Biden Ends Presidential Bid.

Or you could just look it up. Biden gave her this job a long time ago publicly
Democrats changing the narrative of Harris's as the "Border Czar" is right out of Orwell's 1984 novel:

Recall attempts that the Democrats have made to create something that could be considered an Orwellian "Ministry of Truth".

Democrats try again. The concept of an Orwellian "Ministry of Truth" resurrected.
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Announcing Ms Harris's appointment as his immigration czar, Mr Biden told reporters and officials at the White House: "She's the most qualified person to do it, to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle [Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador], and the countries that are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks - stemming the migration to our southern border". (emphasis added)
As Breitbart News reported, GovTrack published a list of 100 senators in 2019. Out of the senators, Harris was in the #100 spot and was viewed as being the most liberal senator.
This list has now been deleted, and when you attempt to go to the page, you find a “page not found” message.
While the article above is not related to Harris's designation as an immigration "czar", the significance is that the Democrats really have a virtual "Ministry of Truth" that is actively rewriting history for the benefit of Harris as documented by the article above. As noted in one of the posts above, Democrats also attempted to change reality by recently referring to videos documenting Biden's deteriorating medical condition as "cheap fakes". Democrats are bringing us Orwell's world of 1984.
Someone needs to call Adult Protective Services (APS) looks like old Joe has been taking some punches, Jill's probably pissed he self-destructed so soon.

Ok. So who cares?
You seemed to care until it was proven true. You would have a lot more credibility if you would fess up to the things "Maga" says that actually are proven. Give a little to get a little credibility. Concede a point every now and then, especially the ones proven

Harris’ immigration role

Trump claimed of Harris: “She was the border czar, but she never went to the border.”

Facts First: Trump made two false claims here. First, Harris did go to the border as vice president, in Texas in mid-2021; many Republicans had criticized Harris prior to the visit for not having gone, and some later argued that she didn’t go frequently enough, but the claim that she “never” went has not been true for more than three years. Second, Harris was never made Biden’s “border czar,” a label the White House has always emphasized is inaccurate. In reality, Biden gave Harris a more limited immigration-related assignment in 2021, asking her to lead diplomacy with El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras in an attempt to address the conditions that prompted their citizens to try to migrate to the United States.

Some Republicans have scoffed this week at assertions that Harris was never the “border czar,” noting on social media that news articles sometimes described Harris as such. But those articles were wrong. Various news outlets, including CNN, reported as early as the first half of 2021 that the White House emphasized that Harris had not been put in charge of border security as a whole, as “border czar” strongly suggests, and had instead been handed a diplomatic task related to Central American countries.

A White House “fact sheet” in July 2021 said: “On February 2, 2021, President Biden signed an Executive Order that called for the development of a Root Causes Strategy. Since March, Vice President Kamala Harris has been leading the Administration’s diplomatic efforts to address the root causes of migration from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.”

Biden’s own comments at a March 2021 event announcing the assignment were slightly more muddled, but he said he had asked Harris to lead “our diplomatic effort” to address factors causing migration in the three “Northern Triangle” countries (he also mentioned Mexico that day). Biden listed factors in these countries he thought had led to migration and said that “if you deal with the problems in-country, it benefits everyone.” And Harris’ comments that day were focused squarely on “root causes.”

Republicans can fairly say that even “root causes” work is a border-related task. But calling her “border czar” goes too far.

An article from 2021 refuting the title

But administration officials, from the president down, have stressed that she is not responsible for dealing with the surge of migrants at the border, including the record number of unaccompanied minors.

That distinction might be lost on voters, however. And that may be what Republicans are counting on.
On Wednesday, after a meeting with immigration experts, Harris was asked whether she would visit the southern border. She twice explained that Biden has asked Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to address border issues and said that “he has been working very hard at that, and it’s showing some progress because of his hard work.”
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YOU did until you challenged people to report their sources - and they DID. So now YOU are evading. But you don't get it, do you. Haters are still going to hate.
You seemed to care until it was proven true. You would have a lot more credibility if you would fess up to the things "Maga" says that actually are proven. Give a little to get a little credibility. Concede a point every now and then, especially the ones proven
Not at all, I care about unsubstantiated clames and lies. Glad to hear it wasn't a lie.
You seemed to care until it was proven true. You would have a lot more credibility if you would fess up to the things "Maga" says that actually are proven. Give a little to get a little credibility. Concede a point every now and then, especially the ones proven
I never did care. The border problem is a completely political fabrication. But that doesn't mean I'm OK with lies and out of context half truths.
Democrats bending themselves into pretzels defending kamala non-record is very entertaining.
All that anyone should care about is can she beat Trump. I don't mean that in a anyone-but-Trump kind of way.
I mean it as how do moderates and independents see which side compromises our world veiw.
And sees the danger in the court being swung even further to the right.
The border problem is a completely political fabrication.
It is not a "political fabrication". Millions have entered the US illegally. They are costing us $$$$$ and causing environmental degradation. The Democrats have refused to prevent the illegal immigration, in fact they have supported illegal immigration. That is a violation of the rule of law.
However, critics cited Axios' own reporting from 2021 saying that Biden had appointed Harris "border czar." Axios later added an editor's note stating "This article has been updated and clarified to note that Axios was among the news outlets that incorrectly labeled Harris a ‘border czar’ in 2021."

"The propaganda press working so hard to erase the fact that Kamala Harris was put in charge of the border shows not only what a vulnerability her role in the border is but also what a huge vulnerability her general incompetence is," The Federalist editor-in-chief Mollie Hemingway reacted on X.
The border problem is a completely political fabrication.

Let's see... an influx of people who have no jobs, no money, may have trouble with the language, and we don't even have a reasonable way to do a thorough background check. So total unknowns coming into our country needing food and shelter, but with no way to reimburse us for our largesse. Am I tracking so far? This political fabrication has reached the point that Texas is suing the federal government for the right to enforce the federal laws that the federal government itself won't enforce. We now have ...

11.35 million total undocumented immigrants as of 2022
That number grew to its 2022 level after 1.13 more undocumented immigrants came in between January 2021 and January 2022.

It may be completely political, but because of lax border policy, and considering minimum wage in some states is $15/hour, or $30K per year, that is roughly $30 BILLION dollars of support. You can claim that some of the immigrants are children, but that would ADD to support needs given the odds that some of those kids will not have been vaccinated in their home countries and therefore will need extra medical attention.

Because they broke federal laws to enter our country without proper documentation, they are criminals. This fabrication caused the mayors of several major northern cities to howl in protest when some of the immigrants were dropped off in "sanctuary cities." Yep, a total fabrication.
As you well know it's context that matters. That's why you guys redact sentences here when you respond to them. That's one of Pat's favorite debating tactics.
If you are going to accuse me of doing something illegal, you better be prepared to have proof.

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