Too many of the Iraqi's and most of the Afghani's (even a lot of the women), look at us as oppressor's and an occupying force. Clearly the Afghan army, equipped with the best that your tax dollars can buy didn't actually want what we offered and they don't actually care about the oppression of their womenfolk. Once the occupying force left, they IMMEDIATELY went back to their 7th century model. They didn't pass Go but they sure as hell stopped to collect the billions of dollars worth of offerings we left them and are proceeding apace to sell them to our enemies. And the stories of the President we installed leaving the country with millions in cash is very likely to be true.
You can only help people who want to be helped. If the NGO staff is in danger, they should go home or go help the Hattians, they are in deep trouble again. Unless the Clinton foundation actually delivers what it promised for the last earthquake

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. These people do NOT want our help.
Trump's idea of dividing Iraq into three countries was on target. That is what should have happened at the end of WWI instead of the stupid lines that were drawn by the Treaty of Versailles. That idiotic partitioning of the Middle East after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire was the actual cause of much of the strife in the area. Are you aware of the hatred the Sunni's and Shiites feel for each other? Why would you EVER mush them together. They should have followed first normal form when drawing the boundaries. Another example is Yugoslavia. They survived for 40 years because they had a marginally benign dictator. Then they started killing each other - Ethnic cleansing. How about Lebanon? More ethnic cleansing. The Afghans are a very cohesive ethnic group like the Swedes. Their differences are religious. One group wants to live in the 7th century. The other sees a benefit in a more secular way of life. We don't approve of the Afghan way of living but it isn't our place to "give" them something else. We GAVE them the means to free themselves from oppression but they said - no thanks. We like having our women be slaves.
I absolutely agree with saving the Afghans who worked with us and their families. But anyone with any common sense KNOWS that you evacuate the civilians BEFORE you withdraw the troops. That was Trump's plan which the Biden administration simply cancelled in February because they could never be seen to implement a Trump plan. Now we are left with complete chaos and we had to send back more troops than we brought home and we still can't even secure the airport. Who knows who we're going to end up taking in. We are no longer in a position to vet anyone. We had to destroy all our records before we abandoned our embassy.
We have also p***** off our closest allies. I wouldn't be surprised if Saudi Arabia cut off our supply of oil for the danger we put them in by arming the Taliban with modern weapons and tons of ammunition. The British and the French have both sent in their special forces people to evacuate their citizens. We're telling ours, "if you can get inside the airport, we might have room for you on a plane". What kind of cooperation are we ever going to get again from the locals and our allies. Biden really screwed the pooch with this move and he did it deliberately and with malice aforethought because Trump wanted to do it differently.