On the people of the United States.
If there was ever a moment in history when there is proof that the American Government is controlled by Big Businesses this is it. This should be the rallying cry, we have all been waiting for.
On September 29, 2010 the Senate of the United States voted down a bill to repeal the Offshoring Act. Bill number S:3816 was introduced into the Senate and voted down one day before they were scheduled to leave for the campaign trail. The most important bill thus far in the 21st century was struck down after only one week.
How long are we going to sit by and watch our futures end at the hand of a government that is determined to destroy the American way of life.
Over the course of this thread I hope to show how much “we the people” are being brain washed into acquiescence by the parties that lie, and the media that swears to it.
The Senate had a chance to bring hundreds of thousands of Jobs back to America, and they chose the interest of big Business over that of the people.
So all you republicans that voted for, no gay marriage, no abortion, no tree saving, or any other brain wash issue, I hope you are happy.
And for all you Democrats that sat by and watched as you let the special interest dominate government, I hope you are happy as well. It is time for us to put people in power that are beholden to us, and it’s time we stopped being brainwashed into arguing about the smoke, when the fire is threatening our very livelihood.
Before I’m done, I hope in the process of this discourse, many more will want to throw down the chains of this destructive government; ours has become.When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another… That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government,… Thomas Jefferson
If there was ever a moment in history when there is proof that the American Government is controlled by Big Businesses this is it. This should be the rallying cry, we have all been waiting for.
On September 29, 2010 the Senate of the United States voted down a bill to repeal the Offshoring Act. Bill number S:3816 was introduced into the Senate and voted down one day before they were scheduled to leave for the campaign trail. The most important bill thus far in the 21st century was struck down after only one week.
How long are we going to sit by and watch our futures end at the hand of a government that is determined to destroy the American way of life.
Over the course of this thread I hope to show how much “we the people” are being brain washed into acquiescence by the parties that lie, and the media that swears to it.
The Senate had a chance to bring hundreds of thousands of Jobs back to America, and they chose the interest of big Business over that of the people.
So all you republicans that voted for, no gay marriage, no abortion, no tree saving, or any other brain wash issue, I hope you are happy.
And for all you Democrats that sat by and watched as you let the special interest dominate government, I hope you are happy as well. It is time for us to put people in power that are beholden to us, and it’s time we stopped being brainwashed into arguing about the smoke, when the fire is threatening our very livelihood.
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