Biden's Anticipated Foreign Policy

The anti-Israeli narrative continues to fester. Some of the anti-Israel crowd don't explicitly condemn Israel, instead they focus on "helping" the Palestinians without defining the "help". In part, this is a poor segue to "Outnumbered" (Fox News) today. In today's episode Pete Hegseth (the conservative) effectively undercut Leslie Marshall (the liberal) concerning the recent Hamas rocket attack. Video unfortunately not available, so I may be butchering the context. Marshall took the standard gratuitous position that Hamas was wrong by attacking Israel, but she immediately segued into the Democratic talking points of the Palestinians living in Israel as being victims of an Israeli "police state". Hegseth did an admirable job of refuting her comments. First, the issue is not the Palestinians living in Israel, but the unprovoked attack by Hamas. Second, Israel is a democracy where Palestinians (most of whom are Moslem) have legal rights. Furthermore, while Israel acknowledges the legal rights of Palestinians to exist in Israel, not the same rights exist for Jews in Islamic countries. So it is beyond comprehension as to why Marshall would selectively condemn Israel, when Islamic countries would never respect the rights of Jews and some openly call for jihad and genocide against Jews.

Troubling; read between the lines in Secretary of State Antony Blinken remarks below.
"As I told Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Abbas, the United States will be moving forward with the process to reopen our consulate in Jerusalem. That's an important way for our country to engage with and provide support to the Palestinian people. We're also working in partnership with the United Nations, the international community, the Palestinian Authority, the Palestinian people, the Government of Israel to assist in the relief and recovery efforts in Gaza. The – this relief is urgent. We have to respond to the profound need to help people in this moment," the secretary told reporters.
The US is openly providing support for the Palestinians. But don't look into what was not said. There was no call for the Palestinians to dissociate from Hamas. Where is the gratuitous statement for the Palestinians (Hamas) to "deescalate". Why should the US help the Palestinians rebuild in Gaza, considering that they allowed Hamas to use Gaza to launch the attacks into Israel. What about publicly reaffirming support for Israel in the face of these unprovoked rocket attacks by Hamas.

The article concludes with:
Another reversal, which is unlikely to be met with the necessary approval from Congress, will be to reopen the Palestinian Liberation Operation mission in DC, which Trump closed in 2017. The PLO was categorized as a terrorist organization by Congress in 1987.
Should the Biden administration take this repulsive next step of recognizing the Palestinian Liberation Operation, then they will be openly supporting an Islamic jihad on Israel and the potential genocide of Jews. The Biden admistration appears to be getting ready to throw Israel under the proverbial "bus".
Apparently it's never occurred to Col that NOT intervening in "petty squabbles" actually CAUSES thousands of innocent people to suffer and die.

But then again, those people are like fleas on a dog, to Col, so why intervene in foreign countries to help them out, if you're comfortable sitting at home in your own?
That is not what I said or meant, and you know it. I suggest you put me back on your ignore list until you can post something sensible and stop trying to misinterpret another members post.

Sorry my remark about Gaza offended Colin. Of course I wouldn't relish the thought but when does the madness stop? The Palestinians are never going to stop until Israel is destroyed. They've made that crystal clear over the past 70+ years. No "solution" has ever been satisfactory since none has contained the obliteration of Israel. Is the complete obliteration of Israel a better solution? Israel doesn't want to destroy anyone. In fact they do their best to minimize civilian casualties by giving advance warnings of strikes against civilian targets. How do you deal with someone who won't stop until you're dead?????? There is no negotiation position. Israel has the power to stop the Palestinians. So far they've shown enormous restraint by giving back just a little more than they get. What to you suppose will happen if Biden succeeds in blocking the resupply for the Iron dome system keeping most of the Hamas rockets from reaching their targets? Once Israel starts loosing hundreds/thousands of citizens each day, how long until they take out the big guns? How long would you be tolerant if your neighbor hated you with a purple passion and shot bullets at your children's bedroom windows nightly if you could no longer get what you needed to keep your Iron Dome operational? Would you really just lay down and die?

Israel does things I don't necessarily approve of but this incessant attack cannot be ignored. At some point, Israel is going to end this war and it will not be a pretty sight.

Israel is the bright and shining light in the middle east that makes the rest of the countries look bad and they can't tolerate it. It makes their populations question the regimes in power. Jews and Arabs (and everyone else) live side-by-side peacefully and prosperously. Israel does not stomp on their Arab citizens to keep them downtrodden. Quite the contrary, they have all the rights of every citizen. By contrast, what has happened to the ancient Jewish and Christian communities throughout the middle east? Answer, they have been target and decimated and most have ceased to exist (BTW, we don't take refugees from these communities willingly. For some reason, we prefer to take in the Muslims who hate us instead. I can't tell if that is a death wish or virtue signaling to prove how "good" we are). One of my friends is a Coptic Christian from Egypt. You do not want to hear stories from her childhood. Another good friends parents and some family escaped from Iraq around WWI when Iraq was trying to rid itself of Jews.

People, sit back and think about it. WHY are we SO tolerant of intolerance? Does that make us better people? Are we virtue signaling? Do you all think that being intolerant of intolerance is intolerant? It is a really tough question. How can we deal with intolerance without being ourselves intolerant? I think we need to separate ideas from actions. I don't actually care if you hate Jews. I feel sorry for you having such an un-Christian and narrow minded attitude. But I do care if you go out and try to hurt them. Now you've crossed the line. Someone has to define the line and we need to stick with it and be intolerant of actual acts of intolerance. We can tolerate hate speech (but always call it out) and ignore what is actually in your head.
It was not necessarily because you made the remark about Gaza. It was the fact that it cemented what millions of people think of the USA foreign policy. 'If in doubt - nuke the b*s*ards'. We see it in films*, We saw it in Japan and we saw the USA second best weapon in Vietnam with napalming innocent people. Now we know that because a respected person like you said it, we know it's true what we see. All we need here is the Doc championing the use of nuclear weapons and I think we may all give up.
I'll be honest, I know many here hate me (no idea why, although they say truth hurts) and you think I'm an idiot, but, I can't even understand how Americans think that a comment about dropping a nuclear bomb can be acceptable. To any normal person, it is an absolute disgrace.

*the films I'm referring to are Wargames and Outbreak which starred Dustin Hoffman. I suspect there are many more.

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@ColinEssex: Again you exhibit a selective anti-American narrative that ignores the atrocities committed by other countries. Radical Islamist invoking jihad against Western democracies must be condemned and actively repulsed. Radical Islamists would willing kill you today, given the opportunity. Seems that should be of concern to you. War is a dirty business.
@ColinEssex Hollywood is a form of entertainment NOT to be confused with reality. You may want to stop watching American cinema you seem to be taken film literally.
@ColinEssex Hollywood is a form of entertainment NOT to be confused with reality. You may want to stop watching American cinema you seem to be taken film literally.
I didn't realise Pat was in a Hollywood film. I assumed her advocating the nuclear weapon was her own comment, not a script.

Steve, I agree there are many wars at any one time, yes I could focus on say, the India / Pakistan war or any African war. Many of which use weapons supplied by the USA, and the British and the Ruskies.
Give peace a chance.

May Col needs to go watch a cinematic representation of the horrors of WWII to remind himself just how bad it is, and why it was very likely sensible to take a drastic action to stop it.

Doesn't seem to realize that by opposing the act that stopped the war, he would have continued it - which is a contradictory set of positions that makes no sense.
Col is obsessed with all things USA, including Pat his latest obsession.
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I wasn't aware that commenting on a members post was now classed as an 'obsession'. When did this new definition come into play?
Isaac- I was reminded that watching films was giving an exaggerated view, yet you recommend I do just that. Isn't life strange?

Let me clarify you're obsessed with Pat because she implied you are not well read, does that ring a bell 🔔
Let me clarify you're obsessed with Pat because she implied you are not well read, does that ring a bell 🔔
Yes I remember, I had forgotten that comment. Thanks for bringing it to the fore again. She didn't imply it, she stated it as some super guru who can perform (misleading) diagnoses from thousands of miles away. I felt it was off, that a so called senior moderator should say such an irresponsible comment about another member of over 20 years.
I hardly think that qualifies as 'obsession'.

Troubling; read between the lines in Secretary of State Antony Blinken remarks below.
The US is openly providing support for the Palestinians

I think what you'll notice is that the USA goes back and forth quite a bit with its decisions about how to cooperate or not with Israel and all of their problems. it seems to be that whatever the USA does really depends on who is in office. and now of course, based on your post, it's being reversed. there is no surprise there. obviously. don't you think?
... whatever the USA does really depends on who is in office....
An obvious statement. The concern with Biden is that he is a fraud. Many of those animating the artificial construct known as Good olde uncle Joe are openly anti-Semitic. Even many of the Democrats who claim not to be antiSemitic won't speak-up in opposition. Democrats are like the Borg.
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Harris's trip is nothing more than a gratuitous meaningless social call for the purpose of generating positive optics for the benefit of the clueless masses. Her trip to Central America is equivalent to going to the Arctic to "investigate" iceberg formations while the Titanic is actually in the midst of sinking because it struck an iceberg. Her trip will do nothing to save the figurative "Titanic" from actually sinking.
An indicator of appeasement? What is troubling is the quote below. The Obama administration, in its negotiations with Iran, deceitfully used the "no connection" language to avoid forcing Iran to adopt certain political actions. This left Iran free to pursue missile development and free to support terrorist organizations. Since all this stuff takes place behind "closed-doors", it is unknown if there is any validity to "no connection".
State Department spokesperson Ned Price told reporters at a briefing Thursday that there was "absolutely no connection" between the delisting and the negotiations in Vienna over fate of the 2015 nuclear deal.
The Borg are cybernetic organisms linked in a hive mind called "the Collective". The Borg co-opt the technology and knowledge of other alien species to the Collective through the process of "assimilation": forcibly transforming individual beings into "drones" by injecting nanoprobes into their bodies and surgically augmenting them with cybernetic components. The Borg's ultimate goal is "achieving perfection".
According to Democrats, achieving perfections is forcibly transforming the electorate into unthinking drones. It appears that Pelosi has nanoprobes injected into all Democratic Congress people so that they are totally obedient to her.
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Well, the Taliban has taken control of Afghanistan. Seems that the (invincible) Afghan army, that Biden highly touted, was nothing but an empty shell. The US has once again "funded" (lost military equipment, foreign aide, etc.) those who have been fighting the US. My opinion is that the US should never have been in Iraq or Afghanistan (the blame belongs to Bush); but Biden's unfolding "failure" here foreshadows grave concerns with Taiwan, Israel, and Iran. So much for Biden's disingenuous campaign assertions that "America is back". The Chinese, as one example of Biden's illogical claims of the US having the moral high-ground have already called out (on the international stage) the Biden's administration blatant hypocrisy concerning human rights abuses. Since this story is still unfolding we need to wait a while for the foreign policy fallout to crystallize.

Fox News is was making noises that the Biden administrator is unavailable (refusing) to provide a press conference on this evolving situation. This appears to be a continuation of the Biden strategy of refusing to acknowledge crises and avoiding the press concerning tough issues. Update, Fox New has just reported that Biden will speak to the public later today.


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