when some of the immigrants were dropped off in "sanctuary cities." Yep, a total fabrication.

Even letting in ONE undocumented immigrant into this country is an offense to those of us who have to show our documents every time we come in, and an offense to the need to check for terrorists coming in.
The reality is simple. The fix was rejected by conservative in Congress because Trump pressured them to wait until after the election. I'm not in any way a liberal, only the dogma from the ultra far right describes me that way.
How was that a fix? Please explain.
What kind of an accusation is that? What EXACTLY are you accusing me of doing? Show me or apologize.
I've asked you several times to stop taking my words out of context? You do it with regularity or at least periodically. Do you really expect me to go through this silly pretend debate we've been having for the last month.
Even letting in ONE undocumented immigrant into this country is an offense to those of us who have to show our documents every time we come in, and an offense to the need to check for terrorists coming in.
You eat food grown by aliens, and live in a house that was built by immigrant labor, A large part of it probably illegal. All that beautiful landscaping in your town, illegal.

Typical propaganda using innumeracy to make a point. Only report on the part that support a world view.
I've asked you several times to stop taking my words out of context? You do it with regularity or at least periodically. Do you really expect me to go through this silly pretend debate we've been having for the last month.

You eat food grown by aliens, and live in a house that was built by immigrant labor, A large part of it probably illegal. All that beautiful landscaping in your town, illegal.

Typical propaganda using innumeracy to make a point. Only report on the part that support a world view.

That's all well and good, but we need to use the legal worker program, such as we already have - not unvetted people just racing across the border helter skelter. Typical 2 wrongs make a right.
I've asked you several times to stop taking my words out of context? You do it with regularity or at least periodically. Do you really expect me to go through this silly pretend debate we've been having for the last month.

You eat food grown by aliens, and live in a house that was built by immigrant labor, A large part of it probably illegal. All that beautiful landscaping in your town, illegal.

Typical propaganda using innumeracy to make a point. Only report on the part that support a world view.

And I have family who are immigrants looking for work, so I know something about that world too. Most people working construction are verified using the everify system just like everyone else. They get a SSN to use as if it is theirs. It works, but is also serious felony identity theft in most states. Most of them working construction are NOT working with the owner's knowledge that they are illegal and a wink and a nod; they are using real SSNs of some kind. I know because my inlaw who is looking for work has been 100% unsuccessful in finding those jobs where you can be totally undocumented and work there anyway - the Truth is, those place don't exist for the most part any more. They used to, but the penalties for employers are very severe, so that whole aspect of the discussion is so 20 years ago.

Please note, never once, I don't think, have I said that illegal immigrants were "taking American jobs". I don't buy that part of the argument, so your preaching to the choir by keeping on hinting at that aspect of it. We all know right now the problem is convincing white people to even WORK - and certainly nobody is taking their jobs. There are far more jobs than we can fill right now, anyone who wants a job has one; anyone who doesn't have one doesn't want one. (another reason to reign in the welfare state a bit).

We still can't have an insecure border encouraged with a wink and a nod from liberal presidents who make sure life is pretty easy for the masses who cross.
I've asked you several times to stop taking my words out of context? You do it with regularity or at least periodically. Do you really expect me to go through this silly pretend debate we've been having for the last month.
You do not get to publicly accuse me of being unethical. Just because you say the words does not make it so. You can get away with defaming famous people like Trump. They seem to have little protection under our slander and libel laws but I am not a famous person and this is a public forum so watch what you say. Each time you have specifically commented in context, I have repeated your quote again for your benefit so you could see it in context yourself to assure you that you were not being misquoted.
I love JD Vance's idea of giving people with children extra votes. It's true, as much as it enrages MSNBC to hear it, but it's absolutely 110% true - those with children are more invested in pretty much everything, including the future of the country. This is not said to denigrate those without children, it's just facing facts. To those who never started a family of their own, family and parenting and children's issues will always be abstract.

As much as I face staunch opposition to this idea, I must say our voting system would probably benefit from an overhaul. There should be weight given to things that show you have skin in the game. Paying taxes and having children are reasonable places to start; if you're paying no taxes it's all too easy to keep voting for the party that taxes other people and gives you the proceeds..
You mean the democratic "destroy this country with immigrants" view?
Try to find some house builder guys without them. LOL

I'm wanting to get out of Custom Homes and build something for middle class people. Without Mexicans, it will not happen.
You want to stop illegal aliens working here, make them legal. That should have happened back in Regan's time, when Republicans still had some sanity left.

Before they ushered in the ages of political insanity and bad reporting one upmanship.

I was a Republican then, Keneth Star and his witch hunt changed all that. Pretty much he was the one that started all this, going after the other side using, what does MAGA call it?

Oh yeah, Weaponizing the Justice Dept.

Y'all invented it to Impeach the President, and than you get all huffy when it was turned against your Guy.
And I have family who are immigrants looking for work, so I know something about that world too. Most people working construction are verified using the everify system just like everyone else. They get a SSN to use as if it is theirs. It works, but is also serious felony identity theft in most states. Most of them working construction are NOT working with the owner's knowledge that they are illegal and a wink and a nod; they are using real SSNs of some kind. I know because my inlaw who is looking for work has been 100% unsuccessful in finding those jobs where you can be totally undocumented and work there anyway - the Truth is, those place don't exist for the most part any more. They used to, but the penalties for employers are very severe, so that whole aspect of the discussion is so 20 years ago.

Please note, never once, I don't think, have I said that illegal immigrants were "taking American jobs". I don't buy that part of the argument, so your preaching to the choir by keeping on hinting at that aspect of it. We all know right now the problem is convincing white people to even WORK - and certainly nobody is taking their jobs. There are far more jobs than we can fill right now, anyone who wants a job has one; anyone who doesn't have one doesn't want one. (another reason to reign in the welfare state a bit).

We still can't have an insecure border encouraged with a wink and a nod from liberal presidents who make sure life is pretty easy for the masses who cross.
Did you just combine 2 of my posts into one?
And I have family who are immigrants looking for work, so I know something about that world too. Most people working construction are verified using the everify system just like everyone else. They get a SSN to use as if it is theirs. It works, but is also serious felony identity theft in most states. Most of them working construction are NOT working with the owner's knowledge that they are illegal and a wink and a nod; they are using real SSNs of some kind. I know because my inlaw who is looking for work has been 100% unsuccessful in finding those jobs where you can be totally undocumented and work there anyway - the Truth is, those place don't exist for the most part any more. They used to, but the penalties for employers are very severe, so that whole aspect of the discussion is so 20 years ago.

Please note, never once, I don't think, have I said that illegal immigrants were "taking American jobs". I don't buy that part of the argument, so your preaching to the choir by keeping on hinting at that aspect of it. We all know right now the problem is convincing white people to even WORK - and certainly nobody is taking their jobs. There are far more jobs than we can fill right now, anyone who wants a job has one; anyone who doesn't have one doesn't want one. (another reason to reign in the welfare state a bit).

We still can't have an insecure border encouraged with a wink and a nod from liberal presidents who make sure life is pretty easy for the masses who cross.
I know how this works. I have been simply saying that the people in Congress don't want this fixed. It's too powerful of a tool to keep people on both sides of the aisle to pay attention the the issues that have more moderates solutions. God forbid that we should actually stop all this petty bickering and elect the folks that would actually look after us.

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