Biggest heist in IRS history (1 Viewer)

Steve R.

Local time
, 20:34
Jul 5, 2006
U.S. House committee releases Trump tax returns he sought to keep secret. Which should have been considered an illegal act.
The Democrats in the US House of Representatives made a bogus claim that they, as part of their oversight obligations, needed Trump to turnover his tax information for analysis. Democrats even convinced the US Supreme Court to uphold their unjustified demands for his tax returns even-though Trump had completed some-other public disclosure documents that were required by law and which essentially duplicated the information contained in Trump's tax returns.

Reuters wrote
Aside from the returns themselves, the release did not contain much new. In response, ...
Trump's tax data will now be available for in-depth investigations by journalists, independent tax experts and others during the run-up to the 2024 presidential election, and could shed light on Trump's wealth, his businesses' performance and how he reduced his tax liability.
In the end, despite all the hyperbolic drama and angst by the Democrat's in demanding that Trump's tax returns be released, this turned out to be a "nothing burger". As with the Muller Report, the Democrats, journalists, and independent tax experts found nothing of consequence. Their attempt to smear Trump failed.

Reuters, to demonstrate left wing virtue signalling wrote:
The records show that Trump's income and tax liability fluctuated dramatically from 2015 through 2020, during his first presidential bid and subsequent term in office. He and his wife claimed large deductions and losses, and paid little or no income tax in several of those years.
The meaningless comment above could also be made for all billionaires. Jeff Bezos, who evidently supports left wing causes through the Washington Post, according to various newspaper articles has not paid or has paid little income tax. Like Trump, Bezos is a billionaire. Yet Reuters goes out of its way to taint Trump.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
, 20:34
Feb 19, 2002
So does that make him a Hostage, Political Prisoner, or Antifa?
He committed an actual crime. He got caught. He is being punished. Do you really not know the difference? People who wandered through the Capitol taking selfies are in jail WITHOUT BAIL for 3+ years now. This man is only getting 5 years for an actual crime. Criminals who physically assault another human being and we have it on video - are released without bail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you think that people taking selfies in the Capitol should spend years incarcerated without bail. I reallllllllllllly don't like "your" version of justice.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
, 20:34
Feb 19, 2002
The meaningless comment above could also be made for all billionaires. Jeff Bezos, who evidently supports left wing causes through the Washington Post, according to various newspaper articles has not paid or has paid little income tax. Like Trump, Bezos is a billionaire. Yet Reuters goes out of its way to taint Trump.
Why the public falls for these smears is beyond me. Does anyone think that Trump made the tax laws? Does anyone think that Trump actually lies about his income and expenses? The man and his companies as well as his children all get audited every year. That sounds like persecution to me given the little money the IRS ever gets out of the audits. Usually, the IRS just sends a letter asking for more money. My husband and I had an agreement. If they wanted less than $1500, we would just send the check. If they wanted more, we would dig out the paperwork and figure out what we missed. These automatic audits are automatic. They occur because the IRS matches reports from payers to what you report as income and if something is missing, they reach out and ask you to pay up. But an actual audit is extremely rare unless your name is Trump.

Anyway, it is the Congress that makes tax law and no one should ever pay more than they are required by law to pay. If the Congress gives you a deduction, you take it. That is the way it works. However, the rich have significantly more tax breaks than you or I ever have. It always pisses me off when I see reports of Presidential tax rates. Like Obama paid a total of 19% on an income of $600,000 (made up - i don't remember the actual numbers) and yet my husband and I were paying 32% on a fraction of that income. So, he paid more in dollars but I paid a significantly higher percentage. How is that fair? It isn't. But, I don't have lobbyists in my back pocket pushing tax breaks that I can take advantage of.

If you have a problem with the tax system in this country, look to Congress, NOT the people who take advantage of the breaks that Congress gives them.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
, 17:34
Mar 14, 2017
It seems fair, when I worked for a state revenue agency we got all Americans' fed data shared with us. I could have looked up or copied or removed the information from any of you, any celebrity, etc., but I knew that would be one of those "You can do anything you want on your last day" sort of things - and I knew jail time was on the table.

This guy asked for it

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
, 20:34
Feb 19, 2002
Yes, Judge Engoron and just about everyone else who's not part of the cult.
So, tell me in small words in short sentences, if the IRS ever detected fraud in all of the audits they have performed of Trump and his businesses and his family, why has he not been charged with tax fraud? That is how they got Al Capone, isn't it.

You can say whatever you want to say. You are allowed to say that Trump cheats on his taxes and no stupid sufferer of TDS would ever question that because they think that too. They are simply too slow-witted to carry the thought to its logical conclusion and the real crime - Trump owns the IRS. He has bribed them so that they audit him every year just for the sake of appearances (and pays his accountants millions) but they are not allowed to ever charge him with fraud. OK. Trump must have also bribed Congress so they would pass tax laws that benefit him so that he doesn't actually owe taxes anyway. Not sure why he would have to commit fraud if he paid for the great deductions he uses to avoid paying taxes. Logic be damned!!! It doesn't have to make any sense at all. You just have to say Trump lies!!! Trump cheats!!!! and the TDS sufferers all sagely nod their heads. Trump can't even defend himself because they'll charge him with defamation:poop::poop::poop:


Lifelong Learner
Local time
, 17:34
Mar 14, 2017
I have to hand it to Biden, at least he keeps all his illicit monetary gains in the hands of other family members. That's benefit enough, without the risk.

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