Biden Ends Presidential Bid.

Story round the campfire here is that Joey has handed day-to-day over to Kamala and will more or less confirm that tonight in his evening séance to your nation. To all intents and purposes your President now is Kamala. Robert de Niro and the rest of his luvvie clan are celebrating.
Kamala was just speaking. Apparently she has been practicing the home-girl accent she learned from Hillary. I wonder if she carries hot sauce in her purse:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Now she's claiming she was never the border tsar.
omg .. her fake accents are so ridiculous. at least joe had perfected the "down home, folksy" thing fairly well. (when in doubt, use the word Folks every 5 seconds, even when it makes no sense).
And she's correct, but your not.
subjective term, waste of time to argue about. she was clearly put in charge of immigration problems.
you can call it border czar, border person, big border manager, problem solver, bobblehead booboo, or whatever the heck you want.
fact checking gone fastidiously wrong
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Did Biden voluntary quit or was this really an undemocratic coup by the Democrats (the party that claims to be for democracy)?
Anyway - so much for the veracity of the claims by Biden that the Covid vaccines were effective in preventing Covid.

Despite's best attempts to paint this "coup" perspective on "crazy right wingers", the truth is that many feel the same way.
BLM is, apparently, incensed. No pun intended, and let's hope they burn nothing down because of it.

BLM is, apparently, incensed.
Whoever thought I'd be on the same side of an issue as BLM?

What the Democrats have done to Democracy is a crime and I don't understand why Democrats are not marching "peacefully" (not like BLM) in front of the DNC headquarters. Maybe this is what they mean when they talk about "our democracy" and how Republicans are trying to wreck it. It certainly isn't my idea of Democracy. I guess they're just thinking about how they can manage to hang on to their power after the cluster**** they caused when they stole the primary for Joe. They should have been smart enough to know that he was not likely to be able to hang on to the end. They lost control when the senility reared its ugly head and Joe believed he was beloved and necessary and so he just had to run again.

Does anyone remember Joe's promise in 2020 that he would be a one-term President. So much for political promises.
Whoever thought I'd be on the same side of an issue as BLM?

What the Democrats have done to Democracy is a crime and I don't understand why Democrats are not marching "peacefully" (not like BLM) in front of the DNC headquarters. Maybe this is what they mean when they talk about "our democracy" and how Republicans are trying to wreck it. It certainly isn't my idea of Democracy. I guess they're just thinking about how they can manage to hang on to their power after the cluster**** they caused when they stole the primary for Joe. They should have been smart enough to know that he was not likely to be able to hang on to the end. They lost control when the senility reared its ugly head and Joe believed he was beloved and necessary and so he just had to run again.

Does anyone remember Joe's promise in 2020 that he would be a one-term President. So much for political promises.
He is the President of the United States. And now, thanks to the Conservative dog and pony show in Supreme Court, he can do it legally.
If you would kindly post Associated Press, Newsweek, or WSJ versions of this it would give your post some credibility.
Or you could just look it up. Biden gave her this job a long time ago publicly
Or you could just look it up. Biden gave her this job a long time ago publicly
As you well know it's context that matters. That's why you guys redact sentences here when you respond to them. That's one of Pat's favorite debating tactics.

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